This is a new sake that my favorite liquor store has recently started to carry. I used to prefer Garakudai when it came to Niigata, but I think I prefer Hishiko.
It is not as sour as Senkyoku, but has just the right amount of acidity and a great umami flavor.
I don't feel 20 degrees, super dry, but I don't like the flavor too much, something stinks 😫I'm still not a fan of the flavor and aroma when I heat it up if it's dry, so that just upped the power.
Nagano sake is originally my favorite, but this one is new to me. I had it with fried shimeji mushrooms as a snack. I really liked this sake, which was full of flavor and slightly sweet to match the mushrooms.
The bottle of the yellow-green one, I dared to drink it in August because August 7 is Tanabata in Hokkaido. It's a bit expensive...well, I guess it's the cost of the bottle.
Good evening, karisome.
I also had the first Gusen a while ago and remember it was well-balanced and delicious ✨.
I really envy you being able to buy it so easily!