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profile icon深谷の阿部ちゃん
福島県生まれ (現 埼玉県民) 東日本大震災後に宮城県を訪れた際、 東北の日本酒に深く感銘を受ける。 コロナ禍による外食自粛を機に、 日本酒セラーを自宅に導入。 家飲みでも美味しい日本酒が 飲める喜びと幸福に快感を覚え、 日本酒バカに覚醒😲 ペアリングを意識してセラーからお酒を選ぶひととき・・・至福😌

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Sharaku純米吟醸 播州山田錦
深谷の阿部ちゃんMemorandum 📝. Left side of the photo. Sake made with luxurious Yamadanishiki from Banshu. Yes, it is delicious. It is full of flavor. It is a little expensive, but it is reasonable if you consider that it is made with Yamada Nishiki from a top brand. It would be a shame to finish it.
Sharaku純米吟醸 おりがらみ壱 生酒
深谷の阿部ちゃんMemorandum 📝. Photo left. The first to be released in the new sake season ORIGARAMI 1~3 are released in the new sake season. The first to be released in the new sake season is ORIGRAKUMI 1~3. As a Sharaku fan, I can't miss it 😏. It is like Calpis soda, It's like Calpis soda and you can't stop. It is a really delicious sake 😌.