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Preference 85 Color Pale yellow Nose: Fresh, clean, fruity aroma. Taste: I thought it tasted like a pure sake, but it was unfiltered. It has a fruity, citrusy flavor. Overall impression: Expensive for a paper-packaged sake, but considering the specs, I think it's undervalued.
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Taste 80%. Color Clear and colorless. Aroma Fruity, but the aroma is weak and not very enjoyable. Taste: The taste is weak, as is the aroma. Overall impression: I used to drink Junmai sake when it was sold here because of its good cost performance. This is the first time I have tried Junmai Daiginjo, and it did not meet my expectations.
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Taste 80%. Color Clear and colorless. Aroma Fruity, but the aroma is weak and not very enjoyable. Taste: The taste is weak, as is the aroma. Overall impression: I used to drink Junmai sake when it was sold here because of its good cost performance. This is the first time I have tried Junmai Daiginjo, and it did not meet my expectations.
帝松THE SAITAMA純米原酒生貯蔵酒無濾過
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Preferred 80%. Color Slightly orange-yellow, hard to tell because of its thinness. Aroma Taste Overall impression: Mistaking it for a draft sake, it was lighter on the palate than expected.
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Preference 75%. Color Slightly yellow. Aroma Taste General Comment: Unfiltered unpasteurized sake is my favorite genre. This is a local sake whose taste is blurred every year. To be honest, I was disappointed that it was not to my liking this year.
Oosakazuki純米吟醸 新米新酒純米吟醸
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Preferred 85%. Color A yellow color that feels a little less transparent. After a little while after pouring, small bubbles appear on the inside of the glass. Nose Fruity but still unripe. Taste: Slightly sour and sweet, with a hint of bitterness afterwards. Like grapefruit. Overall impression: I have had a similar white wine before. It looks similar, so if you are not a sake or wine drinker, you might mistake it for a white wine.
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり 元祖 生原酒原酒生酒
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Preference 90 Color: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yellow Nose: Sweet and mellow. It is also rich when passing through the nose. Taste: After the sweetness on the palate, the spiciness comes out more and more, changing to a balanced state. Overall impression: The taste, aroma, and alcohol are so strong that you will get bored if you keep drinking only the sake. However, it goes well with a wide range of dishes, so there is no need to worry about serving it with food. I fell in love with nama sake after drinking this one.
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり 限定 大吟醸生原酒大吟醸原酒生酒
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Taste 80 Color Clear and colorless Aroma: Sweet, with a thin, molasses-like aroma. Taste: Sweet at first, but soon the spiciness from the 19% alcohol content spreads to the palate. After the spiciness subsides, the umami flavor remains, but the daiginjo-ness seems to be lost in the raw sake. Overall impression: I was attracted by the limited edition, so I bought it, but I prefer the original nama-genjo-shu that is usually sold.
愛山-Red Diamond純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Preference 90 Color Slightly yellow Nose: Slightly sweet, like ripe white grapes. Taste: As the aroma suggests, it has a refreshing sweet taste. The alcohol content is moderate at 15% for an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake, and although the punch is weak, it is easy to drink. Overall impression: Since this is a Junmai Daiginjo, the fermentation process was kept to a minimum, perhaps on purpose? The sound of gas is heard every time the bottle is opened, but you can hardly feel the slight carbonation when you drink it.
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好み 70% 色 乳白色。 香り スッキリとしたお米の甘い香り。 味 アルコール度数が19度と高めで、お米の甘さとアルコールの辛さが同時にくる感じ。好みの問題だけど、そこが調和してるのではなく喧嘩してる様に感じた。 総評 限定に惹かれて買ってしまった。良いお酒だど思うけど、好みではなかったのが残念。
Hoka新酒初しぼり 純米 無濾過生原酒 おりがらみ 生一本純米原酒生酒生一本無濾過おりがらみ
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Preference 90%. Color: A light yellow. You can't tell it's a bit of a "orizumi" unless you look at the label. Nose: Lightly sweet at first. In the mouth, it has a fruity aroma with a hint of rice. It is a very nice aroma. Taste: It has a taste that I like, but I think it is a little weak for an unfiltered unpasteurized sake. The taste must have changed since it has been raw for 4 months. Overall impression: I like Toshimaya's sake in general, so I can buy it with confidence.
