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Mrs. MineralMrs. Mineral

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Mrs. Mineral
It has a fresh acidity and elegant sweetness with a slight effervescence, and of course it has a wonderful balance of crispness and aftertaste characteristic of medium-hard water from the subsoil of Miwa Shrine.
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Mrs. Mineral
The perfect balance like a sphere in which the flavor of the rice and soft water are completely blended, and the lingering aftertaste produced by the deep nostalgia of the sake. It is the "ultimate daiginjo" that you can enjoy the shimmer of a bottle in an instant without words. The distribution peaks at the end of the year... but it is still a rare product, but once you find it, it is the last one you should drink without regret.
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Sake rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 65 Sake degree: +9 Acidity: 1.6 Amino acidity: unknown Alcohol: 15 Brewing: Aged for over a year in the brewery Price: @1,490 Taste It has an aromatic, glossy, fresh aroma, a crisp dry taste, and a mature mature taste. This is an excellent product that you should always keep in stock.
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Koji Rice : Gohyakumangoku (Kyoto, Hyogo) Kake rice:Koshihikari, etc. Rice polishing ratio: 68 Sake degree: Unknown Acidity: Unknown Amino acidity: Unknown Alcohol: 21 Limited to one order per year (late in the brewing season) Aroma Intense aroma like overripe comte cheese Taste Honjozo unfiltered unpasteurized sake...Powerful and deep caramel sweetness and strong acidity. The pleasant bitterness and quality of the sake is like a port wine. It is best enjoyed as an after-dinner sake. Keep in the refrigerator for observation.
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Mrs. Mineral
Rice: Tanenanishiki (Polishing ratio 50%) Alcohol content: between 15 and 16 degrees Ultra-soft water essential for light and dry sake brewing. Sake Kirinzan is brewed with the subterranean water of the Tokonami River, whose source is the local Mt. This is because the humus grown in the forest finely filters the melt water from the snow. In order to maintain the water source recharging function of the beech forests (*), Kirinzan Brewery is working hard to conserve clean water while conducting tree-planting activities in areas left abandoned after harvesting.
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Rice: Oita Mitsui Rice polishing rate: 60%. Sake meter value: +15.0 Acidity: Not disclosed Amino acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol: 16%. Aroma Spice, hot and muffled aroma Taste A brewery that has revived Oita Mitsui, a phantom sake rice from Oita that was on the verge of extinction. Perhaps due to the large grain of rice, Oita Mitsui has a pleasant miscellaneous flavor and an impressive hint of spice. The residual sugar content is modest, but the taste of the rice is masculine and powerful, with a notable "acid and mineral structure".
I had never heard of Oita Mitsui as a sake rice before. I learned a lot about it. 😊
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Sake rice: Omachi Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Sake meter value: +9.0 Acidity: 1.3 Amino acidity: not disclosed Alcohol: 15%. Aroma Honey plum, sunken hearth Taste Neutral taste, rich rice flavor and mild acidity. The gap between aroma and taste creates a good synergistic effect, and there's a hint of something unusual about it. It's delicious!
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Sake meter value: +7.0 Acidity: 1.3 Amino acidity: 1.1 Alcohol content: 15%. Aroma Hints of spices like banana, melon, and hackberry Taste Shizuoka's sake is brewed in very soft water, so the structure is blurred (like an impressionist painting), but it's carefully made and you can feel the "craftsmanship".
但馬辛口純米 山田錦特別純米
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 65%. Yeast: Private Sake level: not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol: 16%. Aroma Smoky incense (smoky), slightly young muscat Taste Creamy, spherical minerality, pleasantly smoky and bitter accents in the aftertaste, and a peppery nuance that lingers on the tongue. Marriage Carbonara! BBQ Shrimp w Crazy Salt & Lemon Where to buy Visit to the brewery
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Yeast: Private Sake level: not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol: 17%. Aroma melon red grapefruit dragon fruit Taste I can't drink without thick makeup and on the rocks. About the producer Hachioji once flourished as an inn town along the Koshu Kaido Road, and was once known as the "Mulberry City" for its silk weaving and sericulture. In the center of the city, the merchant houses that supported the former post town are now in the city. The kimono shop, which still remains today and is owned by the family of a very famous female musician, seems to be doing very well. If you walk a little bit closer to Takao from the draper, you will see it across the Koshu Kaido. There were two breweries that used the Chichibu water system to brew their sake, but in 2003 Nishioka Shuzo, which changed its name from "Shakai-kan" to "Gassimaru", merged with Kawamura Shuzo of Fukui Prefecture, and they decided to continue brewing in Fukui as Nishioka Kawamura Shuzo, with Ozawa Shuzo Brewery as the sole guardian of their base. The Ozawa Sake Brewery was founded in 1925.
