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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)

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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
I managed to get a bottle of Abe Pink, which I missed out on last year, just in time this year. The aroma is capricious, but it has a sweeter nuance than apple or pineapple, maybe even pear-like. The gasiness is perfect. Sweetness is strong. As per the 6th generation Abe Brewery's Twitter. But the acidity is also very strong, so it's not too sweet. While you feel the acidity, the umami comes in quickly and finishes with a light astringent taste. There is almost no bitterness and it is very easy to drink. The lingering lactic acidity is even better. It was worth the wait. It goes great with scallion butter. Best when paired with a thicker side dish.
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
A light Koei Kiku! It is a clear sake with acidity. I also thought the taste was not like Koueikiku. The rice used is 100% Kame-no-o. I have had other Kame-no-o sake, but my honest impression is that this one is quite easy to drink, although the nuance is similar. The flavor changes as the temperature rises, and the umami comes out! The alcohol content is high at 17ºC. As it approaches room temperature, a bit of astringency also appears. It is quite an interesting sake. I liked it better after a few days, when the umami flavor was more pronounced.
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
GANKI Sparkling As a nigori lover, I was drinking Asanami's I found a bottle I wanted to drink😊. First of all, the bright blue bottle with the silver label is eye-catching. The bottle was opened slowly. Open the bottle slowly and wait for the oli to mix up and down. Wait for a while for it to settle down. A slight sweetness on the tongue, then a firm sourness. A firm sourness runs from the light sweetness on the tip of the tongue. Served with grilled chicken and simmered deep-fried radish. Home drinking 383
Hi Harry, Good evening 🌙 I also drank the gooseberry sparkling the other day in a bottle with a different design: ‼️ Everyone who drank it with me tasted it so deeply delicious 😋 I would like to drink this blue bottle too: ‼️
Good evening Harry 😃 We, had it at the opening of the nigori festival! It's delicious and perfect for a toast 🥂😊.
Good evening, Harry🌆. My eldest son is coming to Tokyo tomorrow to take an entrance exam. Oops, just kidding of course 🤣.
Hi Wakata 😃. I haven't had a bottle of Ganki until now. It was a delicious bottle of nigori. I'm having a hard time finding a good one 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 Was it a nigori opening, really? I can't wait for the next season! Is it too soon to say that I can't wait for the next season? 😅
Hi Chichi 😃 Your son is taking the exam? The night before, he rushed to the party and had 3 drinks. I'd love to give him 3 drinks to get him going. But I guess he'll have to wait until he's an adult 😅.
Hi Harry-san, good evening! I've just emptied my Swinthin 😅Harry's review of Ganki Sparkling 🫧oh ⁉️ so I have to go back to the Eastgate West department store again! I'm sure you bought it at a stylish place 🎶.
阿佐波🌊さん、おはようございます😃 阿佐波効果の賜物ですよ、お互いパトロール強化しましょうね😅 東口西デパは必ず引っかかるのがあるから嬉しいし、重い😅 あ、丸井裏もそのうちパトロール行きますよ❗️
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
Laughing Shiki, a jack-in-the-box. It is a kijo sake, so it has a rich flavor and sweetness. But it is delicious and not too rich. It is similar to Senkyoku's Organic Naturals' Kijoshu. Be careful not to drink too much. I should have bought another Yamadanishiki too.
大嶺3粒 火入れ 雄町
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
On the last day of a three-day weekend, I thought I would just relax and drink at home, but my wife gave me orders and instructions one after another. I thought I could finally have a drink after all that, but I had to pick up my child from soccer in 30 minutes.... I decided to have a light one. When I took a sip, a nice aroma of rosemary passed through my nose first, and I felt really refreshed. I don't think it smells of strawberries. The gasiness is quite strong. The usual sweet and sour, my favorite Librom flavor. I think I like the combination of fruit and herbs the best. The strawberry 🍓 flavor comes through in the second half, and my mouth at the end of the drink is in the same state it was after eating strawberries! One of the best Libroms I've ever had! I could drink this forever. But I have to go out soon....
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
78 pts. Modern Medium. Rich ★★★☆☆☆ Light Sweet ★★★☆☆☆ Dry Acidity ★★★★☆ Floral ★★★☆☆☆ It's a refreshing raw sake. Yogurt-like acidity is good. However, it is minus in that you can't really taste the key flavor of sake and it is hard to pair with food.
AramasaNo.6 Xmas-type純米生酛生酒おりがらみ発泡
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
Merry Christmas! On the way home from getting the No.6 Xmas-type at another liquor store, I dropped by IMADEYA and was told that I could have a corner drink, so I made a flying toast in the morning! It is a low alcohol (11°), oriented towards the ochigarami (oriented towards the ochigara) and slightly sparkling, with a delicious sweetness and refreshing acidity reminiscent of last year's Tenaga! I couldn't take a picture of the bottle because it was too crowded, so the bottle case is a picture taken at home. Rice polishing ratio: 45 Alcohol content: 11%.
