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Nose. The nose is rather pleasant and opulent. Melon, banana, cream, rhumune and a hint of bamboo leaves. Taste. The attack is rather light, with a mild sweetness. The palate is slightly light on the attack, with a mild sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a rich bitterness. Medium-bodied, with a good sense of unity. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression. Gorgeous fruit aromas, harmonious and round on the palate. Purchase: Sake Shop Seimizuya Koumi Honten (Koumi-machi, Nagano Prefecture)
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Nose : The nose is rather pleasant and fresh. Melon, banana, white peach, sour cream, apricot curd, acacia and rum. Taste : The attack is a little light, with a mild sweetness. Refreshingly acidic and gassy afterwards. A sharp bitterness lingers. Light-medium bodied, with a lively impression. The finish is rather short. Impression : Light and fresh on the palate with gorgeous fruit aromas. Purchased at Yoda Shoten (Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture)
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Nose: The nose is rather pleasant and gorgeous. Yellow apples, bananas, jasmine, white peaches, cream, white egg powder, steamed rice. Taste: The attack is a little light, with a moderate sweetness. The palate is light on the attack with a moderate sweetness, followed by a smooth acidity and a delicious bitterness. Light-medium bodied with a good sense of unity. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression : Gorgeous aromas of fruit and white flowers, light and integrated on the palate, smooth to drink. Purchase: Sake-po Takahashi (Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture)
Aramasa瑠璃 2019 -Lapis Lazuli-純米吟醸生酛原酒
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Nose : The nose is rather pleasant and refreshing. Banana, pear, yoghurt, acacia, apricot and white bean flour. Taste : The attack is a little light, with a good sweetness. The palate is light on the attack, with a moderate sweetness, followed by a refreshing acidity and a hint of gas, with a gentle bitterness that gives fullness. The palate is medium bodied with a lively impression. The finish is rather short. Impressions: Fresh and full aromas, rich sweetness and acidity are harmonious and lively. Purchase: Saegusa Sake Store (Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture)
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Nose. The nose is rather pleasant and gorgeous. Melon, banana, pear, white bean flour, cream and honeysuckle. Taste. The attack is rather light, with a moderate sweetness. The palate is a little light on the attack, with a good sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity that leaves a delicious bitterness. Medium-bodied and fleshy. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression. This wine has gorgeous fruit aromas and is thick with flavor. Production: 2020.10 Purchased at: Yamazakura Saito Sake Shop (Ishikawa-machi, Fukushima Prefecture)
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Nose: The nose is rather pleasant and elegant. Yellow apple, pear, yuzu, acacia, cream and white flour. Taste: The attack is a little light with a gentle sweetness. The palate is slightly light on the attack, with a gentle sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a mild bitterness. Light-medium bodied with a silky impression. The finish is rather short. Impression: This wine has fresh and elegant fruit aromas and is light and smooth to drink. Production: 2020.11 Remarks : Sake Meter: +1.9, Acidity: 1.5, 100% Yamada Nishiki rice, Polishing ratio: 55 Buy: Jizake no Murai(Yurihonjo-shi, Akita-ken)
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Aroma: The aroma is mild. Elegant impression. Melon, white peach, white egg powder, cream cheese and honeysuckle. Taste: The attack is rather strong, with a rich sweetness. The acidity is a little firm and refreshing, with a bitterness that gives fullness. Medium-bodied and lively. The finish is rather short. Impressions : This is an elegant wine with elegant fruit and rice-derived aromas and a rich sweetness that is complemented by a refreshing acidity. How to drink: The brewer recommends drinking it on the rocks or with soda. On the rocks: The sweetness settles down and the balance of the taste is enhanced. As the ice gradually melts, the acidity becomes more pronounced and crisp, and the sharp bitterness is enhanced. The flavours become more balanced, making it easier to pair with a variety of meals. Soda-wise (sake:soda 1:2 to 1:3): The acidity stands out strongly, and the aftertaste is dry and bitter. Purchase: Suzuki Sake Store (Shimotsuma City, Saitama Prefecture)
I have no experience with soda-wari sake, but I understand that there are some that are suitable for that kind of drinking. 💡
I also tried it with soda for the first time at this time, but I felt it needed a little more sweetness. If you make the ratio more sake, you might get a better balance. It was delicious on the rocks, so I recommend it.
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Nose: The nose is gentle and elegant. Pineapple, pear, white peach, lilac and white flour. Taste: The attack is slightly light with a gentle sweetness. The palate is slightly light on the attack, with a gentle sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a crisp bitterness. The palate is light to medium bodied, integrated and silky. The finish is short. Impression: The wine is light, smooth and harmonious with gorgeous fruit aromas. Purchased at Nakai Sake Shop (Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture)
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香り: 香り立ちはやや良く、華やかな印象。 メロン、洋梨、バナナ、アカシア、白玉粉、上新粉。 味わい: アタックはやや軽やか、穏やかな甘味。後から爽やかな酸味が広がり、優しい苦味が残る。ライトミディアムボディで瑞々しい印象。余韻はやや短い。 感想: 華やかな果実のアロマが広がり、軽快で爽やかな味わい。 購入:斉藤酒米店(秋田県大仙市)
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Nose: The nose is well developed and gorgeous. Melon, pineapple, white peach, acacia, grapefruit, and topping. Taste: The attack is light and gentle with a sweet taste. A light, gentle sweetness on the attack, followed by an elegant acidity and a mild bitterness. Light bodied and clean. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression: This wine has gorgeous fruit aromas and is light and clear to drink. Production: 2020.11
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Nose : The nose is rather aromatic and martial. Yellow apples, apricots, cooked rice, cream cheese, white sesame seeds, walnuts, mitarashi, mushrooms and prosciutto. Taste : The attack is strong, with a good sweetness. The palate is full-bodied and powerful, with a firm, round acidity and a delicious bitterness. Full-bodied and powerful. The aftertaste is rather short. Impressions: Full aroma of rice and 麴. Full-bodied, tasty and very drinkable. Purchased at Kanaya Saketen(Ota-city, Gunma pref.)
