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Shinmasa Shuzo, Akita Prefecture, Japan White malted rice 13%, Kyokai No.6 wooden vat The appearance is transparent crystal with a slightly pale yellow color. The first impression of the aroma is refreshing. Grapefruit, muscatel, and koshin powder. The first impression on the palate is rather strong. Distinctive acidity, elegant sweetness, moderate bitterness. Smooth balance with a rather short aftertaste Strong citrus acidity. It would probably go well with pasta with tomato sauce, or even pizza. In Japanese cuisine, it might go surprisingly well with yuzu-an-roasted bonito, or perhaps it is too subtle, Or, instead of squeezing lemon juice on fried oysters, it might be subtle, too, I'll try it next time.
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Akita Prefecture Shinmasa Shuzo Akita Kame-no-o Appearance is crystal clear and nearly colorless First impression of the aroma is refreshing Shine muscat, lychee, slight grapefruit, clean rice that has been polished First impression of the taste is light Elegant sweetness, refreshing acidity, moderate bitterness Smooth balance with a rather short aftertaste I tried it with Shine Muscat because it felt like Shine Muscat. This was different. The sweetness of the fruit won out and the flavor of the sake disappeared. It is not good to bring everything together, is it? I learned a lot. I think it goes quite well with cream cheese. The cream cheese tasted like it had been doused in honey. I think it added a flavor that was missing from the alcohol by itself.
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Transparent, slightly dark topaz. Banana, aromatic wood, cinnamon, smoke, strong alcohol. The first impression on the palate is quite strong, with a full-bodied sweetness, firm acidity, mild bitterness, overall a rich and powerful balance with a subtle umami, and a good lingering finish. It is a powerful sake, so it is also delicious warmed up to a firm temperature. The sweetness has settled down and it is like an elegant Shaoxing sake. It is a robust sake that reminded me of Shaoxing sake, so I paired it with a pepper-aubergine tofu dish. From shibi, Miyako-bijin, shibi, Miyako-bijin, ah, an endless loop! It also goes well with the shrimp mayo I made with it. If it goes well with shrimp mayo, it must also go well with okonomiyaki. Next time I have okonomiyaki, I will drink it.
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Pale crystal with transparency. Moderate floral, pear, melon, white flowers, white dumplings Slightly strong first impression, mild sweetness, rounded acidity, bitterness with umami, mellow balance, slightly long finish. The impression is that it is a beautiful Yamadanishiki Junmai Ginjo with a slightly stronger umami. I think the sweetness is too much when it is warmed up, I prefer it cold. I would like to drink it with smoked cheese or something, or maybe a washed cheese is more appropriate, or maybe with scraps of blue cheese. Raisin butter would be good, too, I think it would be delicious with a bite of a cheinmuscat. I'll buy some tomorrow and give it a try.
Good evening, Mura909-san. I'm Hirupeko, the same Orihime University for your installations. I didn't realize that even Touka-san is a sakéwasan 😳 I'm looking forward to tomorrow's gorgeous pairing of Hyakutenmanuten and Shinemuscat 😊.
Good evening, Hirupeko-san! I'm enjoying Sake-no-wa! There are still a lot of sake that I don't know about, and I learn a lot from seeing other people's impressions! Thank you for your continued support!
I'm glad to hear it too. ‼️The 100 Tenma Manten upsurge alone was a surprise, but it was a real surprise😆 And the tasting comment was also a quintessential one. I'm thinking of having lunch at the library next week. Looking forward to it 😊.
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Tamagawa Ice Breaker 2019BY Aged 5 years Slightly hazy dark yellow. Banana, cloves, steamed straw, paulownia chest Fairly strong impact, full sweetness, firm acidity, mellow impression with umami accompanied by bitterness, slightly long finish When heated hot, the spread of the flavor is brought together. I think I prefer this one if I want to drink it in a leisurely manner. No, I like both. When I tried it with mackerel sushi, the hotter version gave a better sense of unity. I felt a bit of fishiness when it was hiya (room temperature). I was once told by the toji (master brewer) of a brewery Why is Tamagawa's sake so strong? He replied, "Because Harper's sake is the real thing. He replied, "Because Harper's sake is the real thing. He replied, "Because Harper's sake is the real thing. Hmmm, what is "real" and what is the opposite, "fake"? I think I asked him what happened next since we were drinking, but I don't remember. I will ask again.
Sanshoraku亀の尾 山廃仕込み
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Slightly pale yellow with transparency. First impression is mellow and powerful Rice bales in the warehouse, direct alcohol, chestnuts Strong flavor, weak sweetness. Bitterness with umami leaves a slight aftertaste Powerful and lingering. Closest impression to Junmai Harazake, which I liked but has been discontinued. It has a strong alcohol taste with umami, so I would like to pair it with spicy food. I would like to drink it with chicken sprinkled with crazy salt, or perhaps a Big Mac with pepper. (I like Big Mac).
Sanshorakuひやおろし 純米
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Slightly pale yellow with transparency. Mellow impression with a hint of ripeness. Banana, almond, cooked rice, caramel, clove-type spices. The first impression on the palate is strong, with moderate sweetness, firm acidity, and a full-bodied bitterness that does not linger. Rich but not clingy impression. The lingering finish is also moderate. I would like to match it with a solid meal as it is full and spicy. Pork stew with octagonal flavor, yellowtail cooked with arabesque sauce. It would go well with a Big Mac. Also, it would be delicious to drink it while biting into delicious brown sugar from a remote island in Okinawa.
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Slightly pale crystal with transparency. The nose is gentle, with pear, a little melon, white dumplings, and a hint of yogurt. The first impression is of a robust flavor. Elegant sweetness, sharp acidity, low bitterness, clean and dry impression, short aftertaste Impression of bitterness becomes slightly stronger when heated. I think I like to drink it cold with a glass. It seems to go well with tempura because of its sharp impression.
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We had it warmed. Gentle rice flavor, gentle genmaicha (brown rice tea) with soup stock added + a hint of corn tea Aftertaste: soft and pleasant. Twisted umami: The lower the temperature, the stronger the twisted aroma and umami of old sake becomes.
Maboroshinotaki濃い吟醸 にごり酒
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Twisted aroma, lactic acid bacteria drink Sweet Sweet, sweet, and tasty. When I warmed it up and paired it with mushroom cream croquettes, it was very tasty. It's sweeter at lower temperatures, so maybe it's better to drink it with achiati.
米宗山廃仕込純米 完全発酵
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A strange drink. Tastes like a rubber boat, smells like a 6.5mm wetsuit, black rubber not brown, for rubber fetishists, sesame scented. Some people recommend this drink, so maybe I just don't get it and it's flavorful.