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Yorokobigaijinオオセト仕込11号,12号 むろか生純米
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The brewery is located near Konpira Palace. I couldn't find the brewery's website, but when I checked the introduction site, it said "Takasugi Shinsaku and Katsura Kogoro drank this sake! ... These are some intriguing stories. You'll want to try other brands as well. Colour: almost colourless with a slight yellowish tinge Scent: Slightly melon-like aroma Taste: sweetness and lemony light acidity at first. Bitterness on the finish. Tingling sensation. [Details] Raw rice : Oocet (100% Kagawa-grown) Rice polishing ratio: 55%. Yeast used : Kumamoto 9 Alcohol content: 17.0-18.0 Sake content : +10 Acidity : 1.5 Amino acidity : 1.2