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Nito山田錦五十五 火純米吟醸
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Even a sake novice had heard of Nito. It was sold exclusively at a department store and I bought it on impulse. There were several varieties, so I asked the sales clerk what was the most refreshing, and she recommended Yamadanishiki. It has a clear acidity that even the layman's palate can understand! I was looking at the word of mouth and someone wrote "apple" and I completely agree. It is very easy to drink because there is little caffeine in it! I am looking forward to seeing how the taste will change over time.
Dainagawa純米吟醸 活性にごり酒 Sparkling純米吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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When poured, the aroma is soft like amazake. One sip and you will be filled with a sweet, fruity aroma like juice! This is easy to drink and you will soon get drunk.... The fizzy sensation on the tongue is also enjoyable. I wonder what kind of snacks it would go well with.
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Bought it as a souvenir for myself on a trip. I was somewhat pleased with the 1600th number. I finally opened the bottle, even though it had been sitting there for a long time. Perhaps because it is a daiginjo, it has a strong mellowness, and I prefer to drink it in small sips. The aroma spreads gently. I thought it would go well with light food, but it was quite good with rich snacks.
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The bottle is a rare 500ml bottle and stylish. I was caught by the word "demise" and bought it. I wonder if it will be gone soon. It is refreshing and goes well with all kinds of snacks. The sales floor says it goes well with sushi and sashimi. It is true that it has a sour taste in the throat. I thought it was very summery.
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I finally opened the bottle, even though it had been sitting for a long time since I bought it. I served it with sushi from the supermarket. It has a profound and subtle bitterness. I think I will drink it well chilled in summer. I want to drink it little by little with care.
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I bought it online for the first time because of the manga. I am also a beginner who first learned about the index of sake degree. The aroma is fruity, like melon. I thought the gap between the fruity, melon-like aroma and the crisp, dry taste was interesting. From the 4th day, I felt the crispness suddenly became more rounded! Interesting!