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Junmaishu Yata (純米酒専門 YATA)

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小林 史明ナッチュirukaゆうちゃんR.BASSヒロmachabouNenスナインabcb2_tweet
神心 Check-in 1神心 Check-in 2
The "Heart" series. Koji rice: 17% Yumachi Kake rice: 83% Akebono The aroma is distinctly sweet and mellow. It is also sweet in the mouth. It is sweet like a banana. It may be the sweetest one I've had recently. Not only sweet, it has a complex flavor with a hint of bitterness and sourness. Finally, the sweetness and umami spread slowly and leave a lingering aftertaste. The various flavors repeat like waves, slowly receding. A true work of art.
Denshin Check-in 1Denshin Check-in 2
100% Fukui rice The aroma was faintly sweet, but the taste was not sweet on the palate. Although slightly tangy on the tongue, it is straight, refreshing, and easy to drink without any peculiarities. Toward the end, one can taste the umami of the rice. You can feel the presence of rice in this refreshing sake 🍶.
KoeigikuSNOW CRYSTAL 無濾過生原酒生酒無濾過
Koeigiku Check-in 1Koeigiku Check-in 2
The appearance is slightly amber with beautiful transparency, just like the name of the crystal. (Maybe it's the lighting in the restaurant💦). The aroma is slightly floral with a hint of alcohol. The first sip is acidic, slightly bitter, and tangy on the tongue. As you savor it, there is a smooth fruity sweetness that quickly disappears. The next sip is a gulp. After the throat-burning acidity, the taste is sweet. When I drank it after eating cheese, the acidity disappeared and only the sweetness remained. It is a sake that you can enjoy various tastes depending on the way you drink it and the combination of foods, and you will never get tired of it.
Tenmei中取り肆号 おりがらみ純米純米中取りおりがらみ
Tenmei Check-in 1Tenmei Check-in 2
The color is light and cloudy, with a faint aroma of grapes. When you drink it, you will notice a sour taste at first, but then sweetness gradually emerges. The sweet aftertaste is clean and crisp, making you want to take another sip right away. While the theme is sourness, the sweetness is also present, making it a sake that allows you to enjoy the changes.
