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 As soon as the bottle is opened, gas stirs the lees. It is creamy, with a hint of acidity and sweetness. The alcohol content is low, so you can enjoy it while sipping.
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 I remember last year I skipped the crown even though it said be careful opening... this year it's a screw cap.  The feeling of opening the bottle is not that schwishy? When I take a sip, I feel a little tingling. But it's still delicious. I like the grapefruitiness. The balance of bitterness, sourness, and sweetness. It will be gone in no time.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 Series星海〜Starlight Sea〜純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The last time I had a bottle of Seikai, it was so good! This time Hoshikai is said to be one as a contrast. While Qinghai is impressive for its juicy acidity, this one is characterized by its gentle sweetness and deliciousness. The acidity is soft and reserved so as to give it a contour. Each taste is well balanced and seems to express the sense of relief and elation of standing on the beach at night. It's really amazing that the same brewery can make such differently characterized, each insanely delicious sake, all with the same summer ocean theme! The shock of encountering the blue sea is Aomi, and the one you want to drink forever and ever is Kukai. Both are the best of both worlds 😊.
Ah, this is similar to Shinshu Kamerei's Jungin Hitogokotchi. I think I'll buy another bottle.
HaneyaSHINE 限定生原酒
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 In the mouth, you can feel a strong flavor in a refreshing taste. The alcohol content is 13%, which makes it feel light, but the flavor is very robust. It is delicious.
Fusano Kankiku青海(おうみ)-Summer Sea-純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The usual, stable Kanjiku. And, surprisingly for the first time, Dewa Sanzan. The aroma was the same as usual, or a little sweeter. When you put it in your mouth, the acidity spreads instantly like a flash. The sweetness comes later. In the latter half, the sweetness gradually seeps into the palate, as is usual with Kangiku. There is almost no bitterness, and the aftertaste is long. The acidity is a bit like Kouei Chrysanthemum, and I like it.
Fusano KankikuBeyond C(2022 limited label)総の舞29純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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A bottle brewed in the hope of overcoming corona. It is 29% polished rice and is very high cosmetics! As usual, the aroma is subdued, and the overwhelmingly clear sweetness spreads as soon as it hits the palate. The pure sweetness like cotton candy is outlined by slight bitterness and acidity. When compared to Kukai, the acidity is still moderate and the elegant sweetness stands out. My brother-in-law was delighted!
Good evening. They are delicious 😊. I love the Kamonishiki and Shinshu Kamerei mentioned in kzsh1017's post and often read your posts. I've been curious about Kawanakajima Genmai, but haven't come across it yet.
Thanks for the info 😊 It's only a little over an hour drive away, so I'll hit it on occasion 🍶.
Fusano KankikuOcean99series 空海〜inflight〜一度火入れ純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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Kangiku, stable and delicious. What is fire-roasting anymore! So fresh and juicy! It has a gassy and sour taste that enhances the sweetness, a sweet flavor typical of Kangiku, and a mellow aroma like that of grapefruit that escapes through the nose. It soaks into the tongue gradually and is tightened by the acidity. Good thing I got it in a bottle 😊.
MutsuhassenURARA hassen for spring純米
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Purchased at the usual Kotani liquor store. Slightly strong lactic acid aroma. In the mouth, contrary to the aroma, the acidity is moderate. The acidity is just enough to give a thin outline, and the sweetness is like ripe apples. The taste does not change much in the mouth, and it slowly and deliberately seeps into the tongue. It is a sake that seems to have subtracted acidity and a slight fizz from the trendy modern style. Oh, the acidity became a bit more assertive as the temperature rose. Is it just right for fried food?
Kinko水酛仕込み 濁酒(春)にごり酒水酛
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I was wondering if I should post this as it was given to me at a tasting, but as a record. Not knowing the date the bottle was opened, it is difficult to judge, but the characteristics are a texture that you can feel the core of the rice, dryness, and an acidity that is assertive throughout. It said it was mizu-hashiroshi brewed, but I wonder if this acidity is a feature. The best thing was that I met a sake with a strong impact and that the proprietress remembered my name ✌️.
