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7.5/10 Interesting smell and taste of yogurt. It is more like a soft drink than alcohol to me. Sweet, sour and an after taste like green apple.
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7/10 It tastes better under room temperature than chill. It has almost no aroma. It is full body with umami and slight sourness before swallowing, spicy when swallowing and followed by a smooth after taste. It goes well with food with sauce.
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7.5/10 Very pleasure and gentle aroma. Remarkable spicy taste when swallowing, followed by smooth after taste. Easy drinking and go well with food.
Yokoyama純米吟醸 SILVER 超辛7
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8/10 Sweet when swallowing, followed by a slight mineral, kelp-like salty taste, together with the spicy taste. Very smooth, pleasant after-taste.
AramasaColors Cosmos 秋桜 2022
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7.5/10 A bit different from the traditional aramasa. Although it still has aramasa’s signature lactic acid taste with fine bubbles, it is quick strong, especially when just opened. It tasted like lime soda. But after opening for a while, the acidic taste get softer and give an elegant, smooth sourness when swallowing, and mild fruity after taste like lychee. It goes really well with food with sauce. Overall it is not as refreshing as other Aramasa’s sake, but tastes good.
Emishiki笑四季劇場 革命前夜
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7/10 きょうかい6号酵母 渡船2号+山田錦 Very light and easy drinking. Although it does not have a very glamorous aroma, it is pleasure with a stable taste of good balance between dry and sweetness. The after taste is mild and good for drinking alone, although it does not go really well with food.
Kazenomori25周年記念 未来予想酒Ⅰ
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8.5/10 This is similar to Alpha 6, but a much better version of Alpha 6. When swallowing, there is a good balance of sourness and sweetness with a sharp dry taste. The after taste is mild and smooth. My pleasure for having the chance to taste this special edition of kazekomori.
Kid純米大吟釀 山田錦
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8/10 A gentle, pleasant fruity aroma of mango. When swallowing, it is spicy with sweetness of apple or pear. But the after taste is smooth with a lovely taste of rice. Very easy drinking and can finish one easily without food.
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9/10 Pleasant, gentle fruity aroma. Refreshing with fine bubble. The best thing is it goes well with fried food, seafood, meal with rich sauce, and most importantly drinking alone without food. Also, it is interesting because when you drink causally, you get a sharp spicy taste, then a good balance of sweetness and sourness, and finally a light after taste. But if you intentionally leave it at the root of the tongue for a while, you will get a remarkable bitterness of grapefruit.
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8/10 Finally had a try on Senkin. The aroma is great, fruity like peach. The taste is a wonderful balance of sweetness, sourness and bitterness, with a little bit of mineral. Very easy drinking. Taste a little bit similar to 鳳凰美田 芳.
Kariho夏純米吟醸 六舟 -Summer Mist
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7/10 Very simple, clean taste with a bit of spicy after taste. Not much aroma and sweetness, but surprisingly easy drinking.
台雲山廃 純米吟醸
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7.5/10 Day 1: Pleasant aroma of apple. Very sour and a bit of spicy after taste. Day 4 : I like it the best. The sourness becomes smoother into elegant taste of lactic acid. The ending is clean with a sharp spicy after taste. Day 5 : very little sourness. The spicy taste is intensified and stay longer since enter my month. In general the balance is good and it is easy drinking. Great when paired with hot food.
Izumibashi秋とんぼ 山田錦 生酛純米酒
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8/10 Pleasant sweetness of Kuri, light and clean after taste. I would like to try it again in Autumn this year in warm water bath (熱燗).