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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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A memorable sake from Kyoto. I drank it at a Japanese restaurant on a trip to Kyoto a long time ago and bought it as a souvenir. I found it in a supermarket and bought it. Oh, it has a very strong sweetness. It has a strong baked banana-like element. I think the percentage of koji seems to be strong. It is normally delicious, but I had high expectations for it, so I can't deny that it tastes a bit like "Hmmm...". I can't deny the feeling of "Hmmm.... I think I'll drink it hot.
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Arisawa Sake Brewery in Kochi Prefecture is recommended this time of year because it sells out quickly according to the liquor store. I remember drinking a Kochi sake made with Comet at a izakaya in Higashikawa once! It is very light when opened. The rice is finely polished to 50%, so it has a clear flavor and a pleasant, clear sweetness. The sweetness is strong, but the carbonation is also nice. The aroma has a savory, mitarashi-like flavor. It's definitely a saké you'd want to drink chilled in the summer!
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With tempura of chica caught. I found a very nice liquor store in the neighborhood. The owner's favorite sake! Originally, the sake was only sold to restaurants in one bottle, but the Corona incident made sales slow, so the owner decided to sell it to the general public. The label is original and very nice. Bendiciones para este mundo maravoso! It means "Bendiciones para este mundo maravoso! It is said to mean "Bless this wonderful world! The name seems to be an ironic reference to the Corona era. The aroma was muscat-like and slightly sweet.
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Sake from Fukui. It is a junmai daiginjo, but the price is in the 1,000 yen range for a four-pack. Reasonably priced. It is a raw sake, so it is thick and smooth. It is quite sweet. It may be a taste that different people like differently. It would be delicious if it were heated, but considering the effort required to get it from the brewery to your refrigerator, it's hard to heat it up...
Glorious Mt.Fuji純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Glorious Fuji. It is delicious. It seems to be made from a rice called Dewa-no-sato from Yamagata. It is not only dry, but the flavor and lingering aftertaste are firm and pleasant. It has a strong umami taste because it is unfiltered, unpasteurized sake.
I love this one too. Some liquor stores in Sapporo carry it ^_^.
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This is the second stage we received as a souvenir. It's been hot lately, so I live for evening drinks while enjoying the balcony breeze. It is not so hot as to be super dry. It seems to have been brewed well so that the sweetness of the rice is not lost. It is very tasty with a slight sweetness in the aftertaste. It is dry when you swallow it, but you can feel the fruitiness in the aftertaste. It's like the blue and black banana flavors come at different times.
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Sake I got as a souvenir. I drink it as a treat before a vacation. It is a sake brewery that is sure to have a stable flavor. It tastes better and better as I drink it over time. It is difficult to judge whether it is because I am getting drunk or because the temperature is rising.... Sake that tastes good at room temperature is the best.
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Shishi no sato ogara-mi (lion's village ogara-mi) was given to me as a souvenir from Ishikawa Prefecture. It seems to be a sake brewery located in Yamanaka Onsen (hot spring). It is a freshly bottled sake. It has a very nice aroma with a pleasant harmony of sweetness and fruitiness! I have never been disappointed with this rice called Sake Mirai. It is probably my favorite rice variety.
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Aomori sake brewery known for their Tasake. It seems to be a honjozo sake, not junmai (pure rice), and a little cheaper! The taste is unmistakable. The taste is unmistakable and of excellent quality. In the under 1500 yen 4-pack category, the Sanzen Sakura from Hokkaido was the best, but it looks like it will be changing the top spot. Yes, I found a great one for drinking at home!
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Sake for the first time in a long time. I chose a sake from Osaka to fill in the map. A sake brewery that seems to be particular about ultra-harsh and Yamadanishiki? My first impression was not so good. The cherry-like aroma and basil-like aroma seemed to be fighting with each other, and the bitter aftertaste was a little bitter... It's definitely super dry. I feel that people who like it must like it a lot. This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me want salty delicacies!
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I ordered one last time to drink some more. This local sake is made from Kitashizuku. It seems to have a slightly sweeter aroma than Comet. A fragrant, densely packed aroma? It was a satisfying evening with delicious food and sake!
Azumatsuru青木 尾上純米吟醸おりがらみ
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The third category is Higashi Tsuru Sake Brewery in Saga. Same Aoki and Ogami-san series. It has the same banana aroma as the Arisawa Brewery, but this one is more like an unripe green banana! All delicious 😋 and a very fun comparison! Higashikawa...awesome. And the tap water is free mineral water.
Bunkajin青木 尾上純米吟醸おりがらみ
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The second glass is this one from Arisawa Brewery in Kochi. The color is the darkest and the flavor is strong. The banana aroma was pleasant and went well with the mayonnaise on the asparagus. My first impression was not so good, but as the temperature rose, I found this one to be the most delicious.
Niseko青木 尾上純米吟醸
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Eating out for the first time in a while. At an izakaya, I ordered a set of three drinks to compare. It was an interesting comparison of three different sake breweries in Japan, each brewed with rice called "Comet" from Higashikawa. This one from Niseko Shuzo was the clearest and most acidic, with a cherry-like flavor. Mr. Aoki and Mr. Onoe are said to be rice growers.
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I found the premium sake at a liquor store and bought it immediately. I got it at a fixed price. It seems to be made from a rice called Hanafukiyuki. It is very clear and refreshing, and the taste of Japanese pear spreads in the mouth. I had drunk it once before at an izakaya, but my memory of it was a bit fuzzy, so I am happy to be able to taste it again.
AramasaNo.6 R-type純米生酒
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This is the first Shinsei. It is unquestionably No. 1 at Sake-no-Wa. It was sold at a sake shop with only one bottle per person, so I bought it immediately. I was told to drink it immediately, so I did not put it down and drank it right away. My first impression...light, refreshing, like a wine, like a wine, like a pineapple, like a wine, like a wine. The acidity was strong and the complex aroma of yeast was cohesive, so in a sense, it was not like sake. This is delicious! I was impressed by the feeling of something I had never had before.
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Third drink. Rare puffer fish milt to go with it! This was the best thing I've tasted all day! The melon and yellow peach sensation is more distinct than the earlier Kuroryu. The delicate sweetness of the milt is enhanced. The rice seems to be called Misato Nishiki. It is said to be familiar in Akita because it has Yamadanishiki and Miyamanishiki as its parents. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
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2nd drink. Crystal Dragon. I finally got to drink it. And it's a Daiginjo. I'm so happy! I didn't really get the muskmelon feeling I often hear about. It was very clear and refreshing like a Japanese pear. It was a little different from what I expected, perhaps because the bottle had been open for a while and the flavors had been lost. Of course it's still delicious, but... it's the kind of beer I'd like to drink next to my beer, or first glass of sake! With Fukui complete, there are only 8 prefectures left to conquer in Japan!
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It has been a long time since I went to my favorite pub. The first drink was sake from Lake Biwa. It is a very rich sake with a sticky and delicious flavor that clings to the tongue. The aroma was like that of a ripe persimmon, and it was perfect with some fatty sea bream sashimi.