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BuyuBuyu Cycle純米吟醸生酛原酒
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100% Hitanishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 14 Marufuku Moyashi" Koji mold produced in Ibaraki One of four brands selected for the Ibaraki Prefecture "Sake Young Sake Brewer Activation Project"✨. It has a fresh taste with a little gasiness with a popping sound when it opens. It doesn't have as much aroma as the fizzy version I had the other day, and the first sip seems sweet, but as you drink it, you can feel the spiciness. I noticed a lot of bubbles in the bowl. It is unusual that the koji used is indicated on the label, and I wondered what "Marufuku-mojiru" was all about. I looked it up and learned that the seed koji is called "bean sprouts" 💡, so it is not made from bean sprouts. I recently got a folding bike, but I'm enjoying it while feeling guilty that I haven't made my debut😅.