SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
記録用。家呑み。飽き性。 福島県出身、山形県移住、愛知県在住 福島愛強めでお酒選び 常時冷蔵庫にお酒があふれかえって スペースをあけるのに必死です (酒呑みあるある)

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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Atagonomatsu純米吟醸 はるこい
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After the rain that had been continuing for the past few days, today was a warm, spring-like day, so I served something spring-like that I had been keeping warm (actually, I kept it chilled in the refrigerator, but that is correct 😁). This red yeast pink is so cute 😊. The warmth of spring has arrived at once (I can feel it). Be careful opening the bottle 😅 When I pour it into the glass, I see bubbles! It's still in the second fermentation. Sweet aroma, spring in my mouth 😋! Served with marinated salmon and avocado✨ Come on spring... come on... come on... come on!
Senkinドメーヌ・パーラー ナチュール・シードル
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A day off from drinking? I thought I'd open a bottle for a low alcoholic beverage on a "rest day". It was more sour than I expected... I wonder if I can drink it... Thank you for the cider made by a brewery! I wonder if there is anything good to go with it. I'll have some chicken cutlets with it just in case! Still, it's a bit sour... I wonder if it will mellow after a few days?
Good evening, Mr. Sakemaru 😃. I'm supposed to be on a rest day, but if I'm low on alcohol, I'm thinking of ‼️ 😁we do that a lot 🤣. I think it would go well with chicken cutlet 🤗I've never had it but I wonder if it would change the taste 🤔.
Sawayamatsumoto守破離 山田錦 うすにごり 生酒
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I was about to open the bottle...and just as I was about to take the crown, there was a pop and the bottle was out of sight (lol). It hit the ceiling with such force that it fell to the corner of the room. I looked closely and saw that the label said be careful not to open the bottle 😂 I didn't look. I think I understood the gaseous feeling of sake for the first time...I was a bit naive! I might be nervous to open a bottle with a warning on it next time! Such a happening(?)... But, how does it taste? The bubbles on the skin of the glass and the gasiness that is not lost in the mouth! To be honest, it was different from what I imagined from the label, very easy to drink, and sweet and tasty 😋. I was going to pair it with sushi, but it was too sweet during the meal and I felt like I would be full right away! The oli that collected there at the end was rich and delicious all the way through â
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Since it is Nyan Nyan Day, I was going to choose something of that type, but I really wanted to drink it, so I opened this bottle! I was excited and gulped it down, because it was touted as "adult calpis" by word of mouth and other people. Yes, it is easy to drink! It has a great level of sake in a low alcohol content. It's sweet, it's delicious 😊. I can feel lactic acid bacteria... this taste, somewhere... Oh...! It tastes just like the yogurt I drink every morning! Is this really sake? ←← I served it with a light lasagna 😋. It may also go well with spicy food! I could have had a four-pack 👏 my tummy is in pain 😣. I had it on the rocks as recommended!
Suminoe純米吟醸 Rice is Beautiful SoLiD うすにごり 生
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I wanted to try this one, which is rumored to be dry, and opened the bottle! A pop and a slight gassy feeling. There is a thin pool of cakes underneath, and when you stir it, the glistening cakes of specks are dancing. The aroma is mild, but the first sip is tangy! Oh, this is not sweet. I wonder if it can be dry even if it has oriki. There is a sharpness that only a super dry sake can have. I wanted to try it with Japanese style food, so I paired it with simmered bamboo shoots. Well, of course sake goes well with Japanese food. It brings together the flavors of the soup stock beautifully. After that, we had some kakuteki that we had in the refrigerator. Spicy food also goes well with sake! I don't usually drink spicy food, but it's great during a meal!
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Kawatake Brewery AMAYADORI Shukuu Today we have selected sake and snacks from a sake store in Mie Prefecture! What a surprise! Fresh oysters from Toba, oysters! They are so shiny✨! Now for the sake 😌. It is made in a limited edition of 3,000 bottles per tank 😲 Thank you so much for the sake 🙇. The bottle was chilled to a crisp and opened with a gentle, fresh, sweet pineapple aroma. The transparency is just like the bottle design... When poured, the sake is smooth and soft. The mouthfeel is soft, and it goes into the body easily. Fruity and easy-drinking honjozo! I did not notice any bitterness at all! And of course, it was a perfect match for these fresh oysters 😊. The sake went down so fast that the four-pack was quickly consumed! Thank you very much for the food 😋.
