SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
日本酒ビギナーズラック大学生 秋田県

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Odayakaおだやか 生酛 純米吟醸
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Very easy to drink. It has a light sweetness, but it is well balanced with the acidity from the sake yeast. The sweet and sour taste makes it a cup that you can keep drinking. However, the most surprising thing was the aroma. After a little while, the aroma changes to a caramel-like aroma with a hint of bitterness. The gap between taste and aroma is interesting.
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Very clean in both aroma and taste. Although it has a sweet taste, it does not remain strong and can be drunk refreshingly. I brought it home as a souvenir when I went back to my hometown, but I didn't realize that I would end up drinking it the most...
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The aroma is mild for a sake. In a good sense, it tastes like sake. The sweetness is felt firmly when the bottle is first opened, but after a while, it becomes mild. The taste is clean, with a good flavor of rice, and it goes into the body like water with a good sharpness. I have never had much Tenju, but it is not bad.
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Fruity and clean ginjo aroma Very energetic and piquant, to the point that the cork blows out when opened. You can taste the sweetness and juiciness like honey around the core of an apple. The strong carbonation is refreshing and the alcohol content is low, so you can drink it in gulps... I am happy to have this precious bottle.
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The aroma is fruity. The first taste is a mellow sweetness, but it quickly fades away, so there is no sense of fatigue from drinking. You can feel the alcohol taste, but in a good sense, you are drinking sake. Personally, I think it is more like grapefruit. It goes down like water, so be careful not to drink too much!
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Unseasonal sparklers My personal aroma rating is banana and yogurt. As for the taste, a fruity sweetness comes early on, but it is sharp because of the gassy taste! Moreover, it is well-balanced with a slight bitterness and astringency. I might like to drink it on its own!
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It is truly sweet and sour! It's very sweet, but the acidity is well balanced. Today it was steak, so I felt it was a good match. I think it is exactly for people who don't like sake. I personally want to repeat it, but the fact that it is limited... If you find it, you should definitely drink it.
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I drank it a few days after my family opened it, so it tastes different, but... One word: delicious. Taste-wise, it's a bit of a slurp. It is not fruity, but anyone can drink it and think it is delicious. It seems to go well with all kinds of food. I felt that if it is heated up, it becomes more mellow, but it also becomes more sharp.
勢正宗もち米熱掛四段仕込み 純米吟醸 ひやおろし AUTUMN CARP
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This is my first time at Sei Masamune. A good friend of the waiter told me that it was quite sweet, so I decided to try it. It was indeed very sweet. It may be because of the four-stage glutinous rice brewing process. It is hiyaoroshidashi, but the flavor may have been enhanced rather than being calm. The sticky texture on the tongue may be a little tiring to drink. However, if you consider it as a sweets sake, it would be good to drink it alternately with fruits. Once I experienced it, I once again felt its depth.
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Not an IWC award-winning film... I felt that the acidity in the aftertaste, due to the use of a traditional sake yeast yeast strain, made it easy to drink. The sweetness is not too strong, so you will not get tired of drinking it. It is not too sweet, so you will not get tired of drinking it.
Gakki Masamune愛山 中取り 純米吟醸
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Gorgeously fruity. The beautiful ginjo aroma is reflected in the taste. Delicious sake with a modern sweetness while still retaining the alcohol feel of sake. If you like Aizan, it is inevitable! Postscript I tried it paired with dates, It was a great match. But you should probably enjoy it by itself. Cheese and snacks didn't go well with it. It's not that there is anything wrong with alcohol...
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Purchased as a hot sake warmer. The bitterness is more pronounced when the sake is cold, but that's okay too. When warmed, the sweetness is more pronounced. If you don't want sweetness, drink it cold, but if you want sweetness, drink it hot. As I am still a beginner, I feel like I have discovered the bitterness of sake for the first time. I have seen the previous evaluation, but I think I have grasped the characteristics of this brand in my own way.
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I was a little numb after drinking a few glasses, but as the previous review said, the yogurtiness is somehow palpable. The lactic acidity is fragrant, and the color is nice and muddy, which is good for the atmosphere. As for the fruitiness, the sweetness of the fruit is bananas, if you ask me. If beginners drink it, they will surely be addicted to it!
Isojiman大吟醸純米 エメラルド
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The aroma is subdued. It has a nice watery feel to it. The sake is dry, with a sake meter of +4 to +6. It also has a nice finish. There is a certain amount of sweetness, It is also good that it does not interfere with food. Thanks to my senpai for giving me this precious sake!
Tengumai特別純米 common
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Purchased at Kanazawa station souvenir shop. The aroma is of fermented rice with a hint of acidity. Taste is sweet rice flavor, but not mushy. It went well with the deep-fried and soaked simmered eggplant. The quality is perfect.