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Takiarashi岡田以蔵 純米純米
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Three of my best friends from high school were on our annual golf and sake trip. This was my first time in Kochi. After golf, we were taken to Katsurahama Beach to see the statue of Ryoma. I was surprised at how big it was. Then we had a party at an elegant restaurant. I started with Izo the Manslayer. Dry sake.
Takiarashi純米酒 岡田以蔵純米
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I haven't been to Tosa, Kochi, a tropical island in Japan, for a long time. After mowing the lawn, I went to Shunya in town to experience Kochi culture! Before having a tatami room with the proprietress, let's have some Kochi Sake first! There are 12 kinds of Tosa sake in 300ml bottles at this store! Choose the one you are interested in and drink it! Famous for Okada Izura and Hitokiri Izura! The sake is light and dry, like a representative of Kochi sake! We didn't have any CEL24 sake here today, so let's enjoy the dry sake 😌. After mowing the lawn, we went for a walk on Katsurahama beach 🚶. extensive knowledge Sake meter: +4/ Acidity: 1.6/ Ingredients: Matsuyama Mitsui/ Rice and rice koji/ Rice polishing ratio: 70%/ Alcoholic strength: 15
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The second night in Kochi. I went to check out Hirome Market, but it was so packed with customers that there was no room to sit down. We moved to the restaurant where we had made reservations and continued to enjoy bonito as we did yesterday. It was really delicious. For sake, we chose Takiarashi, a local sake. It was the first time for me to drink this sake, and I must say that it is a dry sake from Kochi. I guess the traditional taste is preferred in Kochi, where sake is so deeply rooted that there is a culture called "Yumebirai" (a cup of sake for drinking). It seems that people can't drink a lot of sweet sake. However, there are more and more breweries that make fruity sake using CEL24 these days. Let's just say that they are diversifying with the times.
Hi Miyazou-san 😃I've never been to Shikoku. I've never been to any of Shikoku 🥲I'd like to go to Shikoku with you one day 🤗Kochi in particular is good for bonito and local sake 🍶 and a quick bite 🥹😋.
Hello Jay & Nobby. I recommend Shikoku for its many delicious foods. Kochi in particular is my favorite and I repeat quite a bit. Please visit!
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Light, dry and easy to drink! It has the character of nama-shu, but also the sweetness of ginjo. It is delicious, but too much so. Too bad I couldn't bring it home because it was refrigerated. I will definitely mail order.
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The strength of the original sake is impressive 🍶. Jun-dai polished up to 40%. The core flavor and the sense of maturity are more impressive than the cleanliness the core flavor and a sense of maturity. The original flavor of the rice is carefully locked in The original flavor of the rice is carefully locked in, Sake that is very drinkable.
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Strong and dry, typical of Kochi. Sourness followed by iron taste, cedar aroma, sourness, and a dry finish.

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