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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
Ubusuna Check-in 1
Ubusuna Check-in 2Ubusuna Check-in 3
I thought the lid was going to fly off when I opened the bottle because it was so carbonated. The most carbonated I've ever had. I thought it was carbonated juice. The taste is refreshing, with a slight bitterness from the carbonation. I think the impression of the taste will be different when the carbonation is gone. The first sake from Kyushu!
Hiroki Check-in 1Hiroki Check-in 2
Hiroki Check-in 3Hiroki Check-in 4
Personally, I was impressed with the cohesiveness of the sake. The sweetness on the palate is subdued, but the umami is strong. It is difficult to describe, but the ginjo aroma is cool and refreshing, more like lime than fruit. The taste is crisp and clear when swallowed. Very delicious 😋.
Nito Check-in 1Nito Check-in 2
Nito Check-in 3Nito Check-in 4
Chinese zodiac bottle with ni rabbit Cute rabbit fighting with dragon. A treasure chest on the side, Tastes like an apple Watery, fresh, clean and sweet. Smooth on the tongue, it is a sake that anyone can drink. Quite delicious! Will be on repeat!
Yuki Daruma Check-in 1
Yuki Daruma Check-in 2Yuki Daruma Check-in 3
Adult Rice Juice First of all, the visual is too good. The lees are snowy and wonderful. Taste varies greatly depending on how you drink it When you drink only the part without lees, it tastes relatively dry and you feel the bitterness of carbonation. When you drink the part with lees, you can feel the rice directly and you don't feel the bitterness of the carbonation. Personally, I prefer the latter. This is the first time for me to drink Nigori-shu, but it is good to be able to drink it in various ways.
Raifuku純米 生酒 五百万石
Raifuku Check-in 1
Raifuku Check-in 2Raifuku Check-in 3
Freshness on the palate, as is typical of nama-shu. It tastes like muscat with a tangy stimulation on the tip of the tongue. The sharpness is good, and the quality for this price is quite impressive! I've heard that they are promoting the higher end ones, so I plan to repeat when the time is right!
Daishichi生酛純米古酒 2014BY
Daishichi Check-in 1
Daishichi Check-in 2Daishichi Check-in 3
Old wine for the first time in my life First of all, the color is different. The color is like whiskey. The taste is quite unique. It has a dry taste, but not too dry. The polish is 69%, which is not so low. And the yeast is a traditional sake yeast. I honestly didn't like it at first because it was full of elements I usually don't drink but after drinking it for a while, I started to enjoy it. It seems to go well with food. I probably won't repeat this sake, but I would like to try the old sake again!
Kameizumi純米吟醸 生酒
Kameizumi Check-in 1
Kameizumi Check-in 2Kameizumi Check-in 3
Well-defined taste with moderate acidity Muscat and grapefruit flavors with a hint of ginjo aroma A full-bodied sweetness fills the mouth. Very fruity sake! Very delicious 😋. I want to repeat it again!
Hanaabi純米吟醸 山田錦
Hanaabi Check-in 1Hanaabi Check-in 2
Hanaabi Check-in 3Hanaabi Check-in 4
Mellow flavor and aroma that explodes in the mouth Ginjo aroma reminiscent of pineapple The taste is sweet, yet crisp and clean. Sake that leaves a lingering scent of ginjo on the nose even after swallowing Very tasty, I want to repeat again (I'm not saying I can get it).
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 2Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 3
Sake that you can't help but buy in jackets The taste is cohesive, well-balanced and very tasty! The first sip is slightly acidic, with a delicious rice flavor, dryness, and a crisp finish, and the ginjo aroma spreads softly. It is quite delicious, and you won't regret buying a packet of it!
Ugonotsuki純米大吟醸 愛山
Ugonotsuki Check-in 1
Ugonotsuki Check-in 2Ugonotsuki Check-in 3
Rich, robust flavor fills the mouth. The moment you put it in your mouth, you can feel the mellow sweetness, but the dry aroma passes through your nose, and it seems to balance out the taste. This time, I chose Aizan (though it is almost always Aizan when the rice is written), and I found it to be my favorite flavor.
