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Senkin朝日 2021純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
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I've been curious about Senkou, but never had a chance to try it. I found it at my favorite liquor store and brought it home with me. I was surprised to find it because it's the kind of place where beetles don't fly around. The aroma is modest. The mouthfeel is smooth and watery. It's slightly fizzy, and the freshness of the lactic acid spreads slowly. The sweetness and umami are still moderate. It is the first day with acidity as the main ingredient. I wonder if the acidity will change to sweetness and umami as time goes by. Let's wait with anticipation. While I was saying that, the sweetness started to stand out in the temperature range before room temperature.
Matsunokotobukiナツノコトブキ 純米吟醸 無濾過生酒
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I totally bought the jackets! I was grabbing it as soon as it came into view😁. I think it's a rice flavor type. It has a clear assertion that lasts. It's good to have it on a hot summer day with a dish that brings out the best in you😆.
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I bought it at Kotani when there was only one bottle left. I had heard from my brother that it was very rich and unique, so I had an idea of what it would taste like, but it was indeed very rich and dry (18% alcohol by volume), a man's sake! I liked it very much. This is also sake. I was impressed by the variety of tastes that can be found in sake that only uses rice.
Zaku雄町2021 純米吟醸
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Comparing the drinking of Yuri-biromi and Omachi connection. When you put this one in your mouth, it goes in easily like water. After that, the flavor of the rice slowly permeates the tongue with a slight acidity like white wine. It's supposed to be fire-roasted, but it's so fruity and delicious! It's a type I've never tasted before. It is easy to drink like water, but has a strong flavor. I've found a sake that I like quite a bit. I will drink the different specs when I find them.
Good evening, Nonosan♪ Saku is only available in fire-hardened form, but all of them are fruity and delicious like a raw sake😋. I love this drink too 👍. I'm sure you'll like it.
Good evening. Thanks for your comment 😊. You'd be surprised how easy it really is to drink and how good it tastes! Fortunately, I can buy it at my favorite liquor store, so I'll drink a lot of different kinds and update this page.
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I was still curious, so I bought it. It can be stored at room temperature, but for now, I'll chill it before eating. The aroma is faintly sweet. When you put it in your mouth, the gentle sweetness spreads in your mouth and the acidity is moderate. At the end, the acidity and bitterness come to the surface, and it becomes sharp. The aftertaste is short. As it approaches room temperature, the presence of the acidity increases slightly, and a peach-like aroma escapes from the nose. Surprisingly, this was my first "Omachi", but I'm still not sure how Omachi-like it is. It is a dangerous sake that is delicious and can be drunk easily.
Haneya純米大吟醸 翼
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I bought it at my usual liquor store after struggling with Hirotogawa's Junmai Ginjo Omachi. As soon as I took it to the cashier, the clerk said, "There it is, Haneya! It's delicious, isn't it? The aroma is a little subdued. When you put it in your mouth, the juicy, soft and round sweetness spreads and goes to your nostrils. A little later, the sourness spreads on the tongue. It gradually turns into bitterness and melts away as a slightly long aftertaste. I think it is similar to "Hitonatsu no Koi" of Atago no Matsu. The bitterness is a little moderate and the umami is added to the aftertaste, which is a little different. Additional note, as it approaches room temperature, the sourness is suppressed and the sweetness spreads to the mouth.
p.o4d. The bitterness is almost gone and replaced by a delicious taste that connects between sweetness and acidity. Slightly semedyne-like aftertaste.
p.o1w. Most of the acidity and bitterness have disappeared, concentrated into a clear, crisp sweetness. This seems to be the finished product. It's pretty damn good! I honestly thought I wouldn't repeat it, but if this is the result I'm waiting for, I'll take a bottle.
