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imayotsukasaガチャ限定 純米酒
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The last of a limited number of gacha-gachas (!) available at Imadaiji Sake Brewery's direct sales outlets and at the "Sake no Jin" sake festival held in March. Junmai Sake This time, we tried it at the direct sales counter! There are two types of gachas: the "Local Sake Gacha" and the "Souvenir Gacha" where you can win sake containers, sweets, etc. Both are 500 yen per time. The result was.... Local sake: Gacha Junmai-shu x 2, Natural water brewed Junmai-shu x 1 Souvenir: trout x 1 The taste was a refreshingly light and crisp, typical of Niigata!
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Tasting at Nishikiya Sake Shop in Niigata (3 kinds in total) **The following is a complete note for myself **. *I also went to "Sake no Matsuzawa" and "Hasegawa-ya" as sake shops. I also went to Imadaiji. Tasted "022 Yahiko Goku", "014 Echigo no Amaguchi", "060 Takachiyo Kenchi-Only Purple", "057 It Key", etc. at Ponchukan Ordered "Abe Junmai Ginjo", "Maryo Itsuki Junmai Namaishu", "Ichisozo (something other than *21)", "Takachidai Junmai Shiboritate Namaishu", etc. at Echigo Ichikai Juro. The sake-based plum wine from Sukibarizuru was delicious!
北鹿大吟醸 限定酒
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Looks like an original label sake that will be a souvenir of the completion of the brewery's local company. Is it a novelty? (A gift from someone close to the company) *Since a search for "Daiginjo" from Kitashika, not "Kita-Akita", did not turn up anything, it still seems to be a limited edition item. The aroma of the brewer's alcohol is gorgeous, and the sake has a stable, calm, and steady feel. I enjoyed it cold over the course of 3 days, but it might have been better at room temperature...