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Nose: The nose is gentle and full. Yellow peaches, red-fleshed melon, cream cheese, apricot curd, lilac and white bean flour. Taste: The attack is a little strong, with a good sweetness. The acidity is firm and round, and the bitterness with the flavor remains gently. Full-bodied and fleshy. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression: This is a full-bodied wine with ripe fruit and dairy-like aromas. Purchased at Takadome Sake Shop(Yokote City, Akita Prefecture)
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Nose: The nose is reserved and rustic. Apricot, yellow apple, honeysuckle, steamed rice, cooked rice, chestnut, walnut, mushroom, iodine. Taste : The attack is rather light, with a gentle sweetness. The palate is slightly light on the attack, with a gentle sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a delicious bitterness that lingers gently. Light-medium bodied and smooth. The finish is short. Impression: Simple and full aroma from the rice. Gentle and smooth on the palate. Warmed Sake: Warmed to a lukewarm temperature, it becomes thicker and more integrated, with a harmonious combination of flavor and sharpness. Production: 2020.11
Haginotsuru美山錦中取り 純米吟醸原酒 亀岡純米吟醸原酒中取り
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Nose: The nose is well developed and gorgeous. Melon, white peach, banana, yuzu, acacia, cream and white bean flour. Taste: The attack is rather light, with a mildly fruity sweetness. The palate is lightly bodied, with a mildly fruity sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a sharp bitterness. The palate is light bodied, fresh and clean. The finish is rather long. Impressions: This wine has a gorgeous fruit aroma and a light, clear taste. Production: 2020.11 Remarks : Abe Saketen Original Product Purchased by: Abe Saketen(Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture)
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Nose : The nose is slightly aromatic and fresh. Green apple, kiwi, pineapple, dill, white egg powder, topping powder, cashew nuts. Taste: The attack is light, with a gentle sweetness. A light, gentle sweetness on the attack, followed by an elegant acidity and a mild bitterness. Light bodied and clean. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression. Fresh fruit aromas unfold on the palate, which is light and transparent.
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Nose: The aroma is well developed and gorgeous. White peach, muscat, lychee, jasmine, topping and white bean powder. Taste: The attack is light and gentle with a sweet taste. The palate is light and gentle on the attack, with a smooth acidity and a crisp bitterness. Light bodied and clean. The aftertaste is rather short. Impression: Light and clear on the palate with gorgeous Muscat-like fruit aromas. Production: 2020.11
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Nose: The nose is well developed and gorgeous. Muscat, lychee, pineapple, jasmine, sour cream, apricot, white bean, steamed rice. Taste: The attack is strong, with a rich sweetness. The palate is full-bodied and glamorous. Full-bodied and glamorous. The finish is long. Impression: This is a full bodied wine with a gorgeous fruit aroma. Production: 2020.10 Purchase: Jizake Sunmart (Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture)
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Nose: The nose is well developed and gorgeous. Melon, banana, milk, lilac and apricot. Taste : The attack is rather strong, with a mild sweetness. The palate is medium-full bodied, with a firm, round acidity and a full-bodied bitterness. Medium-full bodied and well structured. The finish is short. Impression. This wine has gorgeous fruit and creamy aromas and a firm structure on the palate. Warmed Sake A temperature of 30-35°C (86-86°F) gives a richer taste while maintaining the balance of aromas. Purchased at Kita Echigo Meishukan(Niigataken Niibataken)
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Nose: The nose is slightly aromatic, fresh and gorgeous. Pineapple, yellow apple, yuzu, topping and gently kumquats. Taste: The attack is rather strong, with a good sweetness. The palate has a smooth acidity followed by a rich bitterness. Medium-full bodied and fleshy. The finish is rather long. Impression. This wine is full and fleshy with gorgeous fresh fruit-like aromas. Purchase: Yamazakura Saito Sake Shop (Ishikawa-machi, Fukushima Prefecture)
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Sasaichi Sake Brewery (笹一酒造)
Nose: The nose is well developed and gorgeous. Melon, white peach, pear, jasmine, cream and topping. Taste: The attack is a little light, with a rich sweetness. The palate is slightly light on the attack, with a rich sweetness, followed by an elegant acidity and a delicious bitterness. Medium-bodied and creamy. The finish is rather long. Impression: This is a thick, creamy wine with gorgeous fruit aromas. Remarks: 1,000 yen including tax with snacks