SawanohanaBeau Michelle Snow fantasy
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Pop the bottle open! The sweet aroma spreads. The color is a light cloudy, reminiscent of its name. It is served in a wine glass. What is this? Yum! It's so good! How can you get such a candy-like sweetness with just rice? I'm so impressed✨ Chill it down to a crisp and add ice in the middle. Alone or in a meal, it doesn't matter what the occasion is! Caprese to go with it! The basil flavor is a nice accent when you sip it in between meals ✨. The 500ml bottle is cute and thin, but it will be gone soon 😁. I wonder if I will see you again next winter.
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▶Aizu Miyazumi Junmai-shu Hatsushibori [a few days after opening]. When you open the bottle, it pops a little. It has the strongest umami of the three. The sweetness increases as it gets to room temperature. This goes well with cheese! ▶Aizu Miyazumi Ginjo-shu Mild aroma. It goes in like water. After drinking, a little acidity can be detected. The final sharpness is clear as it passes down the throat. Might go well with spicy food such as Chinese food. Aizu Miyazumi Junmai Ginjo Miyamanishiki Nama Sweet aroma. Slight bubbles on the skin of the glass. Mild, with no bitterness or astringency characteristic of Miyazumi. Miyamanishiki is delicious with a refined sweetness! I think it goes well with root vegetables such as burdock root.
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Opened Aroma is a little mild? Taste from 0°C Cool, sweet and delicious ✨and lingering on the nose According to the brewery, "We bottle the wine when it has been exposed to air and the flavor has opened up, so it is ready to drink right after opening the bottle. That's exactly what it is. It has great instantaneous power! On the palate, the aroma is melon-like fruitiness. There is a refreshing minerality. Today's entrée is mentaiko mayo kamaboko and yocchan ika! The instrument-san cleanly drained away the vinegar punch of the squid! Did you know that there are two kinds of Yocchan-ika, one thick and one thin? If you eat the thicker one first and then put it in your mouth, you'll get a lot of the vinegared punch that spreads around in your mouth! If you eat the thinner one, the final sharpness of the instrument? The acidity of the sake is coated with the acidity of the vinegar, and it quickly fades away. The fish cake is filled with sea bream, so when you put the sake in your mouth, the flavor expands even more! Personally, I like to fill the sake to about 1cm from the bottom of the cup and drink it while sipping it in my mouth.
宮泉純米酒 初しぼり生
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Opened bottle: sweet rice aroma and young freshness (greenness in a good way?). Fruity, but the bitterness is also quite strong. Not much acidity, but a refreshing impression. A little dry? Is it dry? It is the type that you want to drink little by little while rolling it around in your mouth. We had scallop sashimi, kirikonbu and thick fried tofu with our entrée. Repeatedly drinking and eating, drinking and eating, and before we knew it, the sake was going down the drain! I would like to compare it with various Miyazumi's.
Snow dropプレミアム生
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It was so thick that there was no need to stir the contents! When I poured it, it spread out and filled the glass! No, it's already whipped cream! It is that milky and milky! I had it at breakfast!
Morishima純米吟醸 美山錦 無濾過生原酒
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Morishima Junmai Ginjo Miyamanishiki Unfiltered Nama-shu Slightly acidic aroma, freshness of the unpasteurized version Transparent color with a slight yellow tinge Mild sweetness with no curd in the mouth. Junmai Ginjo rice flavor fills the nose. The taste is juicy and fruity, but the end is sharp, with a slight bitterness. I wonder if this bitterness is the result of the rice polishing ratio. It seems to go well with food. Today's specialties are salted scallops and stir-fried spinach and bacon with butter! The sweetness of this sake goes surprisingly well with the butteriness! What a surprise, it also went well with the rice with hashed meat that we had for the rice barbecue! Miyamanishiki, new to me but delicious! You've created enough of a stir, Mr. Morishima Sake Brewery! It was served chilled to 0 degrees Celsius, even more chilled than the snow chill!
