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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Morishimaひたち錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸原酒
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100% Hitanishiki, Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. Clear and colorless, with a soft and gentle aroma. The drinkability common to Morishima and the slightly pungent, refreshing feel typical of the hard rice of Hitachi-Nishiki ✨. It was perfect for the late summer heat when you want a clear summer sake that is well chilled 👍.
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Rice polishing ratio 48 Alcohol content 16%. As soon as the bottle is opened, the sweet aroma comes out softly. When poured into a vessel, it is a little cloudy, which makes you think that it contains fruit juice. It tastes thick, sweet, juicy, and gassy. The liquor store I usually go to has a hard time getting Hiragana "Takachiyo" and I was envious of your post, but during my summer vacation I went a little far and bought the only bottle left at a well-stocked liquor store I had been to once before 😁. It tasted just like the label said it would 🍍 ripe pineapple 😆.
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Organic rice produced in Ibaraki, Polishing ratio 6(%) Alcohol content 16%. One of the four brands selected for the Ibaraki Prefecture "Sake Young Sake Brewer Activation Project" ✨. Sparkling by Ishikawa Toji. When I peeled off the outer packaging, there was plenty of slightly grayish colored ooze at the bottom of the bottle. It got a little mixed up, but when I first tried the top clear liquid, I was surprised at how powerful the aroma, bubbles, and taste all were, and how different it was from the sparkling sake I've had in the past, with no sweetness. When I turned the bottle upside down and muddled it, I thought it was easy to drink because of the coarse koji mixture, but it didn't suit my husband who doesn't like amazake. With a capacity of 500 ml, it is the highest priced in the project. I was told by the liquor store that it is a good sparkling wine even after the carbonation is gone, so I will keep half and enjoy it at a later date 😆.
Ippinイバフォレ スギ純米
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Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 14%. One of the four brands selected for the Ibaraki Prefecture "Sake Young Sake Breweries Revitalization Project" ✨. This is the "Sugi" version of "Ibafore", which you can taste your favorite keg-style sake by adding "Sugi" or "Hinoki" sticks. I bought a 300ml bottle of this one, so I decided to add a stick without tasting it, assuming that the sake would be the same as the "Hinoki". 1 day, the aroma was slightly woody with a strong sour impression, 3 days, the aroma was stronger and more refreshing, and on the 6th day, a slight astringency seemed to have been added. It tastes completely different from "Hinoki", maybe not only the stick but also the sake was different? It makes me think😅.
BuyuBuyu Cycle純米吟醸生酛原酒
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100% Hitanishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 14 Marufuku Moyashi" Koji mold produced in Ibaraki One of four brands selected for the Ibaraki Prefecture "Sake Young Sake Brewer Activation Project"✨. It has a fresh taste with a little gasiness with a popping sound when it opens. It doesn't have as much aroma as the fizzy version I had the other day, and the first sip seems sweet, but as you drink it, you can feel the spiciness. I noticed a lot of bubbles in the bowl. It is unusual that the koji used is indicated on the label, and I wondered what "Marufuku-mojiru" was all about. I looked it up and learned that the seed koji is called "bean sprouts" 💡, so it is not made from bean sprouts. I recently got a folding bike, but I'm enjoying it while feeling guilty that I haven't made my debut😅.
BuyuBuyu Cycle Sparkling純米吟醸生酛原酒にごり酒発泡
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100% Hitanishiki produced in Ibaraki Prefecture Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 14 Marufuku Moyashi" Koji mold produced in Ibaraki One of four brands selected for Ibaraki Prefecture's "Sake Young Sake Brewer Revitalization Project"✨. Takeyuki's Bicyce🚲 Foam version I poured it gently at first because I saw some oriki at the bottom of the bottle, but since it is a sparkling sake, the oriki floated as soon as I opened the bottle 😅It made a pitter-patter sound when I poured it into a bowl, and when I put it in my mouth, it was sweet and shwashy, but I also felt spiciness right away. After drinking it for a while, I slowly turned the bottle upside down and mixed the oriki and drank it, it became even more cloudy white and the sweetness and koji aroma became stronger 😆. When I go back home for summer vacation, my nephew and niece can drink this next to me while I'm drinking calpis and they won't even notice 😁.
