SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
2020.11月頃から日本酒に目覚めました。 味わいなどはうまく表現できませんが美味しく楽しんで飲んでいます。 キャンプの夜に飲む日本酒が最高に美味いです。

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Naraman純米生酒 おりがらみ
Quite tasty! The best nigori-style recently. My wife also praised it highly. It's like Aizu sake (Kitakata is in the Aizu region?). The aftertaste is like sake! It has an aftertaste like sake, but it is easy to drink in the mouth. It is fruity when drunk without mixing, and has a bitter aftertaste when mixed with a little bitterness? It's fruity when you drink it without mixing it, and the best balance when you mix it completely. I am looking forward to drinking about 1 gou of the sake I dared to leave in the bottle this evening.
2nd day. Did it get much sweeter? I felt it was sweeter. I can enjoy drinking it until today, but it will become more subtle by tomorrow. I wonder if it is because the sake changes so quickly.
Blue label Two or three years ago? The same as the first natural sake I drank at an izakaya a couple of years ago. I think my taste for sake has changed a bit since then, but this one was as good as ever. I couldn't really smell it before drinking it, but after putting it in my mouth, I could smell the aroma of the oak barrels. The taste is mellow, but easy to drink with a clean aftertaste. I am looking forward to the second day.
Tenbi新酒生 純米吟醸
The first sip smells so fruity! Drink it and sip it! Apple? Slightly fizzy on the tongue It reminds me of the Flax Cat Sparkling I had a while ago. I can't drink too much of this! I would drink too much of this. Aromatic, sweet and delicious sake that makes you think it was made by lavishly squeezing super-premium apples (my wife)
Hiroki純米大吟醸 生詰
Sake with my wife after a long time I honestly didn't detect any aroma at all, but I wondered if it was dry. I thought it was clear and good old-fashioned sake type. I don't know much about it at all, but it's a Niigata-style sake! I don't know much about it at all, but it's like Niigata light and dry! It was so good that I went through about 3 gou of sake in one go, but I want to enjoy it after the second day, so I'm going to keep it and drink it again.
KazenomoriALPHA TYPE1 DRY純米生酒無濾過
It's so apple-y! It's been a while since I drank Kaze no Mori, but it's so good! It seems they use hard water, but I'm sorry I can't tell the difference... But it's soooo good!
Ohmine Junmai3粒 無濾過生原酒 山田錦
It's been about a year since I've seen you. I've been going through some tough times, and my wife and I decided to go out for a nice meal, so we went to a restaurant where we drank this sake. I guess you could say I became interested in sake after drinking this. My impression after drinking it for the first time in a year was... stylish! I don't know how to describe it... the bottle, the smell, and the taste are all stylish! LOL! It reminded me that the original image I had of sake was overturned by this stylishness a year ago. It's not my favorite sake to drink now, but it's still delicious, and if I were to recommend it to someone who doesn't like sake, I think this would be a good choice. Great sake!
Hanatomoe秋あがり 山廃純米
Repeat Cold or chilled sake is great, but lukewarm sake is so much better! It's so good that I drank it on a camping night in Asgard with sea bream shabu and it was empty! LOL!
When I said I liked Hanaboe at the liquor store, they recommended me to buy this. He recommended this to me and I bought it. It was different from the way I like Hanaboe, but it sure was delicious! It has a strong acidity? The aroma was also fruity, and it was similar to the impression I had when I drank Saku and Kaiun. I thought it would taste better warmed because it was Yamahai, so I tried it, but I personally thought it was better cold. Maybe it's because it's raw sake, too. On the second day I thought it was better on the first day, and on the third day I drank it cold, and it was different from the first day in that it was fruity and delicious.
Second day on the bottle. Feels better than yesterday! It seems to have lost its sharpness and become mellow. When I went to the sake shop, I had a hard time deciding what to buy, so I decided to go with Kaiun, which I bought on New Year's Day and enjoyed, but it was the right choice! Shizuoka has a lot of elegant, easy drinking sake like Isoban. I think they are similar in style.
My favorite Isogan! I received it from a friend and drank it, but it is still delicious! If you ask me which I like better, Junmai Ginjo or Junmai Ginjo, I'd say Junmai Ginjo. I thought this one had more of a honjozo feel to it and would be great as a heated sake, so I heated it up as well. To be honest, I like Murasuke better as a heated sake, but it's good too!
It's really good when it's lukewarm. I only drink cold sake most of the time, but I've had it warmed before and it was delicious, so I bought it again!
This might have been the best COLORS I've ever had! The flavor from the slight fizziness was strong and I felt like it was pretty easy to drink without the mess. The bottle was empty as soon as I thought I opened it!
Opened a bottle after a beer at an online drinking party. I drank the whole thing thinking it was good, but I forgot to post it for a week so I can't remember the taste... As a low ale, I think it had less of a sports drink feel than AIR.
Yamamoto純米吟醸 和韻
The one I forgot to write about. It's a sake made with wine yeast, and Yamamoto must be good! That's why I bought it! I remember it being delicious! I also remember that it had a lot of sourness. I think I liked it better than Strawberry Kiss, which I drank recently. I think I liked it better.
Takachiyoとこなつむすめ Yellowラベル
My wife has been sober for a while, so it's been a while since I've had a sake! I thought it smelled like alcohol, but at first sip, it smelled like alcohol! And fruity! And sweet! Those are my three impressions! It's delicious, and I could go on and on with it, but it's not a sake I'd want to buy and repeat. If you like sweet, you'll like it a lot. I'm going to try it again tomorrow to see how it tastes after opening the bottle.
Day 2. Tastes better than yesterday! It's less horniness and more sweet and sour, just like when I drank Akabu's AIR! I don't know how to describe the aroma, but it's better than yesterday! Is it citrusy? I don't know, I'm still not good at smelling things.
Sharaku純米吟醸 夏吟うすにごり
It's pretty caaaazy. I think it's like sake, but I just want to keep going and going! It's not that I think it's really good until I take a sip. But when you finish it, you'll want more and more. That kind of sake. I like Sharaku very much. I didn't know what it smelled like because I drank it after I was in a certain mood, but my wife said it was banana.
I haven't had it since I drank it at home about 6 months ago because I don't drink outside anymore because of Corona. This time, a friend gave it to me for my birthday and I hadn't had it in a while, but it's still so good! I like it very much! I can drink it forever like Sharaku! I drank it with sea bream shabu at camp, and it was the happiest time.