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2022年元旦から家呑みを記録しています✏️ 外呑みも記録したいけど色々忘れるので😅 最近は事情により開栓数は減っているし、コメントも得意じゃないですが、皆さんの記録で発見があったり楽しんでいます😆 地元茨城のお酒を応援しているので、まだ飲んだことない方が興味を持ってくれるきっかけにもなれば嬉しいです🙋

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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 14%. It has no color and the aroma is subdued, but the sweetness, acidity, and gassiness give it a taste that is typical for a sake made from pure sake 😋. We are grateful to be able to enjoy the sake pressed on the morning of Risshun again this year ✨. The last of the sake comparison. my favorite of the three ☺️ I'm rooting for the sake from Ibaraki, but Sentori's wall is high and thick...💦.
Good evening Chizu😃. You have done a good drinking comparison 🤗. The wall of Senkou is too high for me 😎.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby ⛄ We get these three types every year and compare them, but the popular breweries really don't let the weather stop them ✨.
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content: 16° to 17° C There is just a hint of color? The aroma is gorgeous 💠The taste is sour and not too sweet, with a strong aroma coming through the nose 💨. I'm thankful to be able to enjoy the sake pressed on the morning of Risshun on the same day ✨. I liked the aroma the best, but I would prefer it to be a little sweeter ➰I think it would be better if it were heated up, so I'll try it later 🙋.
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Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 19%. When poured into a bowl, it's yellow and sweet, but due to the high alcohol content, it's spicy and tingly like whiskey when left on the lips ⚡I like the taste, so I'll get drunk in no time if I drink more... I have to be careful😅. I'm thankful to be able to enjoy the sake pressed on the morning of Risshun again this year on the same day✨ I will compare the 3 types I purchased 😋. ...Later, I heated it up and it became softer. Since the arrival of Mr. Ishikawa, Tsuki no I's sake is very strong and suitable for heating 🍶.
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100% Ibaraki Prefecture short-stalked barge Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 The aroma of this sake is modest when it is fresh from the refrigerator, but it is powerful in the mouth. The taste is sweet, a little spicy, and sour, but there is not much left in the aftertaste other than the aroma, and it is very smooth and delicious ✨. The other day, I listened to President Yamanaka's lecture on how he revived the sake rice "Watafune" (son of Omachi, father of Yamada Nishiki) while tipsy, and he was very good at it 🙋 I learned while drunk that "short culm" is a short-stemmed rice plant👍.
Morishima山田錦 しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Yamadanishiki, 60% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. A clear color, a soft aroma, a bit of acidity and gaseousness, and a freshness that is only available now 💧✨. We decided to have only one glass tonight because my husband came home later than planned and we had a late night dinner, but after a long time, we had plenty of sake as a result 😋.
Good morning, Chizu 😃! Freshly squeezed 💧 tastes great, doesn't it 😋. I'm curious about the size of the glass you drank it out of 😆.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for taking care of the glass lol. It's slimmer than the chilled Machinuka and set in a lacquered Ichigou Masu. It is about the size of 3 gou for two people when poured in a big service with refills 😁.
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100% Hitanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. Yeast used: SYS The aroma when fresh from the refrigerator is subdued but sweet and gorgeous. It is clear and fruity with a little gas and sweetness in the mouth at first, but as you drink it, the aroma becomes spicier and stronger through the nose 😆. I've been drinking less sake lately than I used to, but it was still delicious after all these years, and we emptied a four-pack together, partly because I was able to buy flatfish and sea bass sashimi at the supermarket on my way home from work, where nothing special was going on 😋.
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Polishing ratio 69%, super flat polished rice Alcohol content 15%. Sold by weight A refreshing sake with a cedar aroma and strong acidity. The owner bottled it from a barrel. We had it cold today, but Daishichi is a delicious sake to be heated 🍶. Until last year, we used to warm up the sake in a pot of hot water with a thermometer in hand, but since we started using a sake heater at the end of the year, we will be heating up the rest of the sake in the near future 👍.
Morishima25+ SILVER純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi Rice polishing ratio 40 Alcohol content 15 Bottle warmed over a flame First Class Sake ✈️ When the bottle is opened, it has a gaseous feeling. There is a slight color. The aroma is subdued, but the taste is very robust for a Morishima. Since I was so curious, I compared it with the Morishima 25+ BLACK that I opened last night. The color is almost the same, but the SILVER is sweeter and more fruity with less acidity. I will keep both of them until I feel better 😷. Thank you all for your support this year 🎍.
Morishima25+ BLACK純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi Polishing ratio 45 Alcohol content 15 Bottle heating When the bottle is opened, it has a gaseous feeling. It has a strong acidity and a refreshing aroma and taste with a hint of sweetness. The new product, "Morishima 25+," is named after the brewery's toji, who has been the brewer for 25 years. The next step after "Morishima This BLACK is the first product and the second is SILVER. I bought it in the fall and decided to drink it during the year-end and New Year holidays, and I really couldn't wait for it 😆. But I got a cold and my nose didn't stop running... but I could taste and smell it anyway👍.