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Preference 90 Color Almost colorless and transparent Aroma: Slightly sweet aroma. The aroma is clear and harmonizes with the taste when it passes through the nose after drinking. Taste: Elegant taste. The sweetness and umami of the rice are brought out clearly. Overall impression This is one of the sake that made me fall in love with sake. It is undoubtedly delicious, but I think it tasted better in the past. I guess my taste buds have become more discerning,
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 75 Color Pale yellow Nose: A little bit of a tangy taste with the gorgeousness typical of daiginjos. Taste: As the aroma suggests, it has a slightly cloying taste. The sweet aftertaste is also a bit harsh. Overall impression: A bottle of Junmai Daiginjo costs about 2,000 yen, so I think it is a good quality for the price.
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 60 Color: Almost colorless and transparent Aroma: It has a very honjozo taste. Taste: As the aroma suggests, the taste is mellow and gradually sweetens. The sweetness is slightly heavy. Temperature 45°C (room temperature) Preference 65 Nose For some reason, it has a slightly oaky aroma, but it is not perceived as an in-mouth aroma. Taste The sweetness is more pronounced, leaving a sweet taste in the mouth.
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 90 Color Clear and colorless Aroma: Clear aroma like Daiginjo. Fruity and softly sweet. Taste: Slightly sweeter than expected from the aroma. It has the freshness of nama-shu, but it is a little weak. Overall impression: Toyo Bijin is my favorite no matter what I drink.
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 80 Color Yellow Nose: Sweet and full-bodied, as if molasses were watered down. The aroma becomes a little stronger in the mouth, but there is almost no scent of kijoshu. Taste: The inherent sweetness of ripe fruit is combined with acidity, making it unexpectedly refreshing. Overall impression: I do not like kujo-shu very much, but this one was quite good. It is not good not to drink it.
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 75 Color Clear and colorless Aroma: Fruity at first, but after drinking, it leaves a slightly heavy, laid-back feeling when it leaves the nose. Taste: Slightly sweet, leaving a sour taste in the mouth. Overall impression: I am curious about the origin of the second ingredient.
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 70% (at room temperature) Color Clear and colorless Aroma: Fruity when enjoyed through the nose only. Mature aroma from the mouth to the residual aroma. Taste: At first, the taste is refreshing and fruity. Gradually the aroma prevails and the taste becomes lighter. Overall impression: A little disappointing. Well, maybe I just don't like it.
Masaaki Sapporo
Nice to meet you, Mr. Lick of Liquor, and congratulations on your 100 check-ins 🎉Cautionary open bottle tags, sometimes dangerous and scary: ⚠️
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 80 Color Almost colorless and transparent Nose: Brilliant and fruity. Taste: Tasty, but the aftertaste is heavy and leaves a slightly bitter sweetness. Overall impression: Not bad, but not to my taste. It says "Junmai Daiginjo," but I didn't feel that much of a Daiginjo flavor.
Dassai磨き三割九分 寒造早槽純米大吟醸生酒
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Temperature 5°C (room temperature) Taste 90 Color Almost colorless and transparent Aroma: Fruity aroma typical of Otters, with a hint of freshness. The freshness of the freshness of the aroma is not too strong. Perhaps because of this, the lingering aroma seems stronger than it is. Taste: The slightly carbonated taste of the raw sake makes it a little spicy on the palate, but it gradually gives way to a refreshing sweetness that is typical of Otters. Overall impression: I drank it within 3 days of opening the bottle, but on the third day, the microcarbonation was completely gone and the taste was tart. It is a waste if you don't finish it on the same day after opening the bottle.