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Shirataki Flavor Chart
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Product information is as of 9/16/2024.

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ShiratakiSEVEN純米大吟醸原酒 超淡麗50%精米
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The wine has a clear water color and a strong fruity aroma. The mouthfeel is as clear as the water color, and the fruity aroma escapes through the nose. The rich grain and pear-like flavor that overflows with the aroma, and the heavy lingering taste and bitterness that lingers on the tongue. This is a gorgeous bottle with a wonderful balance of appearance, taste, and thickness.
Shiratakiロック酒 by Jozen 純米
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When drunk on its own, the acidity is stronger than the sweetness. When drunk on the rocks, the acidity is diluted and it becomes easier to drink. It is a good sake to drink in the summer.
Shiratakiロック酒 by Jozen 純米純米
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酒 柴
🍶Alcoholic strength: 10 to 11 degrees Rice with malted rice Rice polishing ratio 60 I bought it because of the cute packet. I was surprised when I drank it. What a delicious sake! Is it different from the sake I know because of the rice malt in it? The sake is yellow 🟡. I bought it at the Toretore market in Wakayama, but it was sake from Niigata 🤭Uhuhu!
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The first impression is of mellowness typical of junmai, with a full-bodied sweetness and richness. The acidity is low. Despite its robust flavor, the lingering aftertaste is crisp and clean, which is typical of Niigata. Almond tofu, cooked rice, lychee, white peach Lime, Hinoki cypress Compared to Uonuma Junmai Tanrei Sharakuchi from the same brewery, the taste is in the same direction, but this one is more robust. It has such a fruity aroma at 70% polished rice and kept at room temperature. It is by far better than "Kozen Josui"! That is my honest impression. It is sold only in the Uonuma area for 980 yen. I envy the people of Uonuma who can make this their everyday sake 😳.
Shirataki上善如水 純米吟醸 Jozen White純米
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⭐⭐/5 wouldn't buy this again Smell: sweet, melon taste: first sip is great. sharp, dry, but as you sip more you get a lasting aftertaste of alcohol.
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I saw an ad for Shirataki Shuzo's Namahashiroshi Junmai in a local liquor store, so I bought it. I bought it because I saw a Shirotaki Shuzo ad in a local liquor store! I drank it cold, but I would like to heat it up.
ShiratakiSEVEN 純米大吟醸 生酒 2020純米大吟醸生酒
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Alcohol Content: 16% to 17 Yamada Nishiki Polishing ratio: 25 At a senior's house. This sake is produced by the same brewery as Kouzenjosui. This one has a fruity taste with a strong sweetness. Like Kouzenjosui, there is no hint of a tangy taste at all. It was very delicious. Sake with a Japanese paper label is very cool.

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