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Dainagawa純米吟醸 活性にごり酒 Sparkling純米吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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When poured, the aroma is soft like amazake. One sip and you will be filled with a sweet, fruity aroma like juice! This is easy to drink and you will soon get drunk.... The fizzy sensation on the tongue is also enjoyable. I wonder what kind of snacks it would go well with.
Senkinかぶとむし 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
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Fresh and fresh scent I don't know if the aroma is summery, but it smells like early autumn or spring, like flowers with honey in them. The taste is a combination of umami, sweetness, and acidity. The sweet and sourness is emphasized, and it seems to go well with dishes that are a little rich.
Goryo純米大吟醸 雫取り35%
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Summer vacation ☀ Last night was at the famous Sushi Oneda in Hakodate. I drank a lot of things but only took 2 pictures of the labels, so that's all I post. The second one is a rare one from Goryo. It is a sake that is produced in small quantities and not distributed to liquor stores. It was a good way to end the trip with a sake from Hokkaido, and one that is rarely drunk. I don't need to tell you how good it tasted. It has a clear sake quality with no impurities, a gorgeous ginjo aroma, and an elegant sweetness. The rice used for this sake is Ginpu.
Kagatobi純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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Fukumitsuya Kagatobi Junmai Ginjo Hiyoroshi This brewery is located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Both are made with rice grown under contract. 20% Yamadanishiki from Hyogo Prefecture 80% "Kinmon-Nishiki" from Nagano Prefecture. and 60% polished rice. Fruity and sweet aroma, Soft rice flavor and smooth texture on the tongue. The soft taste of rice, smooth texture, and elegant and gentle aftertaste. #Nihon-shu
Kazenomori秋津穂 507純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Summer vacation ☀ Last night was at the famous Sushi Oneda in Hakodate. I drank a lot of different drinks but only took pictures of the labels of two of them, so that's all I'll post. The first one is Kaze no Mori from Nara. I like this type of sweet and sour, which is typical of Kaze no Mori ♥ I think it has more gas when opened, but this one was calm. This one is good. Sushi was 3 kinds of tuna. The tuna was over 150 kilograms and from Atsukishi. I had never heard of it, so I was surprised to hear about it, but I was told that it was an anomaly. He told me that it used to be impossible to catch tuna in Atsugishi. It had been a long time since I was in Hokkaido, but I often heard this kind of story at sushi restaurants. Not only tuna from Atsukishi, but also bonito, salmon, sea urchin, tuna from Tsugaru Strait, etc... When I visited Hokkaido 7 or 8 years ago, I heard the same story about amberjack being caught in Hokkaido. The ecosystem is changing rapidly...