SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
主にワイン好きでVivinoやってます。 元々日本酒好きで、日本酒遍歴はこちらに投稿していきます。 また、ビールも大好き。 クールビズならぬビールクズ。 2023年ワインエキスパート取得。 2024年SAKE DIPLOMA、日本ビール検定2,3級挑戦。 三大醸造酒マスターが目下の目標。 学生時代久保田から入り、社会人になり酔鯨で日本酒好きを再確認。 これからは一生の趣味として深めたい。

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The appearance is a slightly pale crystal silver with a high degree of clarity. The aroma is youthful and gorgeous, with a strong rice aroma as if it were pure rice. It is also fruity and slightly acidic, so apricot curd and sour cream. Some apple, but maybe banana with isoamyl acetate. Melon, fresh and strongly muscat-like. Bamboo and other greens are subdued. The flavor is rather strong, mildly sweet, round and firm acidity. It is sticky, thick, and worth looking at. There is a lingering aftertaste and a sense of convergence in the mouth.
Hakkaisan特別純米酒 生詰
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Transparent and pale crystal silver. The first impression is of a gorgeous, full aroma. It has a strong sense of rice, cooked rice, apricot curd due to its fruity nature, and sour cream due to its acidity. Fruitiness of pear, white peach and banana. The taste is rather strong and mellow, with no strong sweetness. Feels dry due to the high alcohol content. Fresh, firm and strong acidity, with a delicious bitterness. It is structured, sticky, and thick. The lingering finish is rather long, but the aroma and flavor make it seem relatively short.
alt 1
The exterior is cloudy and difficult to see through. First impression: fresh, gorgeous, fruity and white wine-like. Pear, white peach, lychee, lactic acidity, sour cream, and yogurt. There is not much of a greenish aroma, and the fruit is still strongly present. The taste is rather strong, round, and full sweetness. The acidity is gentle and round, and the bitterness is moderate. Slightly effervescent and lively, with a compact balance. The aftertaste is a little weak, but it is crisp and easy to drink. It can be drunk casually. Delicious.
Urakasumi禅 純米吟醸酒
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Transparent and pale silver crystal. Fresh, floral, grapefruit and honeysuckle aroma. Rice-derived jiaogao, fruity apricot and fresh cream. The taste is rather light but elegant sweetness, refreshing and gentle acidity with mild bitterness. Smooth, lively, fresh sake. The aftertaste is rather short.
Gasanryu純米吟醸 生酒
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The appearance is clear and pale silver crystal. The surface of the liquid is very clean even though it is unfiltered. The first impression of the aroma is full and mellow. From the aroma of cooked rice, which is typical of junmai, there are hints of cream, sour cream, apple, pear, melon, honeysuckle, and some mashed mushrooms. Apples, pears, melon, honeysuckle, and some mushrooms. The palate is rather light, with mild sweetness, round and fine acidity, and a full-bodied bitterness. Smooth and lush balance, not too long on the finish. It is not sharp, but not in a bad way either. There is an elegance that passes through easily.
alt 1
The exterior is a near colorless silver crystal. The aroma is youthful and fresh, with a freshness of cooked rice, apricot bean curd, green bamboo, and a discreet sweetness like pear. The first impression on the palate is rather strong, with elegant sweetness and a refreshingly sharp acidity. The bitterness with umami is well pronounced, and the wine is lively, dry, and light dry. The lingering finish is also somewhat long.
alt 1
The appearance is transparent and slightly pale silver crystal. After a full and mellow first impression, the elegance of white dumplings and soft lactic acidity of whipped cream. Ginjo aromas of pear, white peach, and banana, with freshness of fresh green. The taste is rather strong, with a plump sweetness, fine and sharp acidity, and bitterness with umami. The balance is round and lush, with a long, persistent finish.
alt 1
The appearance is transparent and pale silver crystal. The first impression of the aroma is gentle and mellow, elegant like white dumplings, fruity like apricot curd, pear, white peach, melon, and honeysuckle. It is rounder than aojiku, but I wonder if it has a fresh green can. The palate is rather light and elegant, with fine but firm acidity, a hint of bitterness with umami, dry and rich. The lingering finish is rather long.
alt 1
The exterior is a clear, nearly colorless crystal silver. Fresh, gorgeous aroma, grapefruit, pear, muscat, honeysuckle. Aromas of freshly pounded glutinous rice cake, cypress, and apricot. Slightly light on the palate, elegant sweetness, gentle and smooth acidity. Smooth, mellow balance with mild bitterness. The lingering finish is rather long.
alt 1
The appearance is transparent and pale crystal silver. The nose is gorgeous and full, with hints of pear, banana, and acacia. There is a freshness of green bamboo, lime minerality, mushroom and chestnut aroma, and sour cream fermentation. The first impression on the palate is rather strong, with plump sweetness, round and firm acidity, and full-bodied bitterness. The aftertaste is rather long.
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Tomorrow is the last day of the first round of the SAKE DIPLOMA examination, which was postponed due to a typhoon. To tell the truth, I just barely passed the first round of the exam by working on a collection of questions over the past two or three days, which were postponed due to the typhoon and heavy rain. Unlike last year's wine expert exam, I licked my way through the exam, and since I was unusually busy at work, I was unable to devote much time to studying. If the borderline is 70%, I'm confident of passing, but if it's 80%, it might be tough. It was a memory test and I couldn't remember what I thought about it anymore, so halfway through the test, I hit the "finish" button and was relieved that I managed to pass. I still have 2 months of hard work ahead of me as I have to study for the second test and also for the beer certification test.......
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Yamagata, Dewa no Sato. Slightly yellow in color, but I thought a sake made from a traditional sake brewer's yeast would be much darker. It has a full, mellow aroma, a sweet taste with good acidity, and a very long aftertaste.
Bijofu純米吟醸 純麗たまラベル純米吟醸
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Bikuyo Junmai Ginjo Junrei Tama Label Bikuyo drinking comparison. Banana, ginjo aroma, and a full sweetness of rice. Junmai Ginjo has depth. The taste has a beautiful acidity and is slightly light and well-balanced. It is dry, umami, and delicious.
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Mikuyo Special Honjozo Slightly yellowish. The aroma is fresh and youthful. It is light and has no peculiarities, and may be a little too much for drinkers. The alcohol content is 14%, which is a little low. However, in summer, it tastes great when served crisp and cold. Vinegared dishes go well with it.