ふくしま ゆたかTanzawasan凛峰純米山廃Kawanishiya ShuzotenKanagawa1/6/2021, 12:09:30 PM15ふくしま ゆたかIt has a baked sweet potato feel at first bite. The sweetness is moderate, and the body is firm. You can drink it slowly.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかRoman一ロ万Hanaizumi ShuzoFukushima12/19/2020, 9:02:11 AM15ふくしま ゆたかIt has the feeling of being served cold and drunk slowly. However, I would like to drink it with warmed sake as well.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかDenshu特別純米山廃Nishida ShuzotenAomori12/17/2020, 9:07:11 AM11ふくしま ゆたかInteresting! Drank again after a day. I like it a little lower than room temperature.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかKozaemon純米 六割五分純米原酒生酒Nakajima JozoGifu12/17/2020, 8:43:18 AM11ふくしま ゆたかDark juice, slow drinking sake.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかTenbi純米吟醸原酒生酒Choshu ShuzoYamaguchi12/10/2020, 10:16:12 AM21ふくしま ゆたかThere is a slight bitterness of grapefruit afterwards, and the sweetness is moderate and delicious to drink.Japanese>English熊谷 朋之I just got the same one! Holy shit! It's a very tasty, very easy to drink brand. (⌒- ⌒)Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたか長珍生酒無濾過Chochin ShuzoAichi12/5/2020, 11:14:52 AM14ふくしま ゆたかI guess you could say it has a strong flavor. It's good.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかHaginotsuruハイブリッドHagino ShuzoMiyagi12/5/2020, 9:07:55 AM11ふくしま ゆたかIf it is too cold, it is flat. The feeling of alcohol increases near room temperature. It is a little sweet.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかKureNishioka ShuzotenKochi11/25/2020, 9:38:51 AM11ふくしま ゆたかA sense of bluntness is in the first bite.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかJujiasahi改良雄町七十純米原酒Asahi ShuzoShimane11/7/2020, 10:25:58 AM15ふくしま ゆたかWarmed up and drunk. It has a good, thick push up feeling. It feels good to drink slowly. As you drink it slowly, the heat drops, and it has a light bitterness that keeps the tanginess down.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかEikun備前雄町原酒生酒無濾過Eikun ShuzoShizuoka10/25/2020, 8:59:58 AM12ふくしま ゆたかIt has a strong sweetness at room temperature. When heated, the aroma and atmosphere changes. Either way, it is delicious and enjoyable.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかKaze no Mori純米生酒無濾過Yucho ShuzoNara10/4/2020, 11:27:51 AM19ふくしま ゆたかThe aroma is like fermented rice, but when you drink it, it's refreshing. If you are not careful, it may dry up in a flash.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかToyobijin山廃 あきあがり純米原酒Sumikawa ShuzojoYamaguchi10/4/2020, 11:19:35 AMふくしま ゆたかIt has the feel of a sherry. Fun to drink.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかJuyondaiタツノオトシゴ純米吟醸Takagi ShuzoYamagata10/3/2020, 9:25:23 AM13ふくしま ゆたかIt's absurdly easy to drink. No corners at all. The sweetness is moderate.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかZaku玄の智純米Shimizuseizaburo ShotenMie10/3/2020, 8:40:40 AM16ふくしま ゆたかSlightly dry. The aftertaste is clear. Does it taste thin?Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかShinomine雄町純米吟醸純米吟醸Chiyo ShuzoNara9/26/2020, 8:05:36 AM16ふくしま ゆたかThe first sip is Muscat. It's refreshing and doesn't leave a sting in the mouth.Japanese>English
ふくしま ゆたかHyakujuro秋桜Kuramotohayashi HontenGifu9/19/2020, 9:54:12 AM15ふくしま ゆたかIt's very juicy. When you are not careful, it is empty in a flash.Japanese>English