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もともとどんなお酒も好きでしたが、日本酒好きの職場の先輩から多大なる影響を受けました🎶 ちゃんと日本酒のことを知りたいという気持ちが最近強くなってきたので、飲んだお酒の記録をとってみようと思います。 愛読書(マンガ)は「もやしもん」、「酒と恋は酔って然るべき」。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


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It's autumn 🍁🍂. I'm having a refreshing Hiyayogoroshi to relieve the fatigue of work. The refreshing sweetness with a touch of muscat goes down smoothly, and it is a breath of fresh air. It goes well with a rich meal. I bought a dish called "Flounder Enkawa Yukke Style" and it was a nice match👍! Great 🤣! Work is over for the evening, and I feel a little relieved...
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I've been having problems at work since the end of August 😭 Plus, I've been working pretty hard for 3 weeks with the preparation of a big job in parallel... No matter how busy I've been, I've always made drinking my friend, but even that had to be spaced out... Long time no alcohol! I'd like to thank you for your hard work & well done to myself! I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and well done! The cold sake is starting to come out, but it is still hot like mid-summer. Today, we decided on this sake because we are still in summer mode. I was attracted by its gentle 12 degrees and the "lemon-like acidity" on the store's pop-up. A good amount of pressure when opening the bottle. Slight schwarziness ❤ as expected. Less sweet, refreshing acidity, somewhere between lemon and grapefruit. After a busy weekday and a sweaty Saturday and Sunday, I was properly soothed by it 😌. Next time I'd like to try it cold!
Good evening, solari 😃. I heard you are still very busy 😰, but I hope you can relax with a good drink 👋.
Thank you for your comments, Jay & Nobby. Your kind comments, along with the sake, are deeply appreciated. We are grateful to have found this sake ✨.
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While several Mutsu Hachisen series were lined up at the store, I was attracted by the pop-up saying it was the most gorgeous. Even though it is fire-brewed, be careful to open the bottle. I have a feeling it is a slight schwarz which I like. I opened the bottle with some trepidation (I didn't have any trouble at all), The aroma is fresh. Gorgeous, that's what the aroma is. The flavor is robust and tropical, with just the right amount of schwarziness. It's good that it doesn't overpower the meal. Today is the last day of work before the Obon vacation. I will enjoy this sensation. I will enjoy this feeling 🥰.
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The "Wakakoma" series is always available at the liquor store I usually go to, This time, I completely bought the name and the bottle. What's up with this "wakakoma"? The horse is wearing a snorkel. It has a slightly refreshing aroma, and the taste is somewhat tropical and fruity! It has just the right amount of sweetness, bitterness, and acidity, and although it is low in alcohol content, it has a crisp and refreshing taste, It is a summer sake! It's like a summer sake! Delicious 😊It goes well with food! It's still hot, but the humidity has calmed down a bit. This is the perfect sake for such a mid-summer evening 🎶.
No, this is a great summer drink, both the jacket and the name. Is this a ...... vacation? (I'm glad it's not a vacation...)
Thanks for your comment, koge2. Yes, I inadvertently...horse deer? I thought for a moment that it was a horse vacation in summer!
ShinkameSWEET SQUASHおりがらみ
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Due to its original sweetness, low alcohol content, and high orization, it was fermented in the bottle, so I bought it expecting it to be shwashy! It's been ridiculously hot every day. I want to drink it cool and shwashy! I can't tell you how many times I loosened the lid a little and then tightened it again and again. I thought, "I'm not going to taste it tonight, am I? So I put it in the freezer again to cool it down. The bubbles came up at an incredible speed. After about 30 minutes, the lid was finally opened, but when I poured it into a glass, the bubbles were still rising. Now, the long-awaited taste, perhaps using a lot of sugar in the fermentation, was less sweet and more like a grapefruit sour with acidity and a bit of bitterness. The schwash was more pleasant than I had expected! Summer is in full swing and we are having a wonderful sake life🎶.
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Thanks for the Tanabata sake 🎋. Delicious! Deep in flavor. Firm. 17 degrees. Drink it with a good taste. The deer label is cute too!
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Sake made entirely from Yamada-Nishiki rice that is not equal to Yamada-Nishiki. Slightly amber color, reasonable, cute label. The taste was different from the ones I have chosen so far, and not bad at all 😊. It had a pineapple feel to it, but it wasn't light and had a good presence. It was more like drinking it with a good taste than gulping it down. So the four-pack bottle lasted for five days (lol) (I mean this in a good way). It was a good accompaniment to my daily evening meal, as it does not lose out to a hearty meal.
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The pop-up in the liquor store I always go to said "sports drink for adults" 💡. I was knackered from refereeing basketball this morning... and since I stopped by on my way home, this was the only drink I had to choose from (lol)! Refreshing aroma, it's like aquariums in your mouth! The acidity feels great on fatigue. For this moment, I came home today and worked hard on housework even though I was groggy! It's also a little low and gentle and relaxing 😌. Good job for the day~!
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I was lured by the pops: ginjo aroma, mango-like flavor, slightly carbonated. Summer is a good time for shuwa shuwa! (Even though it's only June) To be honest, I don't really know what "ginjo aroma" is. So I guess this is what this aroma is? I understood. It has a nice aroma of fermentation. And it is even stronger than the fine schwarz I usually prefer! But not so much that it bubbles. The mild sweetness, which is called "mango," is just right because it is tightened up by this shuwa. You can also taste the sweetness of the rice due to the orikara flavor. It is not a summer sake, but rather a summer sake to be savored thoroughly!
