SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
2022年元旦から家呑みを記録しています✏️ 外呑みも記録したいけど色々忘れるので😅 最近は事情により開栓数は減っているし、コメントも得意じゃないですが、皆さんの記録で発見があったり楽しんでいます😆 地元茨城のお酒を応援しているので、まだ飲んだことない方が興味を持ってくれるきっかけにもなれば嬉しいです🙋

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Morishima美山錦 しぼりたて純米吟醸原酒生酒
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. When the bottle is opened, there is a high sound. The aroma is subdued. When you take a sip, an apple-like aroma escapes your nose and makes you tingle. It is fresh with acidity. This is the first bottle of Miyamanishiki Shiboritate of Morishima's new sake year. Since it was this sake opened at the end of the year that I recorded at New Year's this year, this completes the total of 11 Morishima bottles that I have opened. Glad I didn't miss a beat!
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100% Short-stalked boat, Polishing ratio undisclosed Alcohol content 15 degrees When the cork is opened, there is a nice popping sound. The aroma is gorgeous, and when you take a sip with high expectations, you will be surprised to find that the flavor is unmistakably delicious. It has a strong acidity and sweetness, and I never get tired of drinking it, but it's a waste, so I'm going to keep some for myself. I have been trying not to keep a record of the same brand, but I drank this terroir on New Year's Day this year, soon after I started "Sake-no-wa". Almost a year has passed.... It is labeled 2021, but I wondered if I should tag it as "hiyaoroshi" since it was made in April this year and released in October (^^)
Hyakujuro赤面 大辛口純米
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Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 15 degrees There seems to be just a little bit of color. The aroma is subdued but kind of sweet. When you drink it, it has a sourness, so much so that you can feel a tingling that is not gas, this is indeed a very dry sake. It's been a long time since I've had Hyakujuro. The kumatori label has a strong impact, and the color and background design differs depending on the brewing, so I wanted to collect them and bought them whenever I found them. The simplicity of this akazuri label is as cool as ever!
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Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 The color is beautifully clear and colorless. Perhaps because it was just taken out of the refrigerator, the aroma is almost imperceptible. However, when you take a sip, the aroma escapes through the nose, and the taste is sweet and delicious at first, and then becomes sharp and spicy later. The label gave the impression of deep autumn and mellow, but it tasted more like fresh melon or cucumber. I had the room well warmed, so I enjoyed it cold.
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100% Hitogochiki grown in Tochigi Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 17 Sake degree +7.5, Acidity 1.5 The aroma is sweet and powdery. There is a slight color, and although it is a pure sake, it tastes light and light, and the alcohol content is quite high. (And this is what I thought when I opened the bottle a few days ago.) It says to drink it "cold," but when I heated it up, the aroma and taste became more acidic and spicy. In my opinion, I like the aroma better cold, but the taste is better warmed up.
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Super limited aged sake Alcohol content 19%. As it is a regular sake, the rice polishing ratio is not stated. The color is only slightly discernible in a white vessel, and the aroma is mild. Taking a sip, it is surprisingly sweet and does not seem to have a high alcohol content. This is the first sake I have had as a gift. I don't usually drink alcohol-sweetened sake, but since it was numbered, I was looking forward to opening the bottle. It was a little sweet for me, so I warmed it up halfway through and the impression of spiciness became stronger.
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100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16%. There is a slight color. The aroma is mild and sweet on the palate, but it is dry and light. As you drink it and the temperature rises, the taste and aroma become more robust. I will keep some of this and warm it up at a later date. This is probably the first time I have had this sake. The Miroku series is shipped in accordance with the four seasons. I would like to try other seasonal sakes as well.
I heated it up tonight! The aroma is much better, and the sweetness or umami is stronger while remaining refreshing, so it was the right choice.
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Rice polishing ratio 58 Alcohol content 15%. It has a slight color, a gaseous and fruity taste. To be honest, I had avoided drinking it because of the image of a rather strong sake, but it was recommended by a liquor store that knew my taste, and when I heard that Takeyu had taken care of the remaining sake from the Yuki Brewery, which had burned down in May, I was impressed by the fact that they were both local rival breweries. I was also impressed by the fact that Takeyu had immediately decided on a place to store their sake, despite the fact that they were both local rival breweries!
Kuroushi瓶燗急冷 限定出荷純米原酒ひやおろし中取り
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100% Yamada-Nishiki Polishing ratio 60% (Kakemai, Hashimemai 50%) Alcohol content: 18° to 19 Sake degree +6.0 Acidity 1.8 Amino acidity 1.1 Yeast used: Kyokai No. 9 series It has a little color and a strong aroma and flavor. It is so spicy and powerful that it makes your tongue tingle. Tonight we had a lot of strong flavored food, so the light sake would have been outclassed, so it was perfect! I drank it all, but because of the high alcohol content, I was quite dizzy. Even though it was a weekday.
Morishima美山錦 瓶燗火入純米
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100% Miyamanishiki, 65% polished rice ratio Alcohol content 15%. The aroma is moderate. It has a moderate acidity and a junmai-like flavor, and because it is not heavy, it is easy to drink like a junmai ginjo. Even though tonight was Monday, we had a lot of it. Fuji Taikan is also delicious, but recently it has been getting a lot of attention among brands from Ibaraki Prefecture, and since it is close to my parents' house, I tend to hijack it. There are no shipments in October, so I finally caught up after a month's delay ((sweat)).
