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自宅で呑んだ酒の記録。ほとんど四合瓶。 辛口がなんだかよくわからない酒飲みなので他の人とは感じ方が違うカモ。 だいたい冷蔵庫から出してすぐのキンキンに冷えた酒を呑む。最初の2,3杯から感想を書き始めるけどいつ書き終わるかは不明。 たいてい開栓した日に飲み干すので、毎回口開け直後の味。口開け後に時間が経ってどう変化するかは知らない。 そんなただの酔っ払いの記録。 2018/07/03開始

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
komixTamagakku Junmai sake that permeates the five viscera and six organs It's been a long time since we've had a bottle of wine. We didn't have room in the fridge for a bottle of sake, so we unusually started at room temperature. When you pour it in, it's bright yellow. It's already powerful to see. But it doesn't have as much acidity as it looks yellow, and the flavor is strong. It's soft and mellow. I put it in a little sip and chilled it all at once in the freezer, because I wanted to drink it even if it was cold and kinky as usual. It has a sharp sourness and aroma. The flavor and mellowness are still there, but the nose has a zing to it and a sharp mouth feel. It's not bad, but after drinking it at room temperature, it's pointy. The tip of the tongue feels a little rough. So now, let's do the opposite and warm it up a bit. I used the Kuroryu "heated tonoshi" to warm it up. It's refreshing on the palate, and the flavor comes out really well and is delicious. The aroma that comes out of the nose is a little unique, and some people may not like it as much as others. I used the same warmed up water to warm it up. It's hot. The sourness in the mouth is a bit harsh, but the aftertaste and aroma in the nose are just right, and it's a delicious taste that you'll want to keep drinking forever.
komixKayuki Mizuo Special Junmai Matured Raw Sake It feels slightly squishy. Soft and mellow on the palate The scent on the nose is gorgeous! It has a refreshing aftertaste and is easy to drink. According to my partner. It's not crisp, but it has a tartness to it that quickly disappears. It will remain as an aroma, but the taste will be gone. It's like it disappears in your mouth and leaves a taste in your throat. All Mizuo is that kind of drink, but the sourest of them all. It feels a little different than I think, but everyone feels differently.
komixNanakken Junmai Namaizake Mukoushu I haven't been able to write anything lately, but I'm going to make a record of the photos, if only for the record.
komixGorin Junmai-Shu I haven't been able to write anything lately, but I'm going to make a record of the photos, if only for the record.
komixKokugon Junmai-Ginjo Hodosan Swarora Bell I haven't been able to write anything lately, but I'm going to make a record of the photos, if only for the record.
Niwa no Uguisu特別純米ひやおろし
komixUguisu in the garden: Special Junmai Hiyaoroshi I haven't been able to write anything lately, but I'm going to make a record of the photos, if only for the record.
pichon1974It's a wonderfully named drink. I'd like to see the whole label.
komixWind Forest Alpha Type 7 light Wind Forest Alpha Type7 full Wind Forest Alpha, which was sold as a set This is a taste test of two completely different individual sakes, blended to your liking. Full with sourness and freshness. One is light with sweetness and aroma. Isn't it the other way around? But the flavor and weight are stronger in the acidic full. But because of the sourness, it's not zudgy and heavy, and it has a refreshing flavor. Use the included beaker to measure the balance yourself to find the flavor you like. Personally, I'm more full at the beginning when I'm cold. Full 5:Light 2 for a powerful blend. Gradually, as it gets closer to room temperature, I'll go with more light and then light 7:full 3 to enjoy the aroma and mouthfeel. I think everyone has their own personal taste preferences, so I'm happy to explore what flavors I like and savor the drink in a relaxed way.
komixAKATAKE Junmai Sake As usual, I don't have time to write my impressions (I was empty before I wrote my impressions today), but it was a delicious drink. It's a delicious drink that will empty you out in no time.
komixRz50 Junmai Ginjo Dry Evolution The sourness and sweetness typical of Ihyakumangoku and a refreshing aftertaste are delicious. The aroma that comes through the nose has a nice aroma of Ihyakumangoku and is pleasant to drink. It is very easy to drink and delicious.
komixChiebijin Special Junmai Sake Bizen Omachi Namae I may not have time to write my thoughts for a while. Just a picture.
komixI've been too tired to write my thoughts for a while, so I'm just going to take some pictures unfiltered salmon I think it's unfiltered, based on the name.
komixI've been too tired to write my thoughts for a while, so I'm just going to take some pictures