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Mrs. Mineral
Technical Sake rice: Akita Sake-Komachi Rice polishing ratio: 55% koji rice/65% rice on rice Yeast: Church 6 Sake level: not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol: 14%. Aroma freshly cooked rice green apple White Flowers Clean Cellar Taste Slight firing. Although it is a standard cuvée, you can feel the spirit of Shinsei's work and the energy of sake. gem Characterized by spicy peppery nuances and acidity that leave a tangy taste on the tongue.
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Mrs. Mineral
■テクニカル 酒米:花吹雪 精米歩合:55% 日本酒度:非公開 酸度:非公開 アルコール:16% ■アロマ 津軽りんご ■味わい ・開けたて閉じてるが、ブーケですぐ開く ・微発砲 ・まさに林檎!そして大吟醸のよう!!食べ頃の林檎をかじったような酸とグレープフルーツのような苦味、優しく穏やかな余韻 ・ほんっとにいい仕事してます!ご馳走様でした!!
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 山田錦純米吟醸
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Mrs. Mineral
○ Technical Rice: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Sake level: not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol: 15%. Aroma melon taste Slightly fine-grained and fresh, the middle part of the bottle is very seamless and soft, while the rice flavor with the fatty yamadanishiki is also evident. The aftertaste is also very smooth and beautiful, with no hint of 15% alcohol.
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Mrs. Mineral
○テクニカル 酒米:山田錦 酵母:蓬莱酵母(蔵つき酵母) 精米歩合:45% 日本酒度:+3 酸度:1.3 アミノ酸度:1.1 アルコール:15.5% ○アロマ 少し熟したメロン香、わさび、ミネラル感 ○味わい ・お手本のような山田錦100%純米大吟醸 ・高山では珍しいが、全国どこでも見つかる味で新鮮味はない ○価格 @1,900/高山のスーパー
Tenryo熟成酒 純米大吟醸原酒純米大吟醸原酒
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Mrs. Mineral
○テクニカル 酒米:ひだほまれ 精米歩合:50% 日本酒度:+1.5 酸度:不明 アルコール:17% ○アロマ ややソバージュ、醤油、ややメロン香 ○味わい ・2年熟成後、少量リリースの限定品 ・「ひだほまれ」由来の心地よいソバージュ感と素朴な甘み、ミネラルに引き締められて余韻は非常に伸びやかでまろやか ・2年熟成でも、多少の滑らかさが感じられる程度でまだまだ酒質も強く、残糖多いのでセラーで熟成中 ○価格 @3,650/酒のいとう(郡上)
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Mrs. Mineral
○テクニカル 酒米:不明 精米歩合:不明 日本酒度:不明 酸度:不明 アルコール:17% ○アロマ 炊き立てのもち米、、以上 ○味わい クリームソーダみたい笑 フルフルフルボディ ○価格 @1,300/高山のスーパー
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Mrs. Mineral
○テクニカル 酒米:出羽の里 精米歩合:70% 日本酒度:13.5 酸度:1.5 アルコール:18% ○アロマ スモーキー、青メロン、ピーマン ○味わい 恐らく硬水仕込み ワイルド えぐみが強い ○価格 @1,200/高間酒店
Daishinshu辛口特別純米酒 生特別純米生酒
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Mrs. Mineral
○アロマ 林檎(サンフジ)、蒸し立てのお米、薄ら青メロン香 ○味わい 小川と山と畑に囲まれ、おむすびランチの図 開けたてから素直 ○価格 @1,300/高間酒店(京都)