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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ

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Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 美郷錦純米吟醸
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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ
The last in the Morotsuyoshi series is Isshaku-Suisei Misato Nishiki. I thought I was told by a friend that it was easy to drink and fruity, so I tried it... But...? I can't remember what it tasted like...? So the next time I go there, I will start from now! I think it was delicious, but I was so absorbed in the talk that I didn't taste it because it was the last stage of the meal. (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Sagaminada特別純米 辛口特別純米
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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ
This is another time when I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I was wondering what to drink when I was told by a neighbor that Kubota's dry sake was not so bad! I guess you could call it refreshing and moderately spicy! We had ordered oden and yakitori (grilled chicken), so we had those as snacks 😋. This was alright 😄
Amabuki純米大吟醸 バナナ酵母純米大吟醸
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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ
Just when I was wondering what to drink, a nearby brother told me it was banana-flavored, so I took it right away. I knew it was banana 🍌. I thought it wasn't too light. It is easy to drink even without food.
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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ
I have recently become a sake lover due to the influence of a friend. I was taken to a restaurant where I could drink as much as I wanted for about 600 yen for 30 minutes. I'm glad to be able to drink a variety of sake!
Hi Hirotaf, good evening 😃. The owner of this restaurant looks just like Murotsuyoshi 😆 I've seen this restaurant on instagram and I'm curious about it 👍I'd like to go there someday!
Thanks for your comment 😆. I just walked in with a friend and the manager was there 🤣. He looked just like him 🤣🤣. I enjoyed listening to him talk about alcohol because you can self-serve alcohol 😁.
Hello, hirotaf. I was curious about your restaurant information and searched for it, and found out that a second restaurant recently opened in Hon Atsugi. I would like to go there with my drinking buddies since both Yokohama (Sakuragicho) and Hon Atsugi can be reached from Chigasaki in about the same time.
Mazara no Yama (the peak of a mountain range) Good evening😄 Thank you for your comment. I'm still a beginner, but I'd be happy to help you if it's convenient for you 😆. I'm still a beginner, but if it's convenient for you, I'd appreciate it 😊.
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I had it cold. Sweet and refreshing! We had raw oysters, steamed oysters and jerky. Oysters and sake. Nothing to say but (*´-`) delicious! It goes well with pepper spicy pork jerky. I thought it was sweet, so it went well with a slightly peculiar meal. This restaurant has a variety of sake in stock, so you can't drink it the next time you go there. In addition to I was told that it is a very hard to find sake, which made it even more delicious. I felt it tasted even better. I'm sorry. Thank you for the treat.