のりChiebijinNakano ShuzoOita2/26/2025, 12:56:35 PM19のりMy First Chibijin delicious and tasty food wineJapanese>English
のりKamokinshuKanemitsu ShuzoHiroshima2/21/2025, 1:53:00 PM25のりIt's so good and easy to drink! The cork flew out when I opened it lolJapanese>English
のりBanshuikkonSan'yohai ShuzoHyogo2/14/2025, 1:22:15 PM15のりMy first Banshu Ikken! Very, very, very good!Japanese>English
のりTenbiChoshu ShuzoYamaguchi2/13/2025, 1:31:26 PM26のりOh no, it's so good! I wonder how many repeats I've had.Japanese>English
のりHaneyaFumigiku ShuzoToyama2/8/2025, 12:42:56 PM15のりSynonymous with gorgeous fruity Easy to drink!Japanese>English
のりSharakuMiyaizumi ShuzoFukushima1/23/2025, 12:37:58 PM25のりGood, too good. That's what I'm talking about.Japanese>English
のり大嶺大嶺酒造Yamaguchi1/17/2025, 2:02:21 PM16のりIt's been a long time since I've been to Daimine. It's still too good ......Japanese>English
のりSenkinせんきんTochigi1/16/2025, 1:14:01 PM30のりIt's really easy to drink and tastes great! People who shy away from sake will be surprised when they drink it.Japanese>English
のりHiran森酒造場Nagasaki1/10/2025, 3:51:53 PM23のりThis is my first time to drink Hiran! Amazingly fruity!Japanese>English
のりMimurosugiImanishi ShuzoNara1/5/2025, 10:49:13 AM19のりIt's insanely delicious! Too delicious...Japanese>English
のりMimurosugiImanishi ShuzoNara1/1/2025, 3:32:23 PM26のりThe first bottle of the New Year to commemorate the occasion. It's so delicious!Japanese>English
のりGlorious Mt.FujiFuji ShuzoYamagata12/30/2024, 11:45:25 AM19のりDelicious. Sweet and easy to drink.Japanese>English