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Tenpyo Junmai Ginjo Akaban Omachi Shirotate Nama Shu 720ml Rice used: Akaban Omachi Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol 15%. This is the second time I have had Tensuke in a bottle. This time, this Shushitate Nama Sake is quite refreshing and has a soft and gentle sweetness. Well, I am going back to snowy Toyama. Tomorrow, I'll be back to work, but I doubt I'll be able to hand out any Chinsuko at work 💦.
Hi @Mizuhashi 😀 I bet it must have been very comfortable in Okinawa this time of the year 😀 Actually, I haven't been to Okinawa at all yet and I envy you 😀. I know you drink a lot of good sake, including Tenpyo ❓😅😅
Good evening, Yasbay🌆. I came home a little while ago. It is ⛄☃️ cold with snow on the ground. I found Reimei, but passed on it because I couldn't find Junmai sake, although I found Honjozo (...;). Definitely a rare sake even in Okinawa 😭
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Ohroku ★★★★★ Hachimaru Junmai Shokkumi 720ml 5/390 Rice polishing ratio 80 Alcohol content 17.5 Izumiya Okinawa store had very few Yongo bottles, but they had a wide variety of Oroku. I gave it 5 because it was so good. Clear and refreshing! Delicious. It goes perfectly with Okinawan raw tuna. On Sunday, I went to Shurijo Castle, which is under construction to be restored in 2026. It will be two years from now.
Good morning, @Mizuhashi 🐥. I see you are visiting Okinawa! I'm so jealous of the warm weather...you really have it all here 😳. I was shocked to see the fire right after seeing Shuri Castle, but I'm glad to know that the restoration is progressing 😊.
Hi Pon 😃 Yes, I am here in Okinawa! It's a little chilly today, 21 degrees. I'm going back to the snow country today 😭 I know you might say, "Sake is still popular here in Okinawa?
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Aizu Miyazumi Junmai Ginjo Yamadaho 1800ml Izumiya Okinawa Store, a set of three kinds of Kakunouchi. Oh no, this is delicious🤤. I couldn't help but go looking for the fridge in the store. I see that they only have one bottle. I gave up on taking it back to the hotel ( ;) )
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Tenpyo Junmai Ginjo Izumiya Okinawa store, set of 3 kinds of Kakuchi. I was really looking forward to trying the Hanamup, but they said it was sold out yesterday ( ;) ). It is a slightly sweet and well-balanced sake!
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Jikin Kimoto Akaban Oucho Wooden Oke Hi-ire 720ml Izumiya Okinawa store, Kaku-uchi. Shinsei and Jikin can be selected from the stock of the day, but Jikin, this was the only one available today. Of course it was delicious, a moment of bliss. There was also a Hokuriku region drinking comparison set of three different types. Backward support, I like it.
Hi @Mizuhashi😃 I see you are going to Okinawa 🤗It's good to drink good sake in Okinawa 😋It's great that there is a Hokuriku drinking comparison set ☺️
@水橋さん、こんにちは😃 沖縄、いいですねー、一昨年教えてもらって 角打ち行ったのを思い出し懐かしいです。 ああ、あったかいでしょうし、ブラブラ国際通り歩きたいです😀
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌆. I came to Okinawa because I have lots of extra miles 😃. I found many 1sho bottles like Nabeshima, Nichinichi, Tenpyo, Miyakanume, Miyazumi, etc... But only a few Shugou bottles 😭. But Yongo bottles are scarce after the New Year 😭.
Good evening, Harry 🌆. I was related to the Okinawa Bamboo farm 😀. The Corona disaster has changed a lot since then 🫨. I saw a lot of Sake izakayas too. It's really nice to be warm 🙂.
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Shinmasa Cosmos Label Junmai-shu 2022 Izumiya Okinawa Store, Kakunouchi. One glass is 600 yen. When I asked to take a picture, I was told to look at the bottles and drink. The refrigerator in the store was quite empty. The next shipment of sake is waiting at the port. He said that a lot of sake would be available on Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately 😢I will be back on Tuesday. I came here via Haneda, but everything was normal as if nothing had happened. Let's see, cosmos, fruity and this acidity, delicious. I was sweating so much walking here that I almost guzzled it down, but no, I had to take it slow💦.