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Shin Takachiyo V-TYPE [SOU] INNOCENT The bottle was opened with a "pshhhh" sound. It's called "Ori-gara-mi" but there doesn't seem to be a lot of Ori. Since it's an omission (?) I'm going to drink from the supernatant! The first savoriness is amazing! I think Takaichiyo has a strong, robust umami. I don't know if I would call it that. I couldn't find the lemoniness that people say on the internet! If you capori the yuzu daikon and put it in your mouth right afterwards, it will refresh you and make you take another bite, and then another! The second cup was muddled with Ori! Ah! Is it more refreshing with Ori muddled in? What a surprise! There is a slight effervescence on the skin of the glass. The taste is even clearer than before mixing! When you put mentaiko in your mouth after mixing, the mentaiko flavor that comes out of your nose matches with the mentaiko flavor... bliss! The bitter taste of the daikon radish was well blended with the other flavors. It blends well with the bitter taste of daikon radish and turns it into a delicious taste. Finally, we finished with chanponabe! Umu-umu, I'm going to get drunk!
Kid純米吟醸 しぼりたて
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A bottle that has been in my fridge since the year before last. Sweet and soft on the palate, with a pleasant aroma on the nose. Reminiscent of muscat. It is an evening drink on February 3! Since it was Setsubun, ehoumaki was served! The tuna was so big that it was worth eating! But I think we eat ehoumaki with a slice of seaweed! It's just an ordinary nori-maki! With a side of octopus and wasabi on the side! It didn't go well with the first beer (the fishy smell of the octopus stood out), but it was perfect with sake! Both were delicious! Still, the freshness of the freshly squeezed sake was gone... that's right... it's from 2022... I should have drunk it up right away because it's a fresh sake... regrettable.
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Junmai Daiginjo Nama Sake Aroma: Aroma that penetrates the nose The color is almost transparent. The gorgeousness of Junmai Daiginjo is wonderful! Fruity and finishes with a touch of sweetness. The lingering sweetness is also good Bincho tuna and avocado with wasabi and soy sauce! The wasabi gives a tangy taste to the nose and is refreshing! I thought fish was good, but it was not enough for Junmai Daiginjo, so I grilled some meat! It's cheap pork, but if you cook it well and mix it with the sauce, it's delicious! There is no doubt about it!
Afuri水酛仕込 愛山
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Aizan, mizu-hashiroshi brewing Sweet and elegant aroma. When poured into a glass, it has a clear and transparent color...beautiful. The moment you put it in your mouth, you will be amazed! Uma! The umami is pouring down like rain! And yet, it is not cloying, so you can easily drink it. There is no peculiar taste of sake when you drink it. The sake goes down smoothly on its own. Today we had beef jerky to go with it! The flavor of the dried meat is combined with the flavor of the sake, creating a great synergistic effect! When the umami impression has settled down, you will notice just the right acidity level! Sweetness, acidity, and umami all blend together in harmony, and in a good way, you don't feel the alcohol! Is this what mizumoto is all about... (Beginner's impression)
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Hope! No gasiness. Color is slightly cloudy, with a hint of ooze underneath. Smell the aroma and then take it straight into your mouth. Easy to drink. Nice aroma of sweet rice. Slightly sweet with a bitter taste. Not too sweet. As you continue drinking, the bitterness becomes less noticeable. It is like wine, but less liquor-like than wine. Aftertaste is like water in a good sense. It is easy to drink. This is 14 degrees Celsius? I don't feel the alcohol content at all. I finished two bottles in one second! It's well-balanced! Sentori, like Yukidaruma, is pleasantly intoxicating! It goes well with salty cured ham! It was served cold with snow!
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Shin Takachiyo O-type [Zero] Ray Slightly effervescent with bubbles on the skin of the glass Strong taste. Rich flavor. Sweet and curdled Sourness and bitterness Low alcohol content makes it easy to drink The concept of Shin Takatsukichiyo is "daytime drinking", but with this, you can enjoy a leisurely daytime drink in the afternoon. I thought it would be better to drink it cool, not too cold. The aroma in the mouth is mellow and orangey. Grilled red fish with sake lees as a side dish...delicious! I thought it wouldn't go well with the sweetness of the fish, but the fish was too salty, so it was good in the mouth. I felt a strong sense of sake.
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Rice and agave Rice and hops Kraft saké made by fermenting hops, rice and rice malt The color of the saké appears light purple! I wonder if this means that the hop ingredients are oxidized. I bought it the year before last and it was sleeping in the fridge. When I finally opened the bottle and drank it, the acidity that should be there seems to have mellowed a little! It has a lychee taste! There is a bit of bitterness, too. I don't think I could enjoy it as much as I would have liked.