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100% Hitogochi grown in Tochigi Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15%. The aroma is moderate, and the color of the Hiragana label and the atmosphere on the palate suggest sweetness, but after drinking it, it is quite dry and refreshing. It can be served with both sashimi and simmered dishes without disturbing them, making it a good sake for a meal. I had never thought of a sharp and refreshing sake like this before. I had no idea what a "sharp and clean" sake was, but now I know for sure that this is what it is! I could clearly see it in my mouth.
旭興初秋の純米吟醸 瓶燗氷温貯蔵純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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Yamadanishiki, Yumesasara, Gohyakumangoku, Tochigi Sake 14, Omachi Polishing ratio: 30% to 55 Alcohol content 16%. Sake meter degree -1, Acidity 1.8 Yeast: Association 1401, Association 1801 The aroma is mild and the taste is mildly sweet, but it is quite spicy as you drink it. There are five kinds of rice used! The same rice is used in different milling ratios and in different proportions...the back label is a bit of a surprise (lol)!
Takachiyo秋あがり 限定品純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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100% Ipponshime produced in Uonuma, rice polishing ratio 48 Gorgeous aroma, even fresh from the refrigerator. It has a slight color and gasiness. The sweet, umami juicy flavor perfectly matches the aroma. It was very tasty for me, but it was a little sweet for my husband. It is "Aki-agari" even though it was produced in August. Recently, all breweries are shipping their products early. I feel that the season of sake is getting earlier and earlier every year.
Yamamotoサンセットオレンジ 火入れ純米吟醸
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100% Miyamanishiki from Akita Prefecture, 55% polished rice Alcohol content 15%. No.6 yeast The aroma is subdued yet gorgeous. It has a strong umami flavor, but the light acidity and sweetness make it easy to continue drinking. It is a fire-aged version of the raw sake produced in December last year and drunk in January. The bottle was finally opened today. (Manufactured in June). Is the nama sake also 100% Miyamanishiki? I checked and found that there was 2% Akita Komachi in the mix. I honestly can't tell the difference, but it has no gasiness and the image of orange is not so strong, but if you have ever had Yamamoto, you will agree that it is delicious.
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100% Misato Nishiki produced in Akita Prefecture Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. It has a slight color and mild aroma. It is fruity with a hint of acidity and sweetness. Misato Nishiki is a cross between Yamadanishiki and Miyamanishiki, and not many farmers produce it. After the cold weather of the last few days, today is a little warmer, so we have a chance! So we finally opened a bottle of June sake. It tasted like summer that has passed... Yamamoto will have to open a bottle of fire-brewed Sunset Orange in the near future~ (sweat)
Takachiyo扁平精米 辛口無調整生原酒 秋あがり 限定品純米原酒生酒ひやおろし
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100% Miyamanishiki, 65% polished rice Alcohol content 18%! Niigata G9 yeast The yellow color is a bit dark and gaseous. The aroma is subdued, and although it has acidity, it has a strong sweetness, contrary to the dry label due to its umami. The temperature suddenly dropped this afternoon, so I decided to have the first (probably) autumn harvest of the year, although I still have some summer sake in the fridge. I enjoyed it cold, but it was a junmai sake with a high alcohol content and it was cold, so I heated it up and found that the acidity increased and it felt a bit chilly in my mouth... This sake is definitely better cold! So we went back to cold sake to finish.
Iyokagiya日本酒の日記念酒 別囲い限定熟成純米吟醸
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100% Matsuyama Mitsui produced in Ehime Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 17.5 The aroma is gorgeous and fills the mouth. It also has a delicious taste of rice and is a little tangy on the tip of the tongue. October 1 is Sake Day! Today is one of the anniversaries that we cherish every year as a couple. So, this sake, when I first started drinking it, I was more impressed by the aroma than the taste, but as I continued drinking it, the strength of the flavor became more pronounced, and I felt it was solid and intense. Maybe it is because the alcohol content is a little high?
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Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 It has a little color and a strong aroma. It was a very spicy sake, although I felt some sweetness as soon as I put it in my mouth. It was a gift from a person who does not drink sake on a daily basis, and since it was my first sake, I was honestly quite nervous to taste it, but I was relieved to find that it was delicious. It was a little chilly today, so I drank it cold at first, but later I tried heating it up and the aroma became more gentle, which I like better. I prefer it this way, though the spiciness is still strong.
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Rice polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 16%. There is a lot of lees at the bottom of the bottle. When the top clear liquid is drunk first, the aroma and sweetness are moderate and there is sourness. When it is mixed next, the rice malt remains at the top of the bottle and the taste softens a little, but there is no sweetness, and the aroma leaves the nose strongly. It tasted a little bit sweet, but not sweet. When I heated it up, it had the same aroma but softer. My husband loves sake even more than I do, but he doesn't like amazake, neither sakekasu nor rice malt, and he doesn't like nigori sake, nor even orikomi, but he said this heated sake was delicious and drank it without any plans.
Morishima美山錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. The aroma is subdued and the color is clear and colorless. The first sip has a fruity flavor reminiscent of melon. It is sweeter than the last hi-yeased Hitanishiki and has a slight gaseous taste. When I started Sake-no-wa, my goal was to upload Morishima in the month of production since it is shipped every month, but this Miyamanishiki Hi-ire was also produced in August, but like last month, it was delayed to be opened the following month. Since it is also a brand that I buy in 1-sho bottles without hesitation, once the opening is delayed, it is difficult to get back to the original schedule.