@Mizuhashi. Good morning here too. I am glad that nothing happened at Haneda. I'm glad nothing happened at Haneda. Have a fulfilling time in Okinawa!
WOM, here you go too😄. Thank you. I am going to visit Shuri Castle today. It looks like it is being rebuilt quite well, so I will take a good look at it.
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At the corner of Izumiya Okinawa. Hachitan-Nishiki Unfiltered Nama is elegant, gently sweet and full-bodied. The aftertaste is completed with a lingering sourness ^_^. Gohyakumangoku Hi-ire is refreshing and dry in the present! Shinmasa Cosmos has a refreshing lactic aroma. The Shinsei Cosmos has a refreshing lactic acidity aroma and a refreshing sweetness like green unripe peaches. It is a pleasant sake with a lingering bitter aftertaste ^_^.
Hello, at2ushi! You are a good saké drinker 🎵 I remember I was very impressed with Jikin's Hachitan-Nishiki when I had it for the first time last year ✨. I would love to drink Shinmasa 😊.
Hello ma-ki-san. Jikin's Hachitan-Nishiki is really complete! It is very delicious. If you are lucky, you can buy Shinmasa at Chitashige in Nagoya ^_^. I also bought Cosmos at the store last week.
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Miyakanbai Junmai Ginjo 720ml Ingredients Rice (domestic), Koji rice (domestic) Rice used: 100% Miyamanishiki Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 15%. We hesitated to choose this junmai daiginjo for the New Year's sake, but the oorigarami was so good that we decided to make a year-round junmai ginjo hi-ire-shu. However, it needs to be refrigerated. The fragrance of this sake is more gorgeous than that of the Origara-mi, but the aroma opens up as you drink it. It is also delicious ^ ^. Well, I'm going back to the cold snowy country today 😭
@Mizuhashi, good evening 🌙 Beautiful scenery ✨I see you enjoyed a lot of sake 👍Miyaganume, I really envy you to continue 😆Thank you for your trip to Okinawa 😊.
Good evening, Ponchan 🌆I had a series of Miyu Kanmei ^ ^. I think it was really good timing that all three varieties were available. I think it was really good timing that all three varieties were available. I will work hard from tomorrow 😊.
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A-Sakura Azakura Super Mouth-watering Dry Special Junmai Unfiltered Nama-shu 720ml Rice: Akita Sake Komachi, 60% polished rice Yeast: Association 901 Alcohol level: 16.5 Sake meter meter: +10, Acidity: 1.8 It was drier than I expected, perhaps because I haven't had a dry sake recently. However, it might be better if it was as dry as this.
AramasaNo.6 S-type純米吟醸生酒
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Shinsei S-type 2021 Content: 720ml Rice type : Akita rice Rice Polishing Ratio : Koji Rice 45%, Kake Rice 55 Alcohol content : 13% (original) Brewing vessel:Temperature controlled tank Bottle used: Madame Edwarda #1 Izumiya Okinawa Store corner bar. I forgot my wallet yesterday and couldn't enjoy Shinsei Kaku-uchi, so I came back today. It is slightly sparkling and has a slight sourness. It makes me happy. I thought I would buy a four-pack for drinking in the room, but it was even more out of stock than yesterday. I heard that they are running out as soon as they put them on the shelves, perhaps because of the return of the tourists. They said they'll have a lot more in stock on Tuesday evening. But you're leaving on Tuesday 😭.
Hello @Mizuhashi! I didn't know there was such a corner shop in Okinawa! 😳! And the lineup of Shinmasa and Tasake is even better than the local liquor stores in Okinawa! I'm surprised 👍!
Hello, Sakaeran 😃. This is Izumiya's Okinawa branch, a liquor store in Chiba ^ ^. I found it last year while searching for Reimei. The day I was there, they had a bottle of Shinsei for 600 yen and 6 kinds of Jikin, Hanamup, etc. for 300 yen per glass with a simple side dish 😊.
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Miyakanbai Junmai Ginjo ORIGARUMI 720ml Product Content : Junmai Ginjo Ingredients : rice, rice malt Rice used: 100% Miyamanishiki (Miyagi Prefecture) Rice Polishing Ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15%. Miyakanbai is delicious 😊. Fruity, fresh and not too sweet ^ ^. I drank it in no time. I managed to make it to Naha through the snow. I was also able to get some Reimei at Liubo ^ ^. I really wanted to drink Shinsei at Izumiya, but I don't have my wallet💦. I paid for this with my wife's card and dashed back to the hotel 😭 What a surprise, I found my wallet in the room 😥 thank goodness.