Sawanoi純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒
Sawanoi Check-in 1
Sawanoi Check-in 2Sawanoi Check-in 3
My First Tokyo Sake Cute crab mark on the lid travel The palate is fresh and watery, The palate is fresh and watery, with a dry taste and juicy rice flavor. The taste lingers for a while after swallowing. A little tangy on the tongue.
Mutsuhassenヌーヴォー おりがらみ
Mutsuhassen Check-in 1
Mutsuhassen Check-in 2Mutsuhassen Check-in 3
Freshness and wateriness typical of Nouveau (new wine) Citrus fruits on the palate and through the nose The crisp, spicy, yet mellow flavor fills the mouth. I used to prefer sweet sake, This sake is very drinkable even though it is dry, I feel like I have discovered a new sake!
Roman純米吟醸 裏
Roman Check-in 1
Roman Check-in 2Roman Check-in 3
A coherent sake with a clear taste that is full of flavor, richness, and sharpness. This was my first time to try the Urasen series, but I would like to try it again as it seems to taste different each time. I'm trying to conquer all the sake in the country, but I find myself buying only Fukushima sake,
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown of Minamiaizu! Please continue to enjoy our sake from Fukushima!
Kamonishiki荷札酒 出羽燦々
Kamonishiki Check-in 1
Kamonishiki Check-in 2Kamonishiki Check-in 3
I have always been curious about Kamonishiki's Kafuda sake. There were several kinds of sake, but I chose Dewa Sanzan, which I have not experienced yet! Unusually for a Niigata sake, the taste was quite sweet. I got the impression that the emphasis is on the taste rather than the aroma. It has a clear taste and a clear aftertaste. I would like to try other kinds of sake!
Fusano Kankikumonochrome
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 1
Fusano Kankiku Check-in 2Fusano Kankiku Check-in 3
Very good sake The juicy rice flavor spreads in the mouth. There is a little bit of bubbles when it is poured, and you can certainly feel the carbonation. It is a sake of violence of umami. I like this sake very much, and I would definitely drink it again! If you notice it, you will drink too much!
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 2Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 3
Clear and refreshing on the palate Minty, cool ginjo aroma Clean aftertaste after swallowing Sake with a sense of transparency A little expensive, but tasty. I wonder if it is related to my physical condition or if I can feel a lot of alcohol.
Gokyo純米大吟醸生原酒 fivepink
Gokyo Check-in 1
Gokyo Check-in 2Gokyo Check-in 3
Refreshing aroma of pineapple and grapefruit that spreads in the mouth. Sweetness, but with a nice crispness after swallowing, I like this sake very much because of its clean and refreshing taste. The label is cute and distinctive. It's cute, but I think it's a Z.
Hououbiden初しぼり 純米吟醸
Hououbiden Check-in 1
Hououbiden Check-in 2Hououbiden Check-in 3
My first new sake. It is the most watery and fresh I have ever had. The taste also has a part of the strength that only new sake can have. It has a melon-like ginjo aroma and a clear, well-defined flavor. Very tasty. I would like to try other kinds of sake.
Dassai Check-in 1Dassai Check-in 2
A brand I used to drink a lot when I was not familiar with Japanese sake. A profound taste and a crispness that goes down your throat. Ginjo aroma that is not too sweet and has a sake-like flavor While I found it very tasty, I also found it to be my least favorite type of sake after drinking many different types of sake. It may have deteriorated a bit due to poor storage,
Denshu Check-in 1
Denshu Check-in 2Denshu Check-in 3
Mellow flavor, sweetness of Akita Sake Komachi in the mouth, and crispness when swallowed. It is a very tasty sake with high overall strength. I have the impression that it is a little hard to find, but if you find it, you may buy it anyway.