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井口 幸樹井口 幸樹
世田谷区 祖師ヶ谷大蔵 にほん酒処 翁 店主 いち日本酒好きです。

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Daina夏越し純吟 仕込十九號純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
The impression is rounded. It has a sweetness with acidity and thickness. It has a moderate bitterness that closes in nicely. It has a herb-like aroma. We served it cold this time, but it would be great at any temperature.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
When I opened it, the alcoholic feeling stood out in disgust, and eh. I was expecting it. I was so disappointed. But this one's true potential came on the third day after opening the bottle. The impression is rounded, with acidity, sweetness and bitterness beautifully integrated. I made the store because I wanted to enjoy this kind of change.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
It is an unpasteurized sake with a strength of 13. The quality of the drink is assertive yet has a strong core. The acidity is strong. It has a slight sweetness and a bitterness that comes later. It is like a grapefruit. Is it the taste or is it the degree that makes it slippery to drink? A very psychedelic label.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
Juicy finish with a body typical of Omachi. It is mainly sweet and slightly sour. A slight bitterness afterwards. The more you try to taste it, the more you get a sense of its flavor. It is delicious. But the more you drink, the better. One glass is enough. The price for one time in a bottle is 3500 yen.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
Gorgeous acidity and subtle bitterness A drink that brings to mind the scene of its subtitle. The alcohol content is high at 19%. When you add one ice cube to it, its gorgeous aroma stands out and shows a different side to this drink.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
Wishing for a bright future for sake. Limited edition label for restaurants. Sake Mirai is the name of the sake rice. Sake Mirai is the name of the sake rice. It has acidity and a gorgeous impression, but it's also round. The flavor from the principle principle principle is soft. Even though it's Juntai, it has a solid body, so can this be warmed up? I thought. Conclusion Cold sake is delicious.
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
There's a fish hidden behind the label. You can feel the scent of ginjo, while the finish is gorgeous and soft and sweet, with a dry finish. Let's go. A summer-only sake that goes well with fish, typical of Hidakami. It's very well-balanced and I don't think I'll ever get tired of drinking it!
Jokigenbe after純米大吟醸
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
After Corona is for everyone who is starting a new chapter We want people to enjoy sake and get excited about it, even if only a little. This one is a blend of Junmai Daiginjo. Cospa is not good. 2,400 yen per square foot. The wine seems gorgeous, but it suddenly switches to a dry impression. The bitterness that lingers in the finish accentuates the dry impression. There have been more labels like this since Corona. I'm very happy. I'm sure it's a lot of work for the brewery. Let's do our best for each other. The moment I opened the bottle, I was excited.
Daina夏の酒 蛍特別純米
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
瑞々しくスッキリとした しかしながらに、旨味や奥行きもしっかりと感じられる。 強いて果物に例えるならば葡萄のように感じた。デラウェアの様な。優しい酸と最後に感じられる程よい苦味が良い感じ。 2杯3杯と、飲み続けられる夏酒。
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
日本酒のあるところに帰ってきて欲しい。 コロナに少なからず影響を受けたであろう、酒屋、飲食店に向けてのメッセージを添えて。 蔵本様も大変だろうに。 ありがとうございます。お互い頑張りましょう。 風の森らしいジューシーな果実感を残しつつ 後味の苦味がグッと〆る。 開栓初日。バチバチのガス感。じんわりと染みる感じがする一杯でした。
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井口 幸樹
夏限定天狗舞 なんとも夏らしいブルーボトル。 ではあるが、ボディはしっかりしている。 夏酒は「スッキリ」「キリッと」と言ったフレーズを使いがちですがこの子はどうやら印象が違う。 飲み応えがある。 香りは控えめ、山廃生酛系の酸を感じるような気はする。余韻はじんわり。燗にしても氷を入れても負けなさそう。
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にほん酒処 翁
井口 幸樹
聞くところによると原酒らしい。 アルコール度数13%の低アル。白麹使用しているらしく まさにと言う様な酸味が特徴的。ガス感あり。 色んなフルーツの要素を感じる※なんのフルーツか頭の中で分解するのが大変で途中諦めました。 しっかり冷やしていただきたい。 お店では甘酸っぱいカポナータと合わせました。