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HoraiIrootoko (lady killer)純米大吟醸
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Its Daighinjyo but the flavor is sweet and decise dut delicate even at ambient temperature. Perfect for party, anyone will like it!
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I drank Hokkaido sake for the first time! A friend of a friend got this sake by travelling business class with JAL and instead of getting it himself, he gave it to us as a present! It smells aromatic with a very light flavour and is easy to drink when cold, but at room temperature the umami starts to make itself felt and reminds me a bit of an aniseed liqueur but lighter. Delicious!!!
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酒舗 たのかん
This is today's last sakè, a pearl hidden in the private collection! This is not a Junnmai, but is very well balced easily drinkable. 19 degrees, too dangerous for Christmas!!!
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I was struck by this unusual colour, at first I thought it was the bottle, but on closer inspection it is the colour of sake! Apparently the colour is due to the fact that this organic sake is rested in the barrels where the wine was made. The sweet taste of the grapes is noticeable, especially at the beginning, and then leaves to the dry flavour of the sake. For me it was a very pleasant novelty, I would pair it with fruit to give a touch of personality to a romantic dinner.
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This sakè is made at the most natural way possible, no yeast added, organic rice, no water added 100% old fashion sakè!! It is a little aged, from 2021, with light golden color. At ambient temperature the scent and flavor is 100% aged sakè. The flavor start soft and round, very well balanced, and become gradually decise and strong as should be a Ghenshu. Very happy of this purchase!
TentakaShizukudori (雫取原酒う)純米大吟醸原酒
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Ok this is something you can't find easily, very rare, and made yesterday! Rrice produced through organic processes. Then, letterally hung to pour, and collected drop by drop, a very long and slow procedure. The scent has good sweet presence of the rice. And the flavor... Wow! The flavor is strong as expected by a ghensyu, much more than what you expect from a daiginjyo, and very gentle at the same time. It's a dry sakè but you can feel the sweetness of the core of rice. Awesome!!!!!
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酒舗 たのかん
Ok, this one is very special. Cold as soon as in poured is dry and clean, light, but sa soon ad pass few minutes start to change. The alcohol after few minutes becom very present and I feel a little lime flavor. BUT When it reach the ambient temperature wow it become intense, dense and enveloping. Perfect for last glass of the day!
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酒舗 たのかん
Not personally a fan of sweet sakè, but this is different. Sweet and balanced, good with salty fish. The first time I come in Japan I loved only dry sakè, but now after 4 years, I'm starting to love all kind of sakè!
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未来日本酒店 & SAKEBAR
Simply beautiful. This sakè is spilled only in February, so this is 2021/02, aged almost one year. Usually when you say Nama-Genshu is a very strong and cutting flavor, but this has a intense and round personality. The scent is fruity and perfectly balanced flavor. You need to drink this to understand. Very good!! (and of course expensive :D).
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This sakè has a taste of Koshu, but the color is clean tranparent. The scent is sweet, but the flavor dry and robust, well balanced but a good personality. I like it very much with any dish, but also alone is a very good way to end a long day. PS. This a gift from my girlfriend from a trip in Hokkaido. As the label say, is an exclusive of Hakodate, but this sakè is from Aomori... Disappointed from the label, satisfied for the flavor.
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酒舗 たのかん
Wow! Very decise Koshu with a deepness of Yamahai. At the first sip you can feel all the complexity when is cold and at ambient temperature gain more robustness. Probably it is very good also a little warm, perfect for cold winter!
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I had only few occasion to taste a Nagasaki's sakè, so I wanted to try this today. The flavor is very dry clean and lighr flavor. Better to keep attention, it's very easy to drink!!!
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This is a special kind of sakè, the shop owner as soon as heard that I like strong and complex flavor suggested me this, and yess! The first sip you can feel the sparkling, and... I don't know how to explain, a strong flavor, mix of Nama, and a strong acidity, but cut at the right point that doesn't annoy. Then some minute after at the second sip, the effervence decrease, and here comes an evelopping sweetness with some acidity that you can feel only in your throat. Awesome!!!
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This sakè is a suggestion from a Kikizake-shi (sommelier of sakè). This sakè is suggested cold (i think because it is Nama sakè) is not bad, but for me the best is at ambient temperature. It has a strong flavour, starting with the 'Nama' and gradually giving way to many spicy flavor and finally a surprise arrival of effervescence that could not be felt at first. A very special sake that might not appeal to everyone, but for those who are fans of strong flavours like me, I highly recommend it.
ShokiDomiso Kusemonojya!純米
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Kodama (地酒屋こだま)
This shop (地酒屋こだま) is famous for letting sake sleep for some time to give it a more aged flavor so I can't say if this is the original flavor, but for shure I can say that this is one of my favourite! In the label it say that it is like the miso, and yes has some deep salty presence that reminds me something fermented. OK probably it's not the best description of a sake, but I can assure that it is very well balanced and drinked with some cheese is the best!