しん坊AmabukiAmabuki ShuzoSaga1/24/2024, 11:09:09 AM1/24/202413しん坊I had had this brand itself, but chose a very dry one I had never seen before from the all-you-can-drink cellar! Delicious!Japanese>English
しん坊MusoTaiyo ShuzoNiigata1/24/2024, 11:07:32 AM1/24/202414しん坊Choose a brand you've never had from the all-you-can-drink cellar!Japanese>English
しん坊TedorigawaYoshida ShuzotenIshikawa1/24/2024, 11:05:51 AM1/24/202414しん坊From the all-you-can-drink cellar! Too much variety!Japanese>English
しん坊NaramanYumegokoro ShuzoFukushima1/24/2024, 11:03:34 AM1/24/202416しん坊This is also from the all-you-can-drink cellar! I'm from the Tohoku area and always liked this brand, so I'm grateful to have it!Japanese>English
しん坊HoraisenSekiya JozoAichi1/24/2024, 10:58:16 AM1/24/202415しん坊Since we came all the way to Aichi! Choice from cellar all-you-can-drink! LOL!Japanese>English
しん坊Kaze no MoriYucho ShuzoNara1/24/2024, 10:57:39 AM1/24/202417しん坊It's great that they have this in the all-you-can-drink cellar...I definitely drink too much...lolJapanese>English
しん坊SenkinせんきんTochigi12/22/2023, 10:55:17 AM12/20/202318しん坊United Arrows Launching Fireworks, which I had bought over the summer but was too lazy to open! Surprised at the strong gassy feeling, delicious!Japanese>English
しん坊Hakurosuishu羅針盤・雪女神TakenotsuyuYamagata12/16/2023, 11:13:42 AM12/16/20239しん坊This sake was recommended to me by a liquor store! Easy to drink and delicious with a slight sweetness!Japanese>English
しん坊Hiran森酒造場Nagasaki12/13/2023, 11:53:07 AM12/11/202316しん坊It is a very sweet and tasty sake.Japanese>English
しん坊SanshorakuSanshoraku ShuzoToyama12/9/2023, 12:34:11 PM12/9/202314しん坊The sake I asked to be served with the motsu!Japanese>English
しん坊jozanJozan ShuzoFukui12/9/2023, 12:14:03 PM12/9/202314しん坊Sake (2), a sake that was chosen to go with sashimi! Delicious!Japanese>English
しん坊HarushikaImanishiseibee ShotenNara12/9/2023, 12:11:28 PM12/9/202312しん坊Sake (1) was requested as a dry sake to go with sashimi! As expected, it was dry and sharp, perfect for sashimi!Japanese>English
しん坊Keigetsu土佐酒造Kochi12/9/2023, 11:59:07 AM12/9/202313しん坊Dry and crisp, perfect for fishJapanese>English