Ippinイバフォレ ヒノキ純米
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Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 14%. One of the four brands selected for Ibaraki Prefecture's "Sake Young Sake Breweries Revitalization Project. This is the "Hinoki" version of "Ibafore," a sake made with either "Sugi" (Japanese cedar) or "Hinoki" (Japanese cypress) sticks, allowing you to enjoy your favorite barrel-style sake. Tasting the opened bottle, the taste is clear with no peculiarities. On the first day after putting the stick in, it smelled like drinking from a Masu, and on the third day, I took the stick out, feeling that it was completely barrel sake. I wish I could have tried it for a few more days 😁, although my husband is not a big fan of wood-scented sake, so that's not an option.
Morishima雄町 瓶燗火入純米大吟醸原酒
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio ... 50%. Alcohol content: 15%. It is clear and colorless, with a moderate aroma. It has a gaseous taste even though it is hi-ire, and it has sweetness and acidity while being crisp due to the cold temperatures, so it is easy to drink while eating 😆. The first time I went out for a drink last month, I went to a restaurant that had Morishima and the picture on the menu was a silver lapel (it was a little early for this Omachi Hi-Katsuki to be available, and the draft sake was six months old), so I asked the waiter about the label color when I ordered. I asked the waiter, "Are you related to a sake shop or something like that?
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100% Miyamanishiki produced in Hitachiota Polishing ratio 55 15% alcohol by volume One of the four brands selected for the Ibaraki Prefecture "Sake Young Sake Brewer Revitalization Project" ✨. Now that we've taken pictures of all four brands, we can finally open the bottle 😆. This one is made from sake rice and rice malt produced in Hitachiota, where the brewery is located, and the finished sake is said to have been submerged in the local tourist spot, Ryujin Gorge🐲. It is clear in color and sweet in the mouth at first, but as you swallow it, the aroma escapes your nose and it is a strong sake with a spicy taste. The content is only 300ml. Not enough for two people😅.
Morishima山田錦 瓶燗火入純米吟醸原酒
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100% Yamada-Nishiki used Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15%. The color is clear and there is little aroma. At the beginning, it has a gaseous sweetness even though it is hi-ire, and as you continue drinking, bubbles and a little spiciness and acidity appear in the vessel. We will start drinking the fire-roasted version here again this year! But this one was made in May, so I'm much later to taste it compared to last year😅. Due to family reasons, I'm drinking less, but so far I've been able to enjoy Morishima every month without fail 😆.
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100% Miyamanishiki produced in Nagano Prefecture Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content: 15° to 16° C Acidity 1.4 Sake meter degree +3 It has a clear, acidic and refreshing taste. There seems to be a bit of bitterness or other miscellaneous flavors that were not there before, but I wonder if the brewing process has been changed. This is the fifth year for this summer sake, which is sold exclusively at our favorite (lol) liquor store. Every year there is a number somewhere on the label indicating what year it is, but this year it was too obvious😅.
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Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15 Utsukushima dream yeast The aroma is subdued and the color is clear and colorless. The moderate acidity makes it fruity and easy to drink. It has been a favorite brand of Romain for a long time. I have not missed out on Nanaroman in recent years. Just looking at the cool, sparkling light blue label, I can't help but feel excited that it's that time of year again! and I get excited: ☺️ Unfortunately, this year's version doesn't have the same great rummy taste of a few years ago, but it's still a consistently tasty sake without a doubt✨. Personally, I like Nanaroman served cold 🐧.
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
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Additive-free yeast Koji rice 58%. Kake rice 65 Alcohol content 15%. A sip when the bottle is opened. The bottle is transparent, but you can see that it has some alcohol. The first sip is fruity with a gassy, slightly sweet taste. As you continue drinking, it becomes thicker and more powerful, and there are many small bubbles in the vessel. You probably can't read the brand name of this sake if you've never had it before 😁This is a sake called "Chichin Puipui" ✨.