MakihataRAIMEI 扁平精米×マイクロバブル洗米生酒無濾過
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100% Uonuma Ipponshime Alcohol content 16%. It is a refreshing sake with a strong acidity and a tangy, gaseous feeling on the tongue. It is a junmai type sake, but the rice polishing ratio is undisclosed. I wonder if it is difficult to correctly indicate the ratio if the rice is flat polished. Microbubble rinsing seems to be gentle on the skin, so it must be good for the rice as well 😆.
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100% produced in Yamagata Prefecture Polishing ratio 45 Alcohol content 16%. Sake meter degree -2, Acidity 1.5 1801 yeast, Yamagata yeast NF-KA It has a gassy, sweet and fruity aroma and taste. This new sake celebrates a good harvest and the bountiful harvest of sake. The label is both congratulatory and gratifying 🎉. Husband seems to have a strong impression of sweetness before he drank it until now, and he doesn't really like it, but I don't mind the sweetness and enjoyed it again this year ✨.
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100% Short-stalked boat used Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Almost no color. Like a tangy gas on the tip of the tongue. Sweet and fruity with just a hint of sourness. The rice polishing ratio and other details are almost undisclosed, but it is registered as Jungin. It is produced in April and shipped in October. The year 2022 on the label is the year of the rice harvest. The terroir is shipped once a year from the short-stalked boat. It is definitely delicious every year and is one of my husband's favorite local sakes, and I am glad we were able to purchase it again this year despite its recent increase in popularity✨.
Fuji Taikan新酒しぼりたて生純米原酒生酒
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100% Yamadanishiki, 65% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. Slightly colored. The aroma from the vessel is subdued but sweet, and when you take a sip, it is gaseous and fresh. It has a strong sense of passing through the nose, which is typical of junmai sake. Unlike the familiar chic label, I was a little surprised by the pink sparkles ✨ 😉. I've always been a fan of Morishima sake lately, but Fuji Taikan is also a delicious sake. I personally think it has a stronger flavor than Morishima.
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Alcoholic content 15 degrees Celsius Slightly pale in color. It has a nice aroma and is a refreshing sake with a moderate sweetness and acidity. Although the specifications are undisclosed except for the junmai type and alcohol content, I'll register it as junmai ginjo based on the impression I received. Even though the specs are unknown, I bought it because it's Tenpoichi and the label is too nice 😆 I was worried it might not be twisted since it was opened in August production, but it was delicious ✨. My husband, who doesn't like cloudy or sweet sake, seemed to like it and sipped more than usual👍.
Morishima美山錦 瓶燗火入純米原酒
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Miyamanishiki 100%, Polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 15%. A clear sake with a moderate aroma. It has a moderate acidity and a slightly gaseous taste. This white-labeled Miyamanishiki is the only Junmai sake from Morishima. Nama-shu and hi-ire sake have the same label, and junmai ginjo, which is also Miyamanishiki, has a gold label. At this time of the year, we look forward to the gold-labeled Shiboritate, but unfortunately, due to the poor Miyamanishiki harvest, it is not available this year 😢.
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Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 degrees There seems to be just a little bit of color. Soft aroma from the bowl, sweetness and sourness. I was worried that it might be twisted but it was fine 😅. I had an image that Taiheikai had a strong aroma and flavor, but this sake was crisp. Or rather, I feel that this was the case for all sake produced in the summer this year. I wonder if it is because the summer heat lasted for a long period of time or something?
Morishima美山錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. The aroma is subdued and clear. It has a fruity sweetness with a little gas left in it and can be enjoyed as an in-dinner drink with no worries 😆. For some time now, we have heard that the Miyamanishiki harvest has been so low that many breweries have decided not to make this sake, or have given up brewing. Normally, this gold-labeled Miyamanishiki "Shiboritate" would be available, but it may be difficult this year...
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Alcohol content 20 Ice cold storage Slightly colored and aroma is not good. Sourness and sweetness are strong. It is a little tangy on the tip of the tongue. I usually warm it up in a pot with a thermometer in my hand, but today I'd rather have it this way 😅. A gift from an acquaintance who doesn't drink much sake. I think he cared for me because he and his wife drink sake. But I'm sorry to say that I had low expectations from the moment they gave it to me because I was told it was a draft sake and stored at room temperature 🙏 but it was an experience 🆙 because I got to drink a sake that I wouldn't have bought myself ✨.
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50% polished rice Alcohol content 16%. The aroma from the cup is subdued. When you take a sip, it is fruity with a sour taste and the aroma is strong through the nose. When you swallow it, the flavor disappears from your mouth. After agonizing over what to drink on Sake Day, I decided on this one, which spent a long summer in the back of the fridge waiting for its turn to appear. I'm happy to toast to another year of delicious sake✨. I hope one day Ibaraki's sake will be as famous as "NEXT5" 😆.
MorishimaNo.14 雄町 瓶燗火入純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15%. No. 14 yeast When the bottle is opened, it has a soft and gentle aroma. There is also a slight tangy gasiness. Morishima's 14 yeast is a limited edition ✨I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't recorded it in Sake-no-Wawa, but this was the first time it was fire-aged, although it is usually a draft sake. Somehow, I'm happy with it, not only because it's easy to drink, but also because it seems a little stronger 😆.