Df4JppbQhVKokushimusoTakasago ShuzoHokkaido2/12/2025, 8:36:27 AM2Df4JppbQhVThe moment you put it in your mouth, you don't feel the tsun-tsun of sake. It is like water. But it comes with a zing.Japanese>English
Df4JppbQhVKidHeiwa ShuzoWakayama1/10/2025, 11:10:29 AM2Df4JppbQhVSweet taste but dry aftertaste. It has the sake-like taste. 60Japanese>English
Df4JppbQhVMimurosugiImanishi ShuzoNara12/4/2024, 12:07:16 PM2Df4JppbQhVNigorizake Carbonic acid gas 70Japanese>English