吳 DanielTatsuriki特別純米生酛Honda ShotenHyogo12/29/2024, 8:43:49 AM14吳 DanielAroma of mushrooms, full-bodied, slightly mushroomy, with a chocolate finish.Chinese>English
吳 DanielKokushimuso春麗純米Takasago ShuzoHokkaido12/29/2024, 8:40:36 AM12/29/202416吳 DanielAroma is light and banana-like. Lightly sweet, banana flavor, with a sweet aftertaste and a quick, refreshing finish.Chinese>English
吳 DanielAmanotoAsamai ShuzoAkita12/29/2024, 8:37:10 AM15吳 DanielThe flavor is like the sourness of white grapes, rich.Chinese>English
吳 DanielAzuma no Fumoto𪚥純米大吟醸Azumanofumoto Sake BreweryYamagata12/7/2024, 4:20:37 PM12/8/20243吳 DanielThe sake is +2, but it's sweet and refreshing. It's Aisan. The finish is bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet, like licorice.Chinese>English
吳 DanielAmanoto特別純米Asamai ShuzoAkita11/12/2024, 3:57:42 PM11/12/202416吳 DanielWarm wine is good. The only warm wine.Chinese>English
吳 DanielKunizakari大吟醸Nakano ShuzoAichi11/2/2024, 4:53:39 PM11/3/202418吳 DanielApple aroma, sweet on the palate, gentle, a little tangy on the finish, slightly acidic, well-balanced, I like it, and with the slightly sweet sauce on the sauteed cabbage, it's not overpowering at all.Chinese>English
吳 DanielNichinichiNichinichi Inc.Kyoto10/30/2024, 5:29:29 PM21吳 DanielRefreshing. Lemon and purple bitterness at the end.Chinese>English
吳 DanielOosakazuki?Makino ShuzoGunma10/27/2024, 7:16:51 AM10/25/202412吳 DanielApple Banana Sweet and full-bodiedChinese>English