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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.
自然酒 Check-in 1自然酒 Check-in 2
Shizen Shu, pure yeast and pure rice sake Additive-free yeast Kura yeast Alcohol content 16%. Polishing ratio 80 Naturally grown rice Price: 1650 yen, tax included It has a yellowish color and strong acidity. When served cold, the acidity quickly fades and the rice flavor overflows. When warmed, the acidity weakens a little and the sweetness increases. Classic light? I guess.
Miyoshi Check-in 1Miyoshi Check-in 2
It seems to be Hatsujiritsuru brewed at Miyoshi's own brewery. When opened, it has a cloying taste, but after a day, it goes from fruity to very slightly effervescent with a sharp taste! It has a slightly dry classic light rice taste. It has a slightly dry classic light rice taste. Price: 1980 yen Alcohol content 16%. Polishing ratio is not stated, but it is about 50%. I think it is about 50%. I am sure. It has a fruity flavor with a strong sense of rice due to the presence of orikomi. I have high expectations for this brewery in the future. ❗️
中島屋結 ゆう大吟醸
中島屋 Check-in 1中島屋 Check-in 2
Nakajimaya Daiginjo Limited Edition 100% Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio 38 Alcohol content 16 Price: 2860 yen It is refreshing. Slightly fruity and easy to drink. Beaten by a limited edition: ❗️
There's a great cider feeling!
勢力 Check-in 1勢力 Check-in 2
Power Nakamura Sake Brewery, Shunan City Fukugawa Price 640 yen Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 14.5 It is made by Mr. Yamagata. What's inside, Kahori? Similar to It is easy to drink, and I think it was the most advanced sake 20 years ago. I think it is easy to drink and light and dry in 2023.
Tenbi Check-in 1Tenbi Check-in 2
Happy New Year 🎍. I am thankful that I am in good health and have gained a little weight this year, but I am still in a normal temperature. I was hesitating at the end of the year, but I chose Amami as my first sake on New Year's Day ❗️. Rice polishing ratio 40 Alcohol content 15 Price: 4950 yen including tax It is a little more refreshing than Hakusei and has a crisp aftertaste. This is the first raw Daiginjo from Amami, but it is good. It is naturally delicious and the price is fair. I think the price is fair. I think the price is raised by making full use of internet reservations, and the sake that costs about 3 times as much is out of reach for the average person, but I think Amami has this.
熊谷 朋之
Happy New Year, Gomaburi! I am glad you had a peaceful year. Amami Junmai Daiginjo is a very beautiful sake. I want to drink it all the time as it is. (Laughs) I look forward to working with you again this year.
Ohmine Junmai3grain 大嶺3粒無濾過生原酒 出羽燦々純米吟醸原酒生酒
Ohmine Junmai Check-in 1Ohmine Junmai Check-in 2
Daimine 3 Grains Unfiltered Nama Sake Dewa Tsanzan Polishing ratio 50%. 100% Dewa Tsanzan Alcohol content 15 Price1980yen tax included Fresh and bitty! It is a modern sake. It has a sharpness that quickly removes the aftertaste of fish. It is sweet, but went well with sushi.
Kameizumi Check-in 1Kameizumi Check-in 2
Kameizumi CEL-24 Hatsu Shibori Alcohol content 14 Sake meter degree -13 Acidity 1.5 Polishing ratio 50%. Price 2013 yen including tax Sweet, fruity, pineapple flavor It has sweetness, acidity and sharpness. It is a modern sake that is very easy to drink. This is my first time in Kochi.
Wakamusume Check-in 1Wakamusume Check-in 2
Wakamusume Hanatachibana Unfiltered unpasteurized sake Omachi 50%, Saito no Shizuku 50 Polishing ratio 60 1892 yen, tax included Alcohol content 16%. The refreshing acidity of OMACHI and the sweetness of SAITO NO SHIZUKU are like the sourness of strawberries. It is good as a dessert sake. It is a modern creation. The aftertaste is similar to that of Tenbi, so is the yeast the same?
中島屋 Check-in 1中島屋 Check-in 2
Nakashimaya Unfiltered Ginjo Alcohol content: 16% to 17%. Price: 1650 yen Rice polishing ratio 55 Ingredient rice: Yamadanishiki Kake rice: Saito no Shizuku A ginjo-shu with a gorgeous fruity aroma and a sweet yet refreshing aftertaste. It has a slightly yellowish color. No bubbles. The aroma is mild and gorgeous. The sweet and sour aftertaste is tangy and spicy, but refreshing. It gives the impression that it can be drunk slowly and leisurely.
鳥海山純米吟醸 百田純米吟醸
鳥海山 Check-in 1鳥海山 Check-in 2
Chokaizan Hyakuda Junmai Ginjo 720ml Hakuden Tenju Sake Brewery Rice used: Tenju Sake Rice Momota produced by Kenkyukai Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16%. Price 1840 yen including tax Fruity from the acidity. Clear and refreshing aftertaste. This is a limited product that is only available at a limited number of distributors. It has a delicate and pretty impression, a slightly reserved but charming aroma, and a modern taste full of the freshness typical of Chokaiyama. The sweetness and acidity are refreshing, but also accentuated by a slight astringency. Momota is a new rice variety developed in Akita Prefecture and is a crossbreed of two varieties of sake rice, the parent of which is the popular Hyogo Prefecture Yamada-Nishiki. Similar in character to Yamadanishiki, it is characterized by a deep flavor with a mellow, full aftertaste.