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
89 points Modern Medium Rich ★★☆☆☆☆Light Sweet ★★☆☆☆☆Dry Acidity ★★★★☆ Floral ★★★★☆ Sourness and fruity are outstanding. Slightly shrieky. Suitable for eating. The mouthfeel is rich and slightly mellow. Not too sweet for a noble sake. More meat than fish. Dessert is also available.
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
Long time no Librom....got a new one today but I still have one in the fridge so I'll pass on it.... Lilly space is fast.... Well, this time it's chestnut and vanilla. I guessed it would probably be sweet, and I was right. I can definitely smell the chestnut aroma, but I wonder where the vanilla went. The gasiness is just a little bit. The sweetness is quite intense. There is some acidity, but the sweetness is quite dominant, giving the impression of a dessert wine. The second half finishes with a bit of alcohol, which is rare for Librom, and the 16% alcohol content gives it a strong punch. It was a little different from my usual Librom image, but I finished it before I knew it and enjoyed it well enough. I prefer Librom with lower alcohol content and higher acidity, so I have high expectations for the next Amao and Rosemary.
Dear DISRY, Excuse my comment. This one is even more chestnut-like and tasty when heated! Amao is already sold out at the distillery's online store, so if you see it, be quick ^_^.
Good evening, Mr. Gras. You are indeed a Librom local! I'm jealous 🤩. I did see that on the official Twitter 😅. I'm still going to buy it tomorrow❗️
Oze no Yukidokeうすにごり純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
Got a crab🦀 from my parents in Fukui today! I joked about it and my dad sent it to me. Thanks! Now, I wondered what kind of sake would go well with crab... and chose Ozeyuki from the fridge. It's my first time drinking it, but I was curious about it because it has a great reputation. As the label on the back says, it has a melon🍈 aroma. It has one of the most melon-like aromas of any sake that claims to be made from melon. A little gasiness. Crisp sweetness and acidity. The flavor is neither strong nor weak. Nice sweetness and acidity followed shortly by a slight bitterness and a crisp finish. The taste is as good as the rumors say. I'm not sure if it went well with the crab or not 😅, but they were both delicious, so whatever!
DISRY Good evening ^ ^ Ozeyuki, I haven't had a drink recently. This drink is just like a melon 👍. I drank Ozeyuki at New Year's a few years ago. If I can buy it, I would like to drink Ozeyuki this New Year's 😊.
Good evening, Manta 🌝. It was a melon to my surprise 😄. I'm sure there are still places where you can buy them again 😆.
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Aroma of pear. In the mouth, there is a gentle sweet acidity and a firm umami flavor. The long acid-bitter aftertaste and astringent taste are the kind that will grow on you. Let's leave it at room temperature for a while.
Hello, Futokubo! 😄 I didn't know they released this kind of heavenly wine! 😳I would love to try this one 😋.
MAJ-sama, it's a sake from the Imaya hanpukai, so I'm not sure if it's on sale to the general public yet! I think it has a much different feel than the Jungin Tenpyo!
SenkinUA 打上げ花火発泡
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
Since I drank a lot of wine and beer during the three-day weekend, I decided it was time to get some sake, so I searched the fridge and found a nice bottle. It was a Sengoku Sparkling with a carbon dioxide filling system. The aroma was mild muscat. Like the Senkohana, I wonder if the concept is to keep the aroma low. It has a strong gaseous feeling, but surprisingly, the gas filling is not too uncomfortable. The sweetness is quite restrained. Sourness is predominant, but it does not last that long, and it is quick and clean. There is almost no bitterness or alcohol taste. I think it is suitable for eating. Dry and sharp. Compared to Akabu Sparkling, which was unexpectedly released at the same time, I was surprised to find it positioned in the opposite direction. If I had to pick a favorite, I would say I prefer Akabu. It may be strange to compare them since they are completely different.
abe僕たちの酒 vol.10(上田、板倉、小松)
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Imadeya Ginza (いまでや銀座)
The other day, we compared three types of Abe Sake Brewery's annual graduation-like series, which we have come to love after enjoying Abe White and then Silver, at Imadeya Ginza! How different are the tastes brewed by the three brewers of the same Abe Brewery? I thought there wouldn't be that much difference, but when I tried to compare them, I found that they tasted completely different! Ueda: Easy to drink with a low alcohol content of 14 degrees. It has a lactic acid sweetness, a honey lemon for adults! The acidity and umami are clean and delicious! Komatsu While you can taste a little oak aroma, the sweetness is moderate, and the grapefruit-like acidity and bitter aftertaste are impressive. Itakura When poured into a glass, it has a slight caramel color and a clear matured taste. The sweetness and acidity are moderate, but the robust flavor and body that lingers on the tongue like a mash are impressive! It was a good lesson for me to see how different the taste can be depending on the maker!