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てしごとや ふくの鳥 神田店

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Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路2022純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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てしごとや ふくの鳥 神田店
It's been a while since I had a drink with my old friends. I saw Eiko Fuji on the list, so I ordered it for my first drink and was surprised by the bright label. It was a great toast, as it was brewed with Hokkaido comets, and the taste was as refreshing and light as it said it would be.
Furosen特別純米 原酒 参年熟成 白ラベル特別純米原酒
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てしごとや ふくの鳥 神田店
7/10 White label of Furoizumi. This one is made with Yamadanishiki and is a fast brewer instead of a sake brewer. It is a fast brewer with No. 7 yeast. It has an aroma of maturity and a strong acidity. Compared to the red label, this one is more refreshing, but I prefer it because I can simply taste the sense of maturity. I was satisfied with the last drink of the day.
Kaishun寛文の雫 生原酒 おりがらみ純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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てしごとや ふくの鳥 神田店
6/10 This sake is said to be made by reproducing the Edo period production method. Kanbun no Shizuku" also has an orikara flavor. It is said to be made sweet anyway. The rice polishing ratio is 90% and the sake is thick and rich. It is definitely sweet, but it is different from amazake. Would it be better to warm it up? I'll have it at my house next time.