Ohmine Junmai大嶺3粒 春風かすみ生酒 愛山原酒生酒
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The nigori sake from Hirotogawa that I had previously drank was so delicious that I went to my usual Kotani Sake Shop to repeat the experience with a bottle of sake. I was thinking that Aizan from Kangiku was also really good, and then I found a new shipment of Daimine! This is my first Oumine. It smells sweet like a tropical fruit, something I have never smelled before in sake. When I put it in my mouth, it was very smooth. The aroma of the previous section is accompanied by a juicy acidity that enhances the sweetness typical of Aizan and passes through the nostrils. The lingering taste is slightly bitter and umami. I have never tasted a sake with such lingering umami. I was depressed because I couldn't buy Shinshu Kamerei Yamadanishiki and Jikin sparkling, but now I feel better.
By the way, it was the first anniversary of my registration. It was a year full of wonderful sake encounters. May the second year bring many more encounters!
Nono-san⤴️Congrats on your first anniversary of registering with Sake no Wa 🎶🎶The break is a very emotional one 😂. I was so worried about this one, I didn't go through with it 😅. Looks delicious 😆 I should have bought it 🤣.
Thank you Rika 😊. Amazing that in one year I've come across and consumed 46 bottles of sake! I'm glad to have made a connection with someone like Rika who can relate to alcohol, and I look forward to working with you again in the second year.
I have never had much luck with Daimine because it seems a bit expensive, but the balance of sweetness and acidity is unprecedented, and I couldn't help but say, "Wow! I was so excited!
Fusano Kankiku愛山50-Red Diamond純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It's the Aizan from Kangiku that I couldn't buy last year! This year I got it in a bottle! It has a faint sweet aroma. The aroma is subtle and sweet, and it comes in like water, with a clear sweetness that is free of miscellaneous flavors like sanonto sugar. The sweetness soaks into the tongue slowly, and the acidity and bitterness tighten the taste at the end. The sweetness is delicate and clear, just like Aizan, and is a wonderful fusion of the two.
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Since the end of last year, every time I saw it on the internet, it was highly rated. I had given up thinking that I missed the timing, but when I went to pick up the chrysanthemum, I found the last bottle! Let's start with the top clear. There was a slight smell of semedyne, with a slight sparkling sensation and sourness on the tip of the tongue. It has a modest sweetness and umami that soaks in with the acidity. This is the first time I've had Hirotogawa's raw sake, but I think it's quite different from the fire-hardened Junmaishu I've had before. The proprietress told me it was dry, but the flavor was strong and sweet-sour, making it easy to drink. The acidity recedes without leaving a lingering aftertaste, making me want to take another sip right away. When stirred, the lees become entangled, adding a lactic acid nuance and increasing the sweetness. It's a satisfyingly high rating! I'm sure I'll be repeating this again next year.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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 Nabeshima's Yamada Nishiki raw sake. It's not sizzling but a little bitter and tingling. Very juicy, clean, sweet and delicious!
Katori自然酒純米90 生酛生酛無濾過
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This is my second bottle of sake from Chiba since I drank Fudo no Cho Shin. First of all, I was attracted by the 90% rice polishing rate, so I bought it without asking the sake shop what kind of sake it was. When I poured it into a glass, it was quite an amber color. The aroma is not fruity, of course. When I put it in my mouth, the first thing I noticed was the impact of the sourness. It's quite sour. After that, the bitterness comes. I thought it would have more of a rice flavor, but I was wrong. It reminded me of the sourness of Kumamoto's red sake.
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 The flavor is strong and you can feel the sourness and a little chattering afterwards. Since it is decided that New Year's Eve is Sukiyaki, it seems to go well with the flavor of the meat.  I don't think I've ever had a year where I didn't drink as much beer as I did this year... I got hooked on local sake after watching YouTube videos introducing various types of sake. Let's drink a lot of good sake next year too🎵!
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 The taste of origara. It is spicier than I expected. I think I like it better if the flavor is stronger. ...I knew I'd forget the taste the next day 😅. I'll comment on it about 5 bites after opening the package.
Fusano Kankiku39-Special Thanks 2021 雄町純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Today is the last day of work. This one as a reward to myself for a year of hard work! The fresh sourness and fruity sweetness spread out, and the bitterness tightens it up. I think I can feel the bitterness in Kankiku. It's very tasty in its current state, but I have a feeling it will become even better in a few days. When the temperature range rose a little, the thick flavor typical of Omachi came out! I paired it with the oil from the chicken wing dumplings, and the oil and acidity went well together!