Good evening @Mizuhashi! I would love to try Miyakanume, but I can't seem to find it 😢 You got Reimei too, that's great! I'm glad you have a wallet 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌆. I'm sorry for your concern😊I thought I had dropped it. I like Miyakanbai quite a lot without any outliers ^ ^ ^. If you have a chance, by all means! Reimei, it seems to be a new sake on 1/17.
Hello @Mizuhashi 😃 Izumiya corner shop, via Ryubou. It's great... Okinawa is also gradually Sake boom is coming little by little in Okinawa 😊.
Hi Harry 😃Yes I enjoyed it😊. According to the store owner, they sell very quickly when they put them out in the stores. They also serve wine barrels of Toyoka at an Italian restaurant.
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Junmai Choouroku One night after the conquest Yesterday, @Mizuhashi-san recommended I visited Izumiya Okinawa Sake shop where you can also have a kaku-uchi (corner bar)! They didn't have any new sake, but they had a variety of sake from around the country, including Tasake instruments, Kido, and other sake from around Japan. and Kido. The owner said that sake is very popular in Okinawa now. According to the owner, sake bars are also popular in Okinawa. Will sake bars become popular in Okinawa, too? If it's raw, he puts a lot of effort into temperature control. He recommended Oroku, which I got and drank it in the room. It's very crisp and easy to drink. The sourness comes after the umami. Drinking at home 336
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy! You are enjoying Okinawa, aren't you? Is there a sake boom in Okinawa⁉️? I think I can manage even if I have to relocate 😁.
Good morning, Chichi 😊. I was surprised to see a sake specialty store in Naha. It seems that a liquor store in Chiba opened the store, and even though the timing is a little off, new sake and fresh sake are coming too. I'm fine even if I have to relocate🙆♂️❣️
Rafa papa
Harry sakeboy good morning 😃I love Okinawa so much💕I used to drink Awamori all the time at home before I started Sake no Wa 😁I still drink Awamori when I have Chinese menu 🥟🌾.
Good morning, Harry Sakeboy 😃. I see you visited early - I'm jealous. Makes me want to visit Okinawa again😊.
Good morning Rafa papa😊 I haven't had awamori in a while, it's delicious, but 30 degrees or so works 😅. I'm having champon with sake 😊.
Good morning, @Mizuhashi😊. I received your information and went there as soon as I could because it was close by. There were quite a few people from restaurants buying there. And I was told about a sake bar. I'll consider going there 😊 It's Okinawa Sake no Wa 😅.
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After participating in the Craft Sake Week on 9/17, we opened a bottle of Hanamup's Rikuwada at a hotel in Okinawa during the Silver Week. This liquor store is the Okinawan branch of Izumiya, whose main store is in Chiba Prefecture, and is located a few minutes walk from Kokusai-dori Street, where you can also have a corner bar! And their selection is as good as famous stores in Tokyo! Tobiroki, Hanayuup, Oroku, and Keisaku are always available, and Shinmasa is also available in the corner! When I was looking for a bottle to drink at the hotel, I found only Hana Yuu's Omachi and Rikuwada in four-pack bottles, so I bought them! Hanamura only sells sake in 1-sho bottles to protect the quality of their sake, but it seems that some of their rice is also sold in shugou bottles! The bottle brewed with rice arranged by Mr. Takagi, president of "Jyushiyo," had a gorgeous sweet aroma from the first aroma, a mild mouthfeel, and a pleasantly sweet taste. On the first day, I felt the acidity was subdued, but on the second day, I also enjoyed the crisp acidity. Hanamup is so delicious that if you like sweet and tasty wine, you should always keep a bottle of it in your refrigerator! Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15%.
Mizubasho夏酒 おりがらみ生貯蔵純米吟醸生貯蔵酒おりがらみ
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Aroma Fruity, pear-like Taste Fruity sweetness. Slightly fruity and crisp.   Good aftertaste. It is crisp and easy to drink with a refreshing aftertaste, just like a summer sake. It is easy to drink with a slight carbonation, and it is better to drink it cold.