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2953 Ishize, Nishikan-ku, Niigata,
map of Takarayama Shuzo
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Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the ㊗️ Sake-no-jin, 30 Niigata sake cups 🎉 Part 2 First, cold sake. A little bit matured. But it also has a softness. Surprisingly refreshing. No gusto. Spicy. 45 degrees. Spicy. 45 degrees. When raised to 60 degrees, it loses a little of its flavor and becomes a warm sugar water. With yellowtail teriyaki and 😋. Sake from Sake Kadoya @ Murakami 20240315
Hozan純米大吟醸 別誂 山田錦50純米大吟醸
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Hozan Shuzo Hozan Junmai Daiginjo Betsuatsurae Yamadanishiki 50 This brewery is located in Nishigama-ku, Niigata City. The rice is polished to 50% Yamadanishiki produced in Hyogo Prefecture's Special A district. The aroma is subdued and elegant, the flavor is gentle and full-bodied, and the finish is gentle. The aroma is understated and elegant, the taste of rice is full and gentle, and the aftertaste is mild. #Sake
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Hozan Shuzo Takarazan Re-jozo Shuzo A brewery in Nishigama-ku, Niigata City. So-called "Kijozo-shu" (noble sake). The rice is 88% polished rice grown in Niigata Prefecture. Gentle and mellow aroma, rounded rounded rice flavor, and a gentle, light and sweet It has a gentle and mellow aroma, rounded rice flavor, and a gentle, light and sweet taste. #Nihon-shu
HozanTAKARAYAMAHA 米袋ラベル 1回火入れ
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酒屋 巡
Finally, it started to get in the way, the third cup. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.... It's good that it's crowded on weekends, but it might be a little hard to be alone. The manager is trying his best to keep me around (since I'm a drinker who drinks close to 10,000 yen by myself), but...if I stay any longer, I'm seriously going to get in the way... TAKARAYAMA It seems to be a rare sake made from edible rice. It is sweet and has a stronger rice flavor than sake rice. Maybe it was because I had been drinking sakkimade ginjo...but I also felt a slight "nuka" (dirtiness) of the rice. The taste is hardened by the fire-roasting. Yes, this is what I wanted to drink. It's calm and consistent, like a delicious "rice" sake. Junmai sake is the best sake for food. The staff at this restaurant (or rather, almost all of the staff these days) like to drink sake that is unpasteurized, ginjo, and refreshing, so this type of sake is a rarity. Wow, the father of the next-door neighbor started talking about how hard it is for a single person to enjoy Tsumami... I think it's time to go home. Sousaku Izakaya Man Fat https://maps.app.goo.gl/c5BgcnH9dcErh6kH6
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Tasted and purchased at Niigata Sake-no-jin. I was too drunk to check it out on site, but it was a draft sake made with Shinnosuke, an edible rice I had never heard of. I liked the sweet and persistent aftertaste, although the aroma was not so pleasant. It is a pity that it does not seem to be on the regular sales route.
Hozan米袋ラベル コシヒカリ 一回火入れ純米
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It has a strong sweetness and umami, with a slight miscellaneous taste. It has no sharpness and leaves a lingering aftertaste. I wonder if Takarazan has a lot of rich sweetness.
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The aroma is refreshing✨ Banana-like sweetness, with just the right amount of rice flavor 🍌. This is also easy to drink 🎵 It's "Takarayama" by the way ✨⛰✨.

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