SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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🦪. My workplace is moving to Minato Mirai this year or next. This was a tour of that new location. It was very loose and we were dismissed at 4:30 p.m. I thought I would sneak out to this restaurant for a drink. But suddenly, I invited a female colleague of mine who is familiar with the ride over that I introduced in a post a while ago. She arrived with a flutter 😉 Yes, I can drink sake normally. So, how much beer can she drink? I wanted to go to Morotsuyoshi's all-you-can-drink restaurant. It was early in the day so no one was there 😆 It was 1100 yen for 30 minutes including tax. We were not going to leave quickly from the beginning 🙂 "Well, let's go for an hour. What should we drink? We compared the top clear and the bottom clear. I liked the sweet and clear taste of the supernatant. There were many beautiful sweet sake in the lineup that day, and we ended up drinking too much. The guy sitting next to me said "You look like you're having a good time drinking" and we extended the party twice 😆 and drank more beer at the after-party 😆 My memory of the party is a bit fuzzy. As usual, I fell asleep in the cab and got ripped off 😂.
Aunty. Good evening... Morotsuyoshi...I want to go here...
Good morning, kozo 😃. I was told that it was a standing bar, but in fact there were chairs available. Maybe that was the reason we stayed longer😅.