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Alcohol content 14 degrees Celsius. The rice polishing ratio is not indicated, so it is called Junmai-shu for now. It is made by brewers who all wear glasses. It has no color and a sweet aroma. It has a sweet aroma, a bit of gasiness, sweetness, and acidity, and is very fruity. I don't wear glasses or contact lenses, but my husband is a good (?) glasses wearer. I didn't have glasses, but my husband is a very short-sighted person who needs to go to a glasses shop to get lenses that are compatible with his glasses, so I wanted to give him this sake as a gift. The description at the liquor store suggested a rather acidic taste, but it was just right for me 👍I really liked the taste 😆.
MorishimaNo.14 雄町純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15%. No. 14 yeast There was a buzzing sound when the bottle was opened and the aroma stood out even though it had just come out of the refrigerator. It has no color and is juicy with sweetness and acidity. It has a strong aroma among Morishima wines. When I went to buy Morishima as a GW souvenir, I didn't realize it had been shipped until the owner told me 😅It is a limited edition sake, so I am very grateful to have it again this year 😆.
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100% Miyamanishiki, Polishing ratio 65 Alcohol content 15%. When the bottle is opened, the aroma is like melon. In the mouth, it is fresh with a gaseous feeling! As you drink it, you may feel a little spiciness on your tongue. You may think it's just easy to drink, but it also has the flavor and strength of a solid junmai sake 💪I noticed a lot of small bubbles in the bowl✨.
Chizu Hello ^ ^ ^ You drink a lot of Morishima✨ I popped this sake for my first Morishima: ✌️
Good evening, Manta-san 🌛. It is one of the darkest flavors of Morishima 😋. I hope you enjoy it 😆.
Glorious Mt.Fujiマグマ 原始乃胎動純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Akaban Omachi, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16.9 Yamagata yeast Sake meter degree +1.0 Acidity 1.7 Amino acidity 1.1 A good aroma as soon as the bottle was opened. (The husband next to me said, "This is the aroma of Omachi! (The husband next to me said, "This is the aroma of Omachi!" with a smug look on his face.) The color is clear. In the mouth, it is sweet and fruity, with plenty of gas. And it leaves the nose strongly. I love Eiko Fuji, but the liquor store where I used to buy it before I started Sake-no-Wawa closed and I haven't been able to drink it for several years. Due to circumstances I couldn't go far, but I brought home a lot of other sake, so I'm happy 😆. Also, I wouldn't have noticed that Eiko Fuji had released all the specs if I hadn't started Sake-no-wa😅.
Musubi Yui雄町「まさお」 来福酒造製造純米吟醸生酒
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100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16%. This is a comparison of "Michio" made by Michiko Urasato, the toji at Sanzen Sakura Shuzo in Hokkaido, and "Masao" made by Masaaki Urasato, the president at Raifuku Shuzo in Ibaraki, using the same sake rice, yeast, and koji. The "Masao" was the next to be served. When the bottle is opened, it makes a pshushh~ sound, and the color is about the same as "Michio. It tastes sweet and fresh with a firm gaseous taste and aroma. The brewery is different, but the ingredients are the same, and it is surprising how different the taste is depending on the water and climate. My personal favorite was "Masao. The fact that President Masaaki brewed "Yui Yui" is also a rarity 😆. Thank you, Raifuku ✨.
Musubi Yui雄町「みちお」 三千櫻酒造製造純米吟醸生酒
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100% Omachi from Okayama Prefecture, Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 16%. This is a comparison of "Michio" made by Michiko Urasato, the toji at Sanzen Sakura Shuzo in Hokkaido, and "Masao" made by Masaaki Urasato, the president at Raifuku Shuzo in Ibaraki, using the same sake rice, yeast, and koji. We started with Michio. It has a little bit of color and a sweet, fresh mouthfeel that is typical of nama-shu with a slight bitterness, making it more refreshing than the previous Yui Yui. Michiko has brewed sake at the Sanzen Sakura Brewery before, but we are impressed that she has released it under the "Yui Yui" brand name ✨. I'm rooting for her rebuilding 🙋.
Morishimaひたち錦 辛口生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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100% Hitanishiki Polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15 When the bottle is opened, it makes a nice sound! It has a nice sound when the bottle is opened. It is full of gas, chattering on the tongue, and acidity. The front and back of the bottle says it is dry, and as it says, "Hitanishiki," Ibaraki Prefecture's sake brewing rice, is often used for spicy sake, and many people may think it is a bit hard to drink, but I think this Morishima will change your image 😉.