Ohmine Junmai冬のおとずれ純米吟醸原酒にごり酒
Ohmine Junmai Check-in 1
Ohmine Junmai Check-in 2Ohmine Junmai Check-in 3
Daimine San Grain is a winter arrival❗️ Alcohol content 14.5 Price: 2420 yen It was slightly effervescent and somewhat sharp after opening the bottle. After two days, it became smooth. The taste is fruity, maybe pear? The design of the bottle makes it a must-buy. What do you think?
Fukucho純米吟醸 八反草純米吟醸
Fukucho Check-in 1Fukucho Check-in 2
Tomikunaga's Yatancho is said to be the oldest reintroduced sake rice in Hiroshima Prefecture❗️. Polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 60 Alcohol content 16 Price 1760 yen including tax There is a chirichiri-feeling. It has a sharpness and a sense of rice, and can be served as either an aperitif or a mid-meal drink! Slightly dry but delicious ❗️
Dassai槽場汲み 無濾過純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Dassai Check-in 1Dassai Check-in 2
Otters are raw ❗️. Alcohol content: 16%. Polishing ratio 39 Price: 2970 yen Otter's rice flavor from the chirichiri-feeling? Sounds like amazake, but daiginjos are like this! Is the price good? The price is cheap at 39%. Normally it would be around 5,000 yen. It is the best Daiginjo in Yamaguchi prefecture. I have no complaints.
Tenbi Check-in 1Tenbi Check-in 2
Rice polishing ratio 40 Alcohol content 15%. Price 4950 yen including tax I bought a bottle of Tenbi. I was a bit hesitant to buy it, but since I was going to go through the trouble, I bought it ❗️. I felt it was a little harsh right after opening the bottle. But after a week, the chiliiness went down a little, but it has a nice mild fruity taste and sharpness. A luxurious dessert sake with grapes and berries. I was wondering if it was hard to find it in liquor stores these days. I was wondering if it was hard to find, but then I found it at a roadside station. I wondered if they started to give priority to places that can handle large quantities of it and wholesale it. It seems that it has been gone from the stores that carry it for about half a year now.
Ohmine Junmai3grain生詰ひやおろし雄町純米吟醸生詰酒ひやおろし
Ohmine Junmai Check-in 1Ohmine Junmai Check-in 2
Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 13 100% Omachi Price 1980 yen This is the first Omine in a long time. It is not as fruity as Yamadanishiki, but it is slightly bubbly. When you put it in your mouth, it has a sharp acidity from sweetness and acidity. Usually, it has a strong pear taste, but because it is Omachi, it has a sweet grape taste.
Kin Suzume秘伝隠生酛生酛
Kin Suzume Check-in 1Kin Suzume Check-in 2
Kinjaku Alcohol content 15 Rice polishing ratio unknown Price 1870 yen including tax This sake is quite difficult to understand. The price is probably in the Junmai Ginjo class. The piquancy in the mouth is irresistible. It has a cider-like aftertaste, with a sharp acidity from sweet and sour! It's different from "Aki-agari". Sorry for the repeated posts of Kinjaku, but I buy it whenever I see it!
Kin Suzume秋あがり純米吟醸
Kin Suzume Check-in 1Kin Suzume Check-in 2
Kinjaku - Autumn Alcohol content 15%. Rice polishing ratio unknown Price 1880 yen including tax The color is slightly yellowish. It has a rich aroma, and the pineapple and carbonation in the mouth make it hard to stop. The acidity is very effective, so the aftertaste is very smooth. I am lucky to be able to purchase the first harvest of the season this year. I am a poor person, but if there is Kinjaku, I would not hesitate to buy it.
Gomaburi-san, Tenbi is delicious, but If there was a sparrow, I would go to "Chun Chun" without hesitation. I would go to "Chunchunchun" without hesitation. I was told by the liquor store when I bought it I was told by the sake shop when I bought it that "Aki-agari" tastes better if you let it sit for a month or so.
Thank you for the valuable information, Makoske-san. I still have about half of it left, so I'm going to let it sit for a while! I will take my time to taste it, since I couldn't buy any last year because there were none left.
Mizubasho Check-in 1Mizubasho Check-in 2
Basho Sparkling Rice polishing ratio 60 Alcohol content 15 Price 670 yen It was damp, so I wanted a sparkling wine for carbonation! It took about 5 minutes to open the bottle, but it was opened! It has a dry aftertaste, so it went well with Thai basil in olive oil! It's good as a food wine. I don't need a lot of sparkling, so thank goodness for 300ml!
長門峡 Check-in 1
長門峡 Check-in 2長門峡 Check-in 3
Nagato Gorge Junmai Ginjo Polishing ratio 50%. Alcohol content 15-16 degrees Price 1900 yen - 550 yen Yamaguchi subsidy Bought at a bargain price! It is usually delicious with a delicious acidity on the palate from the ginjo aroma. If anything, it is a classic? I would say it is calm, but overall it is an average sake. It might grow if it has some characteristics. That's all I have to say.
Seems like it would go well with fish or something. I think it would make a good food wine!
Kin Suzume伝承山廃純米吟醸山廃
Kin Suzume Check-in 1Kin Suzume Check-in 2
It's been a long time since I've been able to buy one of these! Golden Chun Chun! Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Polishing ratio is not disclosed Price: 1870 yen The color is slightly yellow and slightly effervescent. You can see the fine bubbles. It is beautiful, juicy, fruity, gorgeous, and the acidity and sharpness are well balanced! A hard-to-find brand, but cheap and delicious! We are proud of their attitude to produce cheap and tasty sake.
I let it sit for a day and it went from pineapple-y to sharp as hell!
Gomaburi-san konbanhar ′true decision. Congratulations on 🎊100in🎉! I'm curious about this drink because I haven't had it yet (´...ω...` ) I would like to drink it someday🎶.