諸葛亮米Jin'yu柏市産粒すけNabetanaChiba6/28/2023, 10:14:27 PM29諸葛亮米Niiyu is made from local rice. The unique rice flavor is also well Niiyu.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米KinoenemasamuneMoon haloIinuma HonkeChiba6/28/2023, 10:11:54 PM34諸葛亮米I was able to enjoy a good sake 😆 Fresh & fruity. Fresh & fruity, with good body and sharpness.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Maruhi秋田酒こまちHiraizumihonpoAkita6/12/2023, 9:11:57 AM26諸葛亮米Fresh & fruity😂Such sweet flavor and sharpness❗️The highest peak of Yamahai that can be drunk a lot❗️Japanese>English
諸葛亮米白神山地の四季秋田犬ラベルYaesu MeijoAkita5/28/2023, 8:55:11 AM25諸葛亮米The degree is 15 degrees, so it's a slushy drink. The clarity of the water is immediately apparent that the water is delicious and the good use of Miyamanishiki ❗️ is wonderful.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Mansakunohana杜氏選抜ピンクラベルHinomaru JozoAkita5/24/2023, 10:34:32 AM30諸葛亮米A hint of bitterness. This is a good sake 👍 which exquisitely enhances the ginjo aroma, acidity, and rice umami.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米白神山地の四季特別純米Yaesu MeijoAkita5/24/2023, 10:27:07 AM24諸葛亮米Water tastes good❗️Biyamanishiki tastes good❗️Japanese>English
諸葛亮米KikuhimeKikuhimeIshikawa5/14/2023, 9:43:25 PM26諸葛亮米It's a matured and drinkable sake. It looks good warmed up 😌.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米YukinomatsushimaTaiwagura ShuzoMiyagi5/13/2023, 9:39:45 PM27諸葛亮米Old type for a long time. Sake like sake. Crisp taste.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Urakasumi浦霞 純米純米大吟醸古酒SaraMiyagi5/10/2023, 11:23:07 PM31諸葛亮米Clear, crisp and slightly fruity. At 17 degrees, it's great for the coming months👍.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Raifuku愛山 無濾過生原酒 Raifuku ShuzoIbaraki4/27/2023, 9:02:53 PM30諸葛亮米Recently, the use of Aizan has become cosier. The strongest sake compatible rice 😁.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Taka特別純米Nagayamahonke ShuzojoYamaguchi3/28/2023, 10:51:06 PM35諸葛亮米Cold sake: Clear, but with the sweetness and umami of rice that only special junmai can provide. Warmed. Might be good.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Bukomasamune特別純米Buko ShuzoSaitama3/5/2023, 8:30:14 AM28諸葛亮米Cold. Almost no aroma, but banana or nutty? impression. Nowadays, there are many branches of dry wine. Deliciously dry 👍Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Yamaboshiあらしばり純吟RokkasenYamagata2/27/2023, 12:23:21 AM39諸葛亮米It is a good brewery ❗️ with a sweet and tasty mouthfeel with a sour taste that is a complete change from Bakudai 😁.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米Kinpo Shizenshuしぜんしゅ燗Niida HonkeFukushima2/27/2023, 12:21:29 AM40諸葛亮米The balance of umami and acidity is outstanding among low-polished rice for warming.Japanese>English
諸葛亮米自然酒純米吟醸Niida HonkeFukushima2/17/2023, 6:16:53 AM26諸葛亮米60% junmai ginjo. Steady and delicious. It is addictive!Japanese>English
諸葛亮米自然酒しぼりNiida HonkeFukushima1/27/2023, 1:12:34 PM9諸葛亮米What the heck! You can drink it even if it's not even there! I'm 80% polished, but I'm still fresh as a fiddle! In Akita dialect after a long time 😁.Japanese>English