SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Kawatake Brewery AMAYADORI Shukuu Today we have selected sake and snacks from a sake store in Mie Prefecture! What a surprise! Fresh oysters from Toba, oysters! They are so shiny✨! Now for the sake 😌. It is made in a limited edition of 3,000 bottles per tank 😲 Thank you so much for the sake 🙇. The bottle was chilled to a crisp and opened with a gentle, fresh, sweet pineapple aroma. The transparency is just like the bottle design... When poured, the sake is smooth and soft. The mouthfeel is soft, and it goes into the body easily. Fruity and easy-drinking honjozo! I did not notice any bitterness at all! And of course, it was a perfect match for these fresh oysters 😊. The sake went down so fast that the four-pack was quickly consumed! Thank you very much for the food 😋.