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Kid純米吟醸 しぼりたて
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A bottle that has been in my fridge since the year before last. Sweet and soft on the palate, with a pleasant aroma on the nose. Reminiscent of muscat. It is an evening drink on February 3! Since it was Setsubun, ehoumaki was served! The tuna was so big that it was worth eating! But I think we eat ehoumaki with a slice of seaweed! It's just an ordinary nori-maki! With a side of octopus and wasabi on the side! It didn't go well with the first beer (the fishy smell of the octopus stood out), but it was perfect with sake! Both were delicious! Still, the freshness of the freshly squeezed sake was gone... that's right... it's from 2022... I should have drunk it up right away because it's a fresh sake... regrettable.