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I wanted to try this sake once, as it appears in my favorite book (manga)! I was surprised & happy to find it very reasonably priced😊. The mouthfeel is very gentle and then the umami comes through. The balance is really good! It goes well with any meal, the sake doesn't hide the food and the food doesn't hide the sake. It is a sake that harmonizes. Delicious~Happiness time!
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A summer sake made directly from the tank. Purchased in search of a refreshing sake. The mouthfeel is smooth and the sweetness is subdued, but the acidity comes forward. It leaves a moderate bitterness and umami taste in the mouth, which makes you want to have another sip! It is a sake that makes you want to have another sip. As for snacks, it goes well with fatty meat rather than sashimi. Today I had stir-fried pea shoots (not stir-fried, but lentil, salt, and sesame oil) and new corned beef. I'm going to enjoy a variety of summer sake 😊.
Tosa-shiragiku微発泡酒 純米吟醸生純米吟醸生酒
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I bought this bottle in search of a refreshing and refreshing drink today as the rain has been increasing and it has become steamy. The light blue bottle is cool. I was told to be careful when opening the bottle, but I was able to open it without that much caution. The finely rising bubbles were beautiful and I watched them for a while. There is some oli in the bottle, which gives it a strong flavor. The sweetness and acidity are well balanced, and the fruitiness can be felt. And the slight bubbles are pleasant. Good for summer! Delicious 😉. It's been a long time since I've been able to come back home after a long time, and it's been a long time since I've had a drink. I'm drunk every moment of this...
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I went to a liquor store and found a variety of summer liquors ✨. Among them, I was interested in this one which is reasonably priced in 500mL bottles. This week I was too busy to leave when the liquor store was open. I decided on Kimi today lol. I know you said you put ori in it, but there are already rice grains mashed in it. I was told to be careful of spills. I was warned to be careful about spilling the rice, but I didn't think it would spill that much! The rice flavor is unique to the oli filling, though, The carbonation and the acidity in the sake make it smooth without being too smooth, and skippy without being too skippy. I remember it being sold as a summer sake...I'm not sure if I remember anymore, but it's delicious! It's been a long time since I've had the luxury of time, and I intend to enjoy it well 😊.
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Golden Week, when all I drink is sake 🍶. Good cosiness while directly pumped sake! I have a feeling it's my favorite micro-shuwa! So I bought it at a local liquor store. As soon as I opened the lid, I was surprised by the nice aroma! Flowery, fruity aroma. (I couldn't help but let my high school daughter sniff it and she said it smelled great. I wonder if she's okay with it.) The taste was...what is it, some kind of fruit! A little bit of sourness in the depths, and a refreshing sweetness on the surface. It's not like a green apple...it's more like a pear that's not too ripe. The alcohol content is 16%, a little high, but it doesn't blur the flavor. Today I am enjoying it with sashimi, but I think it would also go well with meat with a lot of flavor. It is a very good sake to enjoy in early summer. 🙆‍♀️
Good evening, solari 😃. We are also enjoying the Golden Sake 🍶 week as well 😆 I would like to feel what kind of aroma it has 😌 I will look for it at the liquor store👍. Looking forward to seeing what's ahead from high school 😄.
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At a Kyushu cuisine bar where I had a month-long party with my juniors at work. I started from the form (lol). Kumamon is cute! A crisp and easy to drink sake. It was delicious with the meal. Even my younger colleague, who normally doesn't drink sake, found it easy to drink! I didn't know sake was this easy to drink! He said, "This is what sake is like! I'm glad!
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Sake with a slight color in a clear bottle. Is it orangey? I thought so, and when I took it, yes, it looked like that! The sweetness and sourness both come forward with a fruitiness. There was also a sense of sizzle that can only be found in nama-shu. It is delicious 😆.
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I wanted to try this drink that appeared in the cartoon, in the summer! 6% alcohol by volume. It tastes just like calpis! I was surprised that this flavor could be made from rice. It seems to be good on the rocks, which makes it even more refreshing. I'm going to be busy these days, so it would be nice to drink it late and not be burdened with alcohol. It's just right for resetting my busy days!
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My first sake from Hokkaido. I was a little afraid to buy it because of the word "massive" on the pop-up label at the liquor store. After tasting it... Indeed, it has a strong presence. It has a strong umami and sweetness, with a bit of acidity and bitterness to finish it off. But it is easy to drink! I would rather savor it than just drink it smoothly. You can drink it slowly 😌.
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Souvenir of Danna. First time for a sake yeast yeast yeast yeast yeast! The sourness you feel when it goes down your throat is pleasant. It has such a calm feeling that it naturally seeps into your body... It has such a calm feeling. It seems to be good not only cold, but also lukewarm, so I thought I would try it at different temperatures!
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I was attracted by the cute label and the "Hoshi no Yeast," which has been revived at the Suzuki Sake Brewery after a 20-year absence. The first sip has a fruity acidity and a pleasant, smooth finish! It is also good that it is a little strong at 16% alcohol. It is not too light. The rice is said to be Miyamanishiki. I'm not yet a master until I can tell the difference, lol. I feel like I can have any kind of snacks. Earlier it was crab cakes, Now baby leaf and mushrooms with olive oil and salt. Delicious 😋. Tomorrow is the big day. I'm going to work hard with this 💪.
Good morning, solari 😃. It looks sweet and tasty, but I'm curious about the sharp acidity 😋. I don't know what day it is😅good luck on your big day 👋
Thanks for your comments, I will try to get back to you soon. I will do my best!