SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
ゲコのサケ好き 甘旨華やかフルーティー派 ずっと東北在住(秋→福→宮) 他地域のお酒も勉強中 ※漫然と楽しんできたが記録したくなり開始 ※個人的備忘用につきほぼコメントなし ※マイルール:in酒器(※瓶未確認)で提供されたものはNG ★現時点での5種★ ・田酒 純大斗壜取 ・東の麓 純吟 美酒県山形限定 ・天明 槽しぼり純大 赤磐雄町 ・豊盃レインボー純大生 ・十四代 龍の落とし子 純吟

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Sake Map

The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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A party to reduce my stock of alcohol by drinking it deliciously with everyone's help (lol). This is a regular project, the third time it has been held. This time, Hebereke Shigin's sake was... Hanayup Jungin Omachi (1 bottle) HANA-UP Jyun Gin Dewa Sanzan (1 sho bottle) Hanayu Junmai Rikuwada (1 sho bottle) Jyushiyo Gin-Sen Uguisu no Niwa Sparkling Pink Mizutoki Ura-Kakushi Sake KURORYU KIJOZAKE (small bottle) The other sakes and various snacks were also delicious! Thank you for your cooperation 😋.
Senkinクラシック仙禽 無垢
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I'm now frantically digging up and typing in what I've been skipping since the beginning of the year ('÷'). Still for January... endless... My resolution for next year is to try not to accumulate things that need to be done, lol. On this day, I visited the sacred place for sake lovers, the longed-for [SakeLabo Tokyo] by myself ✨. Although I was not feeling well and had some regrets, the sake, the food, the staff, and the atmosphere were all perfect (´TΩT`). I would love to come back for revenge next time 💖.
Ilaka銀・黒 無濾過生原酒
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Happy New Year to everyone! In 2024, I will be getting serious about sake, buying and drinking sake. It was a good year for me, as I bought sake, drank sake, went to sake events around the country, had fun talking about sake, ate delicious snacks, played fridge Tetris with the 4-gouple bottles that wouldn't fit, and had my triglyceride levels pointed out to me as rising 🤤. I hope to continue to drink a lot of sake this year as well, in a fun, delicious, and healthy way, seeking to encounter the "bottle of life" that I have yet to discover. I am very grateful to everyone at Sake-no-wa for helping me that day. Thank you for all your support. Please keep up the good work. ******** The first drink of 2025 will be at my friend's favorite restaurant, Seikai in Tachikawa. It was a great place with delicious food and rare sake. The first drink was "Iraka", which I had been curious about! I was thinking about the sake industry that continues to evolve and evolve and evolve, and I was surprised that this was the youngest sake brewery's sake. It was delicious.
Isojiman特別本醸造 特選
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Juicy, almost sizzling! And yet it has a freshness that makes it easy to drink, even for me, who tend to have the impression that brewed alcohol is "a little exaggerated in flavor", and I felt a good balance of shades 😋. **And **... Thank you for your help in 2024😌. It has been about 6 months and a half since I started Sake-no-wa in June... I was awakened to the deliciousness of sake despite my devastatingly weak taste for alcohol, and continued to drink it in a steady stream in front of me, and it became 155 check-ins 🍶. In 2025, I will continue to actively participate in sake events, and will continue to watch (and drink) my own stalwarts 💪. I will regret if I miss the opportunity to try the sake that I am interested in! I have been tasting them with the help of my friends, but... I can't keep up with them at all 🤤. I have accumulated a stock of sake (*unopened sake at the moment... 4 bottles of 1 bottle + 42 bottles of 4 gou bottles + α), so from now on I would like to enjoy sake without increasing my stock too much by exploring izakaya with a large selection of sake (lol). Thank you to everyone who likes my post, which is like a memorandum with almost no comments 😊. May we all enjoy a healthy and good sake life in 2025 🍶.