Cup of SHIMADA Sake Shop🍶.
I have always been curious about this sake. It was refreshing and easy to drink. It reminded me of the rice fields in Sarukuro🌾 lol
I was curious about this 🌸 Hana Smile.
We were told that if we wanted something sweeter after drinking this, we could have a dolce, but it was enough 😊.
I would drink it again 🍶.
Sake Umeshu🌸
I recently started drinking sake plum wine🍶.
Of the several bottles I've had, this is the easiest to drink and tastiest ✨The packaging is cute too💗.
After Namacho, I ordered a glass of Shigemasu 🍶 Drink it: 🙇♀️
It was labeled "dry" but when I drank it like the waiter said, it wasn't that dry. The alcohol was stronger than Namacho.
I enjoyed the last Sanuki Yomai so much that I tried Yamadanishiki as well😊.
With a sweet taste similar to my favorite Manrei,
Easy to drink, you wouldn't believe it has 16% alcohol 🍶💕.
It was a limited edition, one bottle per person 🍾.
It was easy to drink, had a sweet taste and an aroma that I have never had before.
It is a sake that women will like, including the packaging 🌸.