ゆうさんTsukasabotan船中八策純米Tsukasabotan ShuzoKochi1/17/2025, 2:15:50 PM49ゆうさんIt's supposed to be super dry, but it has a perfect flavor, Delicious 😋.Japanese>English
ゆうさん豊祝 奈良うるはし純米吟醸Naratoyosawa ShuzoNara1/13/2025, 12:39:45 PM60ゆうさんMade with Nara rice, Rohafu. All Nara's sake, refreshing type that goes well with any kind of snacks.Japanese>English
ゆうさんHatsukameはつしぼり 生原酒特別純米原酒生酒Hatsukame ShuzoShizuoka1/12/2025, 1:44:11 PM55ゆうさんMelon aroma is nice and fresh. It is a good sake with a distinctive freshness that is unique to raw sake!Japanese>English
ゆうさんHorai奥伝寒造り純米Watanabe ShuzotenGifu1/7/2025, 11:51:14 AM49ゆうさんMellow and fruity aroma. Present from my daughter on New Year's Eve.Japanese>English
ゆうさんSasaiwai笹印 純米無濾過酒純米無濾過Sasaiwai ShuzoNiigata1/1/2025, 8:36:36 AM49ゆうさんDry and mild!Japanese>English
ゆうさんHatsukameからからべっびん純米吟醸Hatsukame ShuzoShizuoka12/25/2024, 2:49:15 PM57ゆうさんClear and dry! I love the taste! Sake that you don't have to choose snacks!Japanese>English
ゆうさんTengumaiおりがらみ純米吟醸生酒Shata ShuzoIshikawa12/25/2024, 2:46:10 PM57ゆうさんThe freshness of the raw sake is outstanding. Firm taste! Delicious!Japanese>English
ゆうさんHakuko黒ラベル純米Morikawa ShuzoHiroshima12/19/2024, 2:44:27 PM52ゆうさんIt's supposed to be dry, but it has a nice flavor and mouthfeel.Japanese>English
ゆうさんKikusui淡麗甘口Kikusui ShuzoNiigata12/16/2024, 12:56:53 PM57ゆうさんLightly sweet ⁉️ I saw this for the first time and bought it instantly! It tastes clean, not salty, just slightly warm! This is good!Japanese>English
ゆうさんYahiko極 神の水仕込普通酒弥彦酒造Niigata12/11/2024, 2:34:25 PM50ゆうさんI drank it because it is the ultimate in ordinary sake, but I think it lacks a little umami. It tastes beautiful. A clear taste.Japanese>English
ゆうさんMutsuhassenHachinohe ShuzoAomori12/11/2024, 2:30:02 PM57ゆうさんIt is a good sake with a good match of flavor and freshness.Japanese>English
ゆうさんShimeharitsuru特別本醸造 雪特別本醸造Miyao ShuzoNiigata11/26/2024, 1:43:15 PM57ゆうさんsake that seems like sake Still, easy to drinkJapanese>English
ゆうさんSuzukagawa純米Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie11/22/2024, 7:52:14 AM51ゆうさんBeautiful taste. There is umami in the cleanness.Japanese>English
ゆうさん本州一千本錦純米生酒中取り無濾過Umeda ShuzojoHiroshima11/18/2024, 8:21:15 AM55ゆうさんIt's clean, fresh and easy to drink.Japanese>English
ゆうさんShichidaひやおろし 全量雄町純米Tenzan ShuzoSaga11/10/2024, 2:36:51 PM58ゆうさんThe flavor of the rice is concentrated and outstandingly delicious!Japanese>English
ゆうさんUrazatoひたち錦純米吟醸Urazato ShuzotenIbaraki11/6/2024, 11:47:52 PM59ゆうさんThe taste is both delicious and refreshing!Japanese>English
ゆうさんTamagawa2023 無濾過生厳守純米山廃原酒生酒無濾過Kinoshita ShuzoKyoto11/3/2024, 12:40:15 PM60ゆうさんExcellent flavor! Probably best when lukewarm! 19% to 20% alcohol by volume. Good balance of umami and acidity. ❗️Japanese>English
ゆうさんKeigetsu超辛口 特別純米酒60う特別純米土佐酒造Kochi10/28/2024, 1:29:09 PM52ゆうさんIt has a good balance of flavor and freshness.Japanese>English