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Atagonomatsu Flavor Chart

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I bought a bottle of Atago no Matsu honjozo sake for my first time for everyday drinking. The Atago no Matsu honjozo is also a mild and clean sake with a good cost performance. Unlike the Junmai Ginjo, the Atago no Matsumatsu Honjozo is more mature and quiet than the Junmai Ginjo, making it perfect for everyday drinking, and it can be served at room temperature or warmed up.
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It tastes totally different from the Atago no Matsu we drank at the last sushi restaurant and is easier to drink. Atago no Matsu has a distinctive aroma. I don't dislike it.
Atagonomatsuあたごのまつ 大吟醸 出品酒大吟醸
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The regular Atago no Matsuri is designed as the "ultimate food sake," but this one is said to be quite different, and I was curious to buy it. The aroma is gorgeous! The sweetness is fine and clear. It is a high quality bottle as it is an exhibited sake. One word: delicious!
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It is neither clear nor refreshing, and has no habits. In a good way. I would not recommend this sake to beginners, but if you have started drinking sake and have tried Shinmasa, Sharaku, Kuheiji, and other middle-of-the-road sake, you can enjoy it when you are ready to enjoy the surroundings. I had menchikatsu today, and it goes well with it.
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We came to Shizugawa hot spring in Miyagi Prefecture. On the way, we picked up some homemade smoked salmon that we bought at a roadside station (it's really good!). This is Mitsuya Cider for adults. The sweetness, sourness, and even the carbonation are just like Mitsuya Cider. Almost a chug after a bath 🫧. Excerpt from the website [Awards] International Sake Challenge 2024 [Best Sparkling Sake] [Gold Prize] in the sparkling sake category. Sake in a Wineglass 2023 [Gold Award]. Oriental Sake Award 2022 [Bronze Prize] ・International Wine Challenge 2022 [Bronze Prize International Wine Challenge 2022 [Commendation] in the sparkling category ・Feminaries World Wine Competition 2022 Sparkling Sake Division [Gold Medal]. [Taste] Light, slightly dry, crisp. [Aroma] Pear, green apple
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One of the bottles of sake I bought as a souvenir from my trip to Sendai. The lid was too hard to open...I struggled with it for more than 5 minutes. The aroma is a bit lactic. It is quite sweet, but the carbonation makes it flow nicely. I first drank it with a hot pot, but it went well with cheese and prosciutto I picked up later! It feels almost like a sparkling white wine. I haven't had sparkling sake in a while, but it was delicious!
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Purchased at a liquor store I visited a liquor store for the first time in a long time, and after much deliberation, I chose Atago no Matsu, which is written in kanji characters and which I had never drunk before. Cold sake Banana-like mellow aroma. Good umami and a nice sharp taste No alkali taste characteristic of honjozo. Light and easy to drink as a mid-meal drink.
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The best food wine with a fruity aroma and sharpness. It is easy to see why it is highly regarded both at home and abroad.

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