Nigori Ekiden, section 7.
I think I bought it for 1,400 or 1,600 yen... Last year I bought a pink-colored 8% sake called "Momoiro Nigori", but this year I bought a normal 15% active nigori. While the Momoiro Nigori was quite light and aimed at sake beginners and young people, I was looking forward to seeing how this one would taste!
When I opened it, bubbles rushed in from below, so much so that I thought it was going to blow up. It is so active that it is automatically stirred, which is easy lol.
Maybe my nose was stuffed up but the scent is pretty faint....not botanical and smells like grains and grass lol.
When you include it, you feel a slight sweetness for a moment, but then it quickly transforms into a food wine with the delicious taste of rice and a guttural bitterness that makes you crave a meal. It's like a person who has a friendly atmosphere but the moment you talk to him, you can tell he is a very solid person.... LOL!
It would go well with a bowl of rice topped with pickles, grilled fish with a strong flavor, omelette with minced meat and cheese, spare ribs with a meaty flavor, or a bowl of rice topped with beef or pork.
It is a locally distributed product by a well-known brewer of the Igarashi brand, but it is a great runner-up for the sectional award. Let's drink it again next year!
Tenranzan from Nocchi: ⛰️
I've been wanting to try Igarashi, and I knew Tenranzan existed, but it's the same brewery ‼️ I'm glad it's my first time 😁.
And I'm also happy because it's my first time to try Risshun Asa Shibori 😆.
We also got a lot of popular processed meats from Saitama Prefecture and even some local beer from a collaboration with the restaurant ❗
Thank you so much, Nochi-san 🙇!
It's so fresh and crispy 🎵It's so easy to eat 😋 It's the kind of thing you lose without even realizing it!
The local beer is also great with the sausage 🎵.
The rest of this post will be related to Nocchi-san 😁.
This year's Risshun morning squeeze. This one is delicious! It is easy to drink because of the sweetness and the shwashiness of the raw sake! I look forward to this every year.
I bought it at the new sake festival, but I wonder if they sell it anymore 💦 (I just checked their website and it seems to be available ✨).
Today, I made a puyabase with the atama and kama of the sea bream I made in a salt kettle last night, and also simmered it with sake instead of white wine to make a brown rice and super barley risotto 💖In connection with seafood, I put nori tsukudani inside the potato croquette 👍Super pairing already✨Self-praise, right😂‼️
I guess it's more like the balance of Tenranzan-sama is very good 🧐It seems to go with any meal ❣️ I feel amazingly happy 🥰.
As for the croquette, the lingering taste of the slightly sweet nori tsukudani (seaweed tsukudani) as you continue to eat it was quite nice 👍maybe you could add cheese to it too 🧐.
Either way, today was a banquet at Tenranzan 🇯🇵 thank you 🙌
Good evening, Pekho😄!
Risotto, simmered in sake, plus brown rice and super barley✨I'm absolutely sure ‼️ I can't imagine seaweed tsukudani in croquettes, so I'd love to try it 😍Pekho you're awesome for coming up with this recipe 🙌!
Thank you Hina Hana Mama 🩷‼️ brown rice and super barley are healthy? It was a blissful dinner because the sake was perfect today 🤭🤣! I should have prepared dessert too 😱.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby❣️ I didn't show it in my photo, but I used an ochoko that is not for sale outside the gate 😍It's just bliss‼️
Tochigi love gently in the cup: ❤️
Overall 10 (out of 10)
Sake from Igarashi Sake Brewery, about 20 minutes walk from my house.
I bought this sake at the "New Sake Festival" 😃.
Delicious 😋.
The best of food sake 🍶 image 👍
It goes well with any meal.
No nastiness.
It is easy to drink even though it is 16 degrees Celsius.
It's simple, clear, light, smooth and dry 👍.
But you don't feel the spiciness 👍
I want to stock up 😋.
I had it chilled.
Pairing impressions were made by Pekho
The image of the aroma that I felt.
-Standing aroma: not so much.
-Aroma: Not so much.
Taste sensation I felt
The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)
-Spiciness: 2 at the beginning → 2 in the aftertaste
-Sweetness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste
-Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste
-Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0
-Astringency: 0 at the beginning → 0 lingering 0
-Rice flavor: 1 at the beginning → 1 lingering aftertaste
Mouthfeel I felt】→2
Smaller number = light
Bigger number = thicker
(5 is the maximum)
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃.
I have a feeling you'll like it, Jay & Nobby😃.
I'm drinking it again today after a day of drinking, and it's delicious, although I have the impression that the spiciness is slightly more pronounced 😋.
Tenranzan DOVE
This sake must be drunk when the season arrives.
It used to take quite a long time to open the bottle when it was stored in a regular refrigerator, but now that we have a cellar that can store at -5°C, we can open the bottle smoothly.
It is a little sad, though.
Creamy and mild.
The low alcohol content makes it easy to gobble up.
It is still delicious.
[Nigori Ekiden, Section 3.
We got the reservation items from last year. I mean, I got a phone call, "What are you going to do this year? (laugh) Of course, I immediately made a reservation and got it as soon as it went on sale!
You can see how much they value freshness as they are only available for direct pickup from 12/13 to 12/16.
When I poured it, the bubbles were so strong that they overflowed from the glass. What a waste! The mouthfeel has a gentle shuffling sensation on the palate, and the mild rice flavor and refreshing acidity are very pleasant.
It has no particular bitterness, so you can drink it as if it were amazake with a strong alcohol content. I have enjoyed amazake with both sakekasu and koji since I was a child, and I love this kind of amazake. Sake should be tender, or even sludgy. LOL!
Although it is 10% alcohol content, it is very drinkable thanks to the nigori (nigori is a milky liquid that is made of rice cake and koji). It is very tasty even when warmed up, so if you are interested, please make a reservation in November!
Yes, it is a sectional award with room to spare!