Atagonomatsuひと夏の恋 純米吟醸
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At my favorite liquor store. While summer sake is lined up in the refrigerator in the store, the social distance heart etiquette attracts our eyes. I looked it up and found out it was Atago no Matsu, so I bought it without hesitation. The aroma is modestly sweet. When you put it in your mouth, it goes in easily like a summer sake, with a hint of sweetness like raspberries and a soft acidity that wraps your whole tongue and flows down your throat. The finish is slightly bitter. The concept of this sake is that it is the ultimate food wine, and it will be perfect with a meal. Since it was the first day, I had it on its own, but I'm looking forward to seeing what I can pair it with tomorrow.
p.o3d (3 days after opening the bottle) The aroma has intensified and the sweetness and acidity have become more integrated. The bitterness has become even more subdued and the sharpness is more pronounced. This is it! I've been waiting for this change!
This here~ Because Harukoi was delicious I couldn't resist buying this too I bought this one too.
Nice to meet you. I haven't experienced Harukoi before, so I'll try it next time when I can get it!
(´,,-!!,,Translated by.) I'm looking forward~♪
Hanamura純米吟醸 酒未来
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I was able to compare them. It has a watery mouthfeel and an overwhelmingly delicious flavor that is reminiscent of the Jyushiyo that introduced me to the world of sake. Despite the sweetness and flavor, the aftertaste is refreshing, and the glasses go on and on.
The aforementioned hm50 was characterized by acidity from the mid-palate onwards, but here the sweetness blossoms and disappears quickly. I end up drinking it at more than my own pace.
Hanamurahm50 美郷錦 actⅦ
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The first Hanamura is the prototype and the first dry Hanamura! Don't know the basics so can't compare, but it's sweet enough! In the past, each taste of sake was felt in various places on the tongue, but this one spreads sweetness, umami, acidity and bitterness throughout the mouth. The gradation of taste is so vivid that it is enchanting. The lingering bitterness is long and seems to encourage you to take the next sip. The sweetness is like a fresh melon. This deliciousness on day one! It's a bottle, so I'll enjoy the changing flavors as I work my way through GW!
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 湖北 玉栄
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I've wanted to try this brand for a long time. I found it at my favorite liquor store and bought it immediately. According to the other reviews, it seems to be a sake that was brewed after the Toji was replaced. I heard that a lot of things happened, but the taste will not be changed even under the new system. I imagine that the remaining staff must have put a lot of thought into making this sake for the Toji who resigned. The aroma is a hint of apple. When you put it in your mouth, a slight foam runs across the surface of your tongue like a forest in the wind. At the same time, the sourness on the side gives the taste an outline. The umami spreads from the top of the tongue to the entire mouth at once, and leaves the nose with a pleasant aroma. This aroma and a slight bitterness lingers in the back of the throat. I like this aftertaste. It is a sake that is easy to drink and the acidity brings out the flavor. It is very delicious!
Mikawabushi純米 直汲み 生原酒
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初愛知の酒。要冷蔵だったので、冷やした翌日に飲む。裏ラベルのコメント通り、適度なシュワ感で爽やかな飲み口、フレッシュな旨口。後から日本酒の辛さが来る。生原酒というと だいたいシュワ感があるのでしょうか? コスパ良しなお酒と感じました。 多分1320円くらいだったとおもいます。
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I had a BBQ in the garden with my family after the Corona disaster. It has a delicious taste that can't be beaten by the rich taste of hormones and sauce, and the clean acidity washes away the oil. You can feel the slightly foamy acidity on the tip of your tongue, while the sweetness and umami spread deep below, comfortably escaping through the nose. Even though it is a raw sake, it shows its full potential right from the opening of the bottle. Normally, I enjoy the passage of time and the changes in taste, but this one seems to disappear before long. I will buy the other series as soon as I find them.
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My first Shizuoka sake! This one is Honjozo. First of all, the name is good ^^ I want to drink it on New Year's Day. I like to drink it cold. I don't usually drink Honjozo because I prefer Junmai, but if you like dry sake, this is a good choice. It is a dry man's sake with a crisp taste. It's the kind of sake I imagine. To put it badly, it's too standard. I'd like to try the Junmai. As is typical with sake, it tastes better after a few days have passed since it was opened.
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On the first day, the acidity stood out and there was no sense of unity between the freshness and sweetness, but on the third day after opening the bottle, the umami connected the moderate acidity and sweetness. On the tip of the tongue, there is a slight sparkling sensation, followed by sweetness and umami